skate journal: mellow bank fun and struggles with dave (may 16, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on May 18th, 2020 by corpo

After such a busy week of work I lounged in the morning. Add in a stye in my eye forcing me to wear contacts and I was pretty unmotivated. I had just about left to do a solo campus in the afternoon when Dave hit me up and we agreed on the mellow gunbarrel bank. We arrived at the same time, for some reason I was on my 8.75 setup. The board didn’t feel that huge, but the 54mm classic fulls felt huge. Pretty quickly we piled up the crate and tire for the added fun. Nothing came easy for me and I had a pretty bad slam right away trying to wallie over a little tire wedge. I had done a kickflip to fakie, front tail, front pivot on before trying kick back axle for like 30 minutes. It was so frustrating. In that time Dave did like 20 tricks like pivot shove fakie, both shove nose bashes, back tail on the tire and many more. I ended up giving up on the kickflip axle, did a no comply to tail, front smith and then took way too long to do front tail revert. Part of the issue was really old grip tape. Dave did a switch pivot! The insanity. Then pop shove noseslide, manual in, quick footed tire ride. He was ripping. I did the basic kickflips and added a f/s quarter cab flip on my last try before Dave had to leave. He ended on fakie flip. BOLTS! Can’t believe we skated there for so long, but that’s part of why I really enjoy skating with Dave. We just skate and feed off each other trying new things. It’s fun.

After that I went to a nearby ledge spot that looked pretty fun. I was beat, and frustrated to take like 20 tries to do a front 50. Then I went home.

(setup 8.75 null perception deck, venture 6.1 trucks, 54mm classic full 99a F4 lance green wheels, new balance numeric 255 b/w size 12, thin adidas rubbery insoles)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: early flatground then some campus (april 26, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on April 26th, 2020 by corpo

On a warm morning I went behind the school to the nice flatground and after a brief warmup went into a list of 15 tricks. I didn’t want to film it. I had made a subtle setup change. I put 5.6 v-hollows on instead and taken off the 5.8s. Other then some intense wheelbite at first it felt like a good move.
Kickflip – took a few tries to get one I was happy with
Fakie flip – got it pretty quick
Halfcab flip – this one took like 20 tries, I was so mad.
Fakie bigflip – since I struggled on halfcab flips it makes sense that this would be first and third try.
Backside flip – got a couple that were not clean
Frontside flip – struggled with it, but got a defensive one
Treflip – my standard for this trick is bad lately, this was no exception
Heelflip – got a couple
Fs halfcab heel – much to my surprise I got this one in around 10 tries. It’s the first time in awhile I’ve landed one of my more rare tricks.
Varial heel – not as close as I hoped, but commited.
Nollie flip – committed to a few, but never got both feet on.
Janoski flip – maybe slightly closer than nollie flip
Switch flip – not too close, but committed
Switch heel – same as above
Heelflip sex change – pretty close, but no commits.

After chilling for awhile I went to campus. I wanted to compare the smaller trucks to how I skated the day before so I went to the flagstone ledge again. I got similar tricks backside. Boardslide, noseslide, noseslide to fakie, crooks and I got a really bad halfcab noseslide which I didn’t get the day before. I was trying a few flippers, but it was hard because the tunnel area that’s good for it was like a wind tunnel. I got kickflip, halfcab flip, heelflip, fakie flip. Close to fakie varial flip and treflip. I took a few more tries to get ollie onto the ledge, less tries to get a front 50 which felt better than the accidental front 5-0. But I couldn’t do it again. Struggled with switch noseslides. Had a fun front board pop out. I was planning on moving further into campus, but it was pretty stormy. I ended up nearby in a brick area with a few smaller chunks of flagstone. I tried to ollie onto one. Technically I did, but I did the intentional back truck hang up to slow me down. Still, it was a tall ledge that was only a couple feet long so it was scary to me. I never got a clean ollie onto it. Then I wanted to skate a nearby 2 stair, but the wind kicked in fierce. I had done front 180 up and down. A few ollies up and wanting to kickflip down after, but the wind was just too much. I went home mostly happy about skateboarding.

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.6 v-hollows, doh dohs 88a boardside bushing no washer minilogo 94a roadside with flat washer, 53mm purple swirl blank wheels, new balance numeric 288s b/w size 11.5, no insoles)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: lazy slappies and some jack! (april 20, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on April 20th, 2020 by corpo

I work late this week so cruised across the street for some slappies at lunch. Todays setup change was to put 5.8 hangers on and venom 92a bushings. Immediately the bushings were too soft and I was getting wheelbite like crazy. Argh. Even when coming out of slappies. I didn’t really do much of anything and kept it pretty mellow. Got a front shove from the curb cut to the parking lot and a b/s flip out of the curb cut. Jack came and met up and skated for a bit too. He had a front slappy even though he says he sucks at slappies. He was ripping the flat ground. Heelflips, fakie tre, varial heel, halfcab flip, backside flip and almost got rick flip from curb cut to parking lot. Man it was good to see Jack again.

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.8 titanium, vemon 92a bushings with flat top washer, 53mm purple swirl orb wheels classic shape, 3 speed washers on the outside of each axle, new balance numeric 288s jack curtain size 11.5, no insoles, incrediwear knee sleeve)
(pain level 5/10 some good sharp knee pain)

skate journal: flatground 15 then rocky mountain with the daves and garsons (april 19, 2020)

Posted in New Wheels, setup change, Skate Journal on April 20th, 2020 by corpo

On a nice morning I had gone for long walk then decided to skate flat. It was still pretty early, around 10am. I was armed with a list of 15 tricks. I wasn’t limiting myself to a certain amount of tries, but if I wasn’t close at all I would stop around 10 tries. I had warmed up with a few kickflips and was skating the 8.25.
Halfcab flip – came quick and felt good
Backside flip – took close to 10 tries
Fakie bigflip – around 12 tries
Heelflip – came quick
Halfcab heel – didn’t get it, but it was close and I committed.
Front heel – not close. Feels doable, but never committed
Treflip – got a really bad one 20th try.
Nollie varial flip – can’t land this to save my life anymore
Switch flip – not very close
Switch heel – they flipped really well, but never committed
Varial heel – committed, got close, but never landed on the grip
Switch tre – not even remotely close
Frontside flip – got a decent one for me, but it was really slow
Nollie bigflip – not as close as I hoped
Heelflip body varial – the last trick was originally rick flip, but I swapped it for this one to try and get Dave a trick. I was close before I turned on the camera, and not that close once it was on. Doh.

After lunch I went to Rocky Mountain to meet the Daves. Max and Will would come about 30 minutes after us. The parking lot was almost completely wet from the melting snow. The drains from the roof sounded like rivers. The sidewalk was mostly dry except the ledge area which now had a pretty water gap added to it. It would let up later on and sound more like a babbling brook. Max laughed at that and said I should crook over the babbling brook. Ha. I did a little line of kickflip up the curb then noseslide to fakie over the water gap. Dave L was doing some good manuals. He had a nose manual that bonked off a grate then back to nose manual. Dave F had the sickest boardslides to fakie over the water gap and skates the banks like they are doable. Max and Will are on another level. They were doing really hard tricks immediately. Max had b/s flip over a median on the bank, ollied the bank flat gap, slammed super hard on front heel over a median, did a lot of manuals/nose manual spins on the median that shouldn’t be possible, back tails over the water gap so much more. Will was a little more low key, but was killing it too. Front 3 over a median, back tail the water gap. I’m forgetting other tricks right now, which is a shame. I managed to cleanly ollie onto the narrow ledge by the entrance. It hyped me up. I failed at crooks over the water gap. I blame my new wheels, narrow trucks and lack of skill. Dave had a nice front 50 over it as we were leaving. I wish my legs didn’t lock up at the end so I could have tried too.

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.6 v-hollow trucks, stock bushings with flat top washer, 53mm purple swirl orb wheels classic shape, new balance numeric 288s jack curtain size 11.5, no insoles, incrediwear knee sleeve)
(pain level 5/10 – it was fine playing skate early, but gradually more sore at the school)

skate journal: weird little dry ledge in research area sucking (april 18, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on April 20th, 2020 by corpo

After 35+ inches of  spring snow throughout the week I went out on a Saturday afternoon in search of something dry.  I found the front of one of the newer research areas.  There is a ledge/manny pad/4 stair and a taller ledge with limited runway.  There was some snow melting and falling from the roof which ended up becoming so much that it prevented lines between the ledges.  Initially at least it was fine though.  I did a couple warm up lines.  Slappy noseslide to fakie the low ledge, switch 180, noseslide the tall ledge.  Ollie off the tall ledge, no comply 180, switch nosesslide.  Switch front nose the little one, turn around, crook the tall one.  Front 180 off the tall one, halfcab flip on flat, front 50 the lower one.  Oh yeah, I was on mixing boards again.  8.25 with 5.6 trucks and 8.38 with 5.6 trucks.  This happened because of how hard flip tricks were yesterday.  Neither felt great.  I came close to a slow front disaster on the 8.3, couldn’t do it on the 8.25.  Got close to back 50s on the 8.3, but not the 8.25.  The approach backside was terrible, uphill with lots of cracks.  I did a few of the worst front tail jibs ever.  A bunch more snow came and kinda prevented the line aspect.  I got pretty down and depressed about my skating.  Even with the smaller trucks the 8.38 felt hard to flip other than straight kickflips. At one point I did a halfcab flip on the 8.3 and then on the 8.25. The 8.3 worked, but the 8.25 felt good. So I kind stuck to it after awhile, the 8.3 just felt kinda large and unnecessary. Then I tried nollie varial flip for awhile and got more depressed. Although capturing the snow falling right behind me was pretty cool.

(setup mixture of 8.25 & 8.38 setups with 5.6 trucks on both)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: 2/4 on varial flips in the garage (april 13, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on April 14th, 2020 by corpo

Went out to the garage with the goal of all four varial flips. I had my quiver ready to go. 8.25, 8.5 and 8.75. I started with the 8.75, but after failing at some fakie flips I moved down to 8.5 and stayed there most of the session. Varial flip and fakie varial flip happened somewhat quickly. The nollie version started flipping right away, but I would never actually land it. It was so frustrating. I tried for about 45 minutes and just could not do it. I tried the 8.25 but got no closer. I partially blame the bushings for being too tight. My bones had broken so I went with stock Ventures and they felt too tight. I never got too upset and left peacefully when the Swervedriver Raise cassette ended.

(setup 8.5 null collage deck, venture 5.8 trucks cast baseplate with titanium hanger, stock bushings, 52mm bones easy street v5 wheels, new balance numeric 288s black jack curtain size 11.5, no insoles, incrediwear knee sleeve)
(pain level 3/10 but I didn’t have much pop)

skate journal: wilville fun with jake then a few slappies (april 10, 2020)

Posted in New Shoes, setup change, Skate Journal on April 11th, 2020 by corpo

Had the day off work, did some things then Jake and I rolled to Wilville on a really nice day. We started at the round curb thing. Oh yeah, I had a new setup. 8.25 board and trucks, smaller wheels. It felt good. Oh yeah, and new shoes! 288S. My fav shoe as of late. We both had front and back 50s. Jake was quick to huck some front noseblunts. Out of nowhere I had a really fun line. Front tail stall, kickflip on flat, ollie the 3 stair, noseslide the flagstone bench. Hyped me up. Jake and I also both did a bunch of front smith stalls. I got one in a line with no comply shove, shove the micro bump, but bailed front 180 on the 3 stair. Lame. I got a first try nollie back tail and came kinda close to kick back tail. Jake was sliding back blunts. He was trying a couple lines too. Uphill way – front smith, kickflip, nollie the 3. Never got the nollie. Then ollie or front 180 up the 3, some 180s then back blunt which he never really got either. I didn’t get up to the 3, but to my surprise I did commit and get very close. Which is kind of surprising because I was on a smaller board with smaller wheels.

Next we went to the rock area. There were a couple rippers there ollieing up the two sets of 3 stairs. Pretty sick. I got a fun line of dropin the tall rock, rock ride to fakie, switch ollie the two stair. Sounds like nothing, but the switch ollie was really fun. Then we both did lines to get down the 3s. Jake did a beanplant rock ride, ollie, olllie. I did drop in, really bad boneless rock ride thing, ollie, front 180. It was really fun. I hadn’t ollied those sets yet. Cracks make the first one kinda weird.

Then we went and played a couple games of SKATE near the food court. Jake got to SKAT quickly on a couple double or nothings. I think one was fakie flip. I won it on halfcab flip. The next game was no repeats. My knees had started hurting so it kinda messed with me. I didn’t really land anymore flippers except varial flip which Jake missed double or nothing then went on to get it in about 5 more tries. I got a letter on fs flip, Creepy spin a couple more and lost on fakie 3 shove. Twas fun. I did one nose manual at the end into the bank and we headed out.

As I walked to the house I noticed a bunch of people skating the curbs. Turns out it was Raul, Saul, Dave L (although I just missed him), Eric, Sawyer and Ethan. So I had to go say hi to a rad crew like that. I went with the 8.25 originally, did one slappy crooks then realized I wanted my big board to be lazy and slappy with. Eric did a long manual, some heelflips, a really good back slappy. Sawyer had some insane slams mixed with really good slappies. Ethan had good slappies too. Saul left right when I got there. Raul did some filming and some back 180 50s. I actually ended up not liking the big setup for slappies too much. Oh well. I had done a few of the norms, slappy front crook was the most fun.

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.6 cast baseplate with hollow hanger, 1/16″ riser, 52mm bones easy street stf v5, 3 speed washers on the inside of the each axle, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, new balance numeric 288S jack curtain size 11.5, no insoles at all)
(pain level 5/10 knees were borderline in too much pain at times)

skate journal: steelyards garage, weird bank to bar and saulside (feb 23, 2020)

Posted in Favorite, setup change, Skate Journal on February 25th, 2020 by corpo

On a cold and snowy day I met Dave at the dungeon known as the Steelyards garage. He was already warming up with noseslides and waxing up the other part for board slides. I had changed my setup. Again, yup. This time up to 8.3 with 5.8 trucks. It felt great and would feel great the whole time. The whole setup change thing gets out of control I know. But I think the smaller board with biggish wheels was the nail in the coffin that I dislike any setup with large wheels. Anyway, I got into 50s pretty quick and was reminded how fun that little curb is. Lines were fun, we both got going pretty good I think. I was hyped on trying Kevin’s trick (fakie back nosegrind), but man when I saw what it looked like I was bummed. Ha. I should have tried more f/s halfcabs off because the one was first try. Dave had a cool back 50 nollie shove, kickflips, front 50, front 5-0, back 5-0, His switch ollies over the trash can lid were so good. I started having fun with fastish ollies over the trash can lid to back 50 shove on the curb. Got one and it was really fun. I had tried a back nosegrind at one point and it really seemed to help me do back 50s better. Or maybe it’s the wall helping since I can’t seem to back 50 without one. We both tried switch crooks for awhile. We both got backside ones. Then switch frontside was fun. Dave had never tried them, but was getting up on them really well. I wasn’t as posted up, but did get a few to grind.

Then things had dried up and we went to this really hard bank to bar spot. Dave did the fakie tail every try. The nose stall to fakie didn’t come as easy, but he got a few. I tried some crook jibs. I never really got it. I posed some front smiths, but never got in.

Then I went to Saul’s for what turned into a quickie. I was so sore when I started, but watching Saul do the quick carve grinds so good brought the hype. I had a couple fun runs with carve grinds, a rock ‘n roll, axle stalls and a little front slash in the shallow. Then Saul had to go. Super fun day.

(setup 8.38 null collage deck, venture 5.8 cast baseplate with titanium hanger, 51mm bones stf v1 with all speed washers on the outside of the axle, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, new balance numeric 306 foy white/gum size 12, nike sb zoom air insoles)
(pain level 3/10 least in awhile!)

skate journal: indian peaks watching others rip (feb 15, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on February 18th, 2020 by corpo

On a decent day Kevin and I rolled to Longmont to Indian Peaks on rumors it was mostly dry. And it was. We shoveled the hip part of it, but the main bank was mostly all anyone skated. I knew on my first push that my knees were totally done. I tried to power through it, but each push made my left (front) knee worse. Dave F, Kevin and I had been trying pop shoves to fakie. Dave did his right away. Kevin was struggling and Dave and I couldn’t believe it. I got one before Kevin and he was like “see I suck”. Ha. That might be the first time I’ve ever beat Kevin to a trick. The shove did feel good, but after that I tried a few kickflips then sat out the rest of the session after a boneless. Saul and Eric showed up. So rad. Street Saul had some nice bertleman slides, the handplant wallride thing was epic. I think he was 3/3. Eric went in on heelflips pretty quick although I’m not sure he got one, got back wallride, then got robbed on frontside wallride. Dave L showed up too. Man what a crew, I was so bummed to be hurting so badly. Dave F rattled off different shoves, the invert varial thing, back 360s, wallrides. Dude was shredding and looked so good. Kevin made most flip tricks look easy and did a really good wallride. Then got stuck on nollie tre for a long time, but man the one he got was so casual. Dave L managed to warm up quick and get some styley shoves and kickflips then close to inward heel. Then he did some quick feet action with kickflip and shove on the same wall!

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.6 cast baseplate/v-hollow hanger, 52mm bones v5 99a stf, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, new balance numeric 288 sport b/w size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 9/10 – knees are toast. it’s the cupsole dilemna. they feel good for awhile then all of a sudden the pain is intolerable)

skate journal: windy garage flat 10×10 then brief douglass on 8″ (feb 1, 2020)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on February 2nd, 2020 by corpo

60 degrees in Feb! Oh, but of course the wind was howling. I have been super focused on flatground lately and decided to go into the garage with a 10×10 list and do some hucking. My list and results were:
Fakie flip – got it easy
Heelflip – got a bad one around 8th try
Bs flip – barely landed this one
Fs flip – total stretch to say I defensively landed this one
Sw flip – man I was close
Nollie front heel – not close at all
Halfcab heel – somewhat close
Treflip – landed on it, but not close which bummed me out
Switch varial flip – committed, but never got both feet on it
Switch front feel – not even remotely close
After the list I decided I needed to land a treflip. It took about 50 tries to get a super bad one and I was very bummed about that. My temper was raging.

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.6 v-hollow trucks, 52mm easy street v5 bones wheels, 3 washers outside each axle, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, adidas city cup shoes size 12 burgundy, stock insoles)
(pain level 4/10)

Later in the afternoon I woke up from a long nap and the wind had died down. I quickly rushed to Douglass for the remaining minutes of daylight and I brought my 8″ setup with me (now with high trucks). It felt good initially. I was hucking flip tricks like crazy although not landing much of anything. I was having a good time for awhile. Hucked a ton of tricks, but then the soreness really kicked in. Ugh. I tried to skate a little more, but ended up giving up and getting home in time for date night.

(setup 8 null dream machine deck deck, venture 5.2 v-hollow hanger and cast baseplate, old 53mm bones pj v1 wheels, bones medium bushings, mob grip, adidas city cup shoes size 12 burgundy, stock insoles)
(pain level 7/10)