3 shows in a week. High On Fire, White Rabbits and Straighten The Crooked
Posted in Concert Reviews on April 28th, 2010 by corpoMy groin injury was preventing me from skating so what better time to go to some concerts and enjoy a few cold ones? The first show was High On Fire on 4/20. Yeap. On the hill in Boulder on 4/20. Zach thought the metal music would keep the hippies away. Nope.We may have missed the opening band, but the band that was on was bad enough we went to drink tall cans in the alley. Dave, Zach, Jason and PJ.
Everyone went to this show. Jason and Gordon. I didn’t listen to much of Priestess. What I heard reminded me of why I didn’t make an effort to hear them.
High On Fire. I’m not going to claim I was much of a fan before this show. I thought after how much I enjoyed Tauntaun it would be worth it to see another metal band. To say I was let down is an understatement. I tried to enjoy them and I think during the encore I finally saw what people like about this band, but it wasn’t what I like in metal. Not enough chords. Not enough sludge/grunge. A boring ass drummer. Seriously, how can you have a boring drummer in a metal band? Not enough big powerful riffs, etc. Oh well, my friends that like them said the show was good so there you go.
The next night Liz and I went back to the Fox to see White Rabbits. We arrived early enough to see the opening act Here We Go Magic. They were decent. At times great. They have the potential to be a really good indie rock band, but it’s not there yet. Good opener though.
White Rabbits came on and established immediately that they were gonna put on a fantastic show. It’s funny how the drumming in a pop/indie rock band like White Rabbits could blow away the drumming from metal heads High On Fire. It completely did though. At times there would be 3 Rabbits beating the hell out of the drums. It was amazing. I’ve only mentioned the drums, but everything was on point. The singing was perfection as well.
During the encore most of Here We go Magic joined the Rabbits on stage. Everyone was having a blast and the music was still kicking. Yes, that is Beaver from Leave It To Beaver on the guitar.
Look at all the dudes beating up the drums! Show of the year so far! Not only was the show so great, but it quickly established White Rabbits as a new favorite and a band I will never pass on seeing live again.
A few nights later Liz, Carleigh, John and I went to see my friend Zach’s first ever show with his new band Straighten The Crooked. I had heard some mp3s beforehand so I knew the show would be decent, but it ended up surpassing all expectations quickly. The music is kinda like Kyuss or something. Grungy metal or whatever you call it. I was impressed with the bass and how it didn’t just play along with the guitar. The whole show was more creative and impressive then I thought it would be and I went in with somewhat high expectation. And yes I thought they were way better than High On Fire. Kudos Zach!
Liz and Carleigh thinking about the two hot dudes moshing by themselves and running into Zach’s parents. Or maybe they were thinking about throwing their drinks at the barricade in front of the drums.
Proof that Liz actually thought I was funny that night. Unheard of.