Off The Couch skate video
This is the Trick Factory video Off The Couch. An “Over 30” skateboard video. Here’s the clips, but if you like it be a sweetheart and buy a copy. You’ll get to see the intro and almost an hour of bonus footage as well.Unfortunately youtube flagged the audio on this one. Neil skates to Van Halen – DOA and it’s a perfect fit. Can’t you see Neil grabbing his balls like David Lee Roth?Rob Helmstetter aka the artsy guyJeremiah Brooks got hurt awhile ago, but his C footage is still the best.Part Timers aka Friends/FamilyLloyd Albright is “the coolest dude ever”Lazer Rubenstein might like metal.Jason Heidecker tilts his manuals.Baltimorons. Aka Carleigh, Gordo, Gabe and Joey from Baltimore with a cameo by Slap’s Mark Whiteley who has nothing to do with Balitmore.Me. Aka the guy that likes to run into stuff and skate slow.Brian Ball. Slams, blunts.Fuzz saw a goose shit.Enders goes to the group part of course. Doubles skating while holding hands is the new 10 stair. Please support independent (old) skateboarding and buy the dvd.