A Day at the Stock Show!
Posted in Me Me Me on January 14th, 2010 by corpoIndia was required to go to the Stock Show this year for her 4H Llama club. Liz and I brought her with her Friends Leanne (left) and Ray (middle) and it was a hoot!
Liz and I checked out the stockshow while the girls did their chores. First stop, the Cowboy Bar. But first, gotta sanitize those hands! Ha, didn’t seem very Cowboyish to me.
Liz was in love with the cowboy in the background.
Oh just having a beer with the cows, nothing special.
Don’t remember the last time I stood on peanut shells AND a manhole at a bar.
This was next to the ducks/chickens/roosters/crazy birds and they meant it.
Liz was mesmerized by this pig’s tail.