After a cold Martin Acres pancake breakfast I went to the hill and watched the 303 King of the Hill contest for a while. The rain kept messing with it so Sean, Collin and I went to the library spot. We were not alone in this decision as it was very crowded. I had put Ace highs on. Felt okay. I didn’t skate well at all, but did manage some slow flippers in between people that made me happy including a treflip that was barely a make. Sean and Collin were shredding.
We went filming and met up with others. Got the boot from a church. Ended up at Casey where Sean and Collin easily ollied up the ledge and Garrett put down a rad tailslide bigspin. Collin and I messed with a cool wallie nollie in the back. He actually did it, but didn’t take the drop.
Next we went to the ride on grind that was nearby where I made a fool of myself. Garrett, Sean, Collin so easily did the ride on grind. I was trying to line out a kickflip up the curb then grind it, but was really struggling with the kickflip. I was kind of in the zone for a while, but then a couple cars of teenagers showed up. They were fine and all, but watching them progress right in front of me bummed me out. I got close again as it was getting dark, but ultimately didn’t really care so gave up. Garrett had gotten his banger anyway. Thanks for filming Jack!
(setup null 8.3 vhs deck, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 55, 52mm bones stf v1 103a, 440 white/red size 12 half insole)
(pain level 3/10)