skate journal: couple slappies (nov 22, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on November 23rd, 2023 by corpo

On a gorgeous day I couldn’t resist a couple afternoon slappies. Knee felt okay when doing so and I definitely had to fight off the itch to try real tricks. The front slappy took me a while. I also felt more off than ever on my board. Maybe because i changed trucks again, maybe because my lack of time on the board is adding up. Anyway, it was fun and Thunders have a great pinch. But still a terrible turn.

(setup 8.5 null sample 14.25, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow lite 149s with Royal bushings, bones 53mm v1 103a stf pj, new balance numeric 868 grey/blue size 12 currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 1/10)

skate journal: pump track and some slappy crooks (nov 18, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on November 20th, 2023 by corpo

Around 11 I went to the Valmont pump track. Literally, the pump track, not the Valmont skatepark ‘pump track’. I did a few laps. Enjoyed the fast part of the track, but hated how slow and rough most of the track is now. I saw Paul bike by and he convinced me to go to the strider pump track (aka the Evergreen built ‘skatepark’ that attracts kids on bikes). We didn’t last long because the kids were out of control. I went to say hi to Bratcher at the ledges and some other old dudes. Ended up having some fun slappy crooks and some fun rides over the A-frame but couldn’t quite do the chinese nollie. It did feel good to get out on my board and I managed to not jump at all and I think I avoided doing any additional damage to my knee.

(setup 8.5 null sample 14.25, jessup ultragrip, royal ultralite 149s, spitfire f4 99a 52mm classics, new balance numeric 868 grey/blue size 12 currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 2/10 I mean it didn’t hurt because I didn’t do anything)

skate journal: sunday broomfield with rob, garrett, jack (oct 15, 2023)

Posted in New Deck, setup change, Skate Journal on October 17th, 2023 by corpo

Went to Broomfield on a Sunday around noon after a morning filled with chores. It was quite warm and sunny. Rob and I would get there way before Garrett and way way there before Jack. The scene was a weird mixture of people and mostly annoying. But we skated. Oh yeah David was there, he is rad and was ripping doing switch back 180 nosegrind. I saw Rob manual around, shove lipslide, crooks, steezy front noseslides, halfcab noseslides, front tails the bank to curb. I had a new board that I was super excited about. 8.5 with shorter than normal wheelbase for Null – 14.25. It felt good. I would skate okay. I would get like 5 noseslide 270 shoves, 2 of which were pretty good, the others were garbage. Still felt cool. Couldn’t get a fakie bigflip out of the bank, got pretty sore and didn’t ollie much. Had a fun switch noseslide line of backside on the black ledge then frontside on the bump to ledge. Garrett had some great back tails into the bank, treflips into the bank, back 180 nosegrinds, switch crooks, struggled with nollie heels. Jack showed as I was pretty beat and did his wallie noseslide after some funny brick qp bails then broke his board on the hurricane.

(setup 6/10 null sample 8.5/14.25, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 v-cast/ti royal bushings no big washer flat top washer, spitfire f4 52mm classic shape, es swift 1.5 black/blue/white size 12)
(pain level 6/10)

skate journal: fun little friday school session (oct 13, 2023)

Posted in New Shoes, setup change, Skate Journal on October 15th, 2023 by corpo

Actually went to the doctor for the knee pain I have in my left knee. The good news is the swelling doesn’t seem to be caused by an injury. The bad news it’s probably an arthritis flare up which is kind of annoying since I’m already gluten free, mostly dairy free and almost never drink anymore. Oh well, at least skating shouldn’t make my arthritis worse. So yeah I went across the street shortly before sunset with no real plans. Had a fun warm up line of backside nollie on the little bank, slappy crook, nollie back 180. Then kind of went in on a long line of front 180 a manhole, switch f/s ollie the bank, switch front 180, slappy crook which was really fun and I think I may have done a b/s flip after. I posed some treflips over the manhole which seemed more doable than ever, but I didn’t put my feet on it. I had a wider board and new shoes so felt a little off. On the way out I made myself do switch front 180 into one of the curb cuts and kickflip out. Took way more tries than it should, but whatever.

(setup 3/10 null 8.3 abstract33, jessup ultra, venture v-cast/ti 5.8 royal bushings no big washer flat top washer, spitfire 51mm classic f4 101a, es swift 1.5 black/blue size 12 no insoles)
(pain level 6/10)

skate journal: frederick night session meh (oct 10, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on October 12th, 2023 by corpo

Met up with Rob, Dave and Mike at Frederick pack after dinner. The drive went quicker than normal, but Rob and Dave were already warmed up and charging it. I saw Rob halfcab boardslide the ledge and front tail the bank to curb right away. Dave doing ride on grinds around most of the curb like it was nothing. I had some drive, but it didn’t translate to good skateboarding. I struggled with kickflips. The only thing I was happy with was a manual on the weird pad under the tall ledge followed by a kickflip up onto the little manny pad. Mike had some nice boardslides around the curb, front noses, maybe front shove fakie. Much to our surprise Donnie showed up and slayed the park. Like for real. Front slash the wallride bank, kickflip back d the bank to curb, all kinds of crazy lines, dude was on fire. There was even a couple of other adult skaters that were fun to skate with too. At one point Rob did a line of back 180 onto the manny pad and halfcab boardslide off, turn around and boardslide transfer onto the pad and back 180 off. Also bigspins and no complies on the steeper bank. I managed one really bad treflip, some noseslides the bump to ledge and couldn’t b/s flip the hip even when I was totally committing. Also couldn’t ollie up the tall ledge. My knees didn’t necessarily hurt too bad, but man they are swollen. Ugh. I somehow didn’t really see Dave much. I saw lots of casual ollies up the euro, boardslide 270s, crazy lines around the bank to curb area. I really do like this park, hope to skate it again soon with knees that work better.

(setup 3/10 null 8.1 all you need, jessup ultragrip, venture v-cast 5.2 royal bushings, spitfire 52mm f4 classic 99a, es melange black size 12)
(pain 6/10 knees, feet)

skate journal: fun times at parker with a solid crew (oct 7, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on October 9th, 2023 by corpo

Rob and I rolled to Parker early on a Saturday morning. It was cold when we left, but by the time we got there the sun was out and it was warm. It’s a big park, everyone seemed to warm up differently. I was feeling better than expected, probably because I had actually taken an ibuprofen the night before. There was a while where we were all mostly skating the long ledge or manny pad. Rob was the only one I saw successfully manual and nose manual it. And kind of close to nose manual to front tail. He also popped up onto front 50 on the long ledge. Venture Dave was doing shoves, impossibles, switch 180s but not getting the nose manual. Jake had a really sick crooks shove right away. Maybe even first try? Also back and front 50s, maybe front tail then nollie back tail and f/s halfcab nose. My flippers were working better than they have and I came quite close to a line of fakie bigflip, front 50, treflip. Didn’t quite get the treflip. Kind of got front 50 shove, did get accidental front 5-0s, crooks, fakie 50. Jake did an amazing line of ollie up a tall ledge, ollie up the bank to ledge, front blunt the volcano up top. Cass had really good front noses on all ledges, some kickflips, worked on halfcab noseslides. He had also invited Brekon who was absolutely destroying the ledges. Nollie Suciu grind was nuts! I had some fun noseslides to fakie on the bank to ledge and followed them with a little front grind over the hip in the mellow bowl below. I filmed the bank to ledge session for a while. Max did fakie front shove. Rob noseslide and front board. Dave with the sick fakie impossible. Dave and I were last men standing and he did the impossible on the bank and I took too long to do b/s kickflip and kickflip to fakie. Super fun session, good dudes, weather and park.

(setup 5/10 null glenosaur 8.25, jessup ultragrip, venture v-cast 5.6 royal bushings flat top washer, spitfire f4 52mm classic shape, es melange size 12)
(pain 4/10)

skate journal: dog park tired after a long week of work (oct 6, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on October 6th, 2023 by corpo

Feeling tired after a day in the office I met Rob at a cool dog park. Alton arrived shortly after us. I had nothing all session and my knee didn’t feel great. Some okay noseslides maybe. 1/4 on kickflips. Rob knocked out some bangers near the end. A run of back 50 back 180 out, fakie bigspin, shove lipslide. Also a really good nollie lip. Alton did a fakie flip nosegrind. Whoa!

(setup 2/10 null glenosaur 8.25, jessup ultragrip, royal 144s, spitfire f4 52mm classic shape, es melange size 12)
(pain 6/10)

skate journal: little curb session across the street (oct 5, 2023)

Posted in setup change on October 6th, 2023 by corpo

Feeling a little better I went over to the school to test out my knee and a new board. I mostly just did slappies, but I was feeling better than I thought. I took a while to get the helipop and was kind of bummed that was the one I landed because the others felt way better. Slappy front crooks was fun. Was happy to get a very mediocre treflip.

(setup null glenosaur 8.25, jessup ultragrip, royal 144s, spitfire f4 52mm classic shape, es melange size 12 nike sb dunk insoles)
(pain 5/10)

skate journal: broomfield park with sean and rob on a warm saturday (sep 30, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on October 3rd, 2023 by corpo

On a surprisingly warm afternoon Rob, Sean and I met up at a chill Broomfield park. It’s been a few days since the session so hard to remember a whole lot. I had a warm up run that took a while which was fun. Axle stall the quartapotty, nose jib 270, nollie front 180 out of the bank. I didn’t have much energy and my knee was hurting pretty bad. Also a run with an ollie onto the black ledge, kickflip out of the bank, front slash the bank to curb, noseslide the ledge. Rob had some no comply shoves out of the bank, front tails the bank to curb, crooks, back 50s, back 50 no comply out, and a rare case of not being able to manual. Sean so effortlessly rattled off his basics which would be after black enders for me. We played a game of SKATE and I was the first one out. I know I got a letter on cab and was out on no comply 360. Rob left, I filmed Sean for a bit. Then Sean and I played another game of SKATE where I got pink slipped and I think the only trick I landed was randomly a first try f/s halfcab flip. I took 4 tries to get a kickflip. I had a smaller setup this day, I mostly liked it but the board was too small. Gonna finally setup a new board next time I skate if and when that is as my knee pain was just too much to deal with.

(setup 5/10 null 8.1 all you need, jessup ultragrip, royal 144s hollow kingpin, spitfire f4 99a 52mm classic, new balance numeric 288 sport b/w size 11.5)
(pain level 8/10 left knee is toast)

skate journal: back home, mellow dog park session (sept 29, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on September 30th, 2023 by corpo

After my first day of work in nearly 2 weeks I met up with Rob and Dave at dog park on a beautiful afternoon. The park was pretty chill and had some new obstacles left over from the GB games. The bank to coping was pretty cool and fun to carve on. I was feeling very out of it and jet lagged. Immediately saw Rob pull a nice nose manual. Dave seemed to have a lot of energy and spring and was lining out everything. Boardslides around the c ledge, back 50 around it, front and back slashes on the bank to coping. Rob had halfcab back 50s, nollie front 50 back 180 out, no comply up the pad to front board off. I had a bad noseslide to fakie onto the pad then switch nose jib off. A fun run of noseslide the bench, back slash the bank to coping, little ollie off the grate kicker then front 180 off the new green kicker. Lastly a fun line of slappy crooks then front shove off the new green kicker that took way too long. I had skated an 8.3 with ace lows and didn’t like it. Not really counting it as a setup change though because I had left my board in Germany and didn’t have time to setup what I wanted.

(setup 8.3 pmg, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 low 55 hard bushings, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic, new balance numeric 288 sport b/w size 11.5)
(pain level 6/10)