skate journal: broomfield bank spot with rob and carleigh (april 18, 2015 day 105)

Posted in New Wheels, Skate Journal on April 19th, 2015 by corpo

rob got ups

After a busy morning then doing bidness at Crisis, Rob, Carleigh and I went to this bank spot. I had new bigger wheels. Spitfire F4 99 52mms. They felt huge since my last pair of 50s had shrunken into the mid 40s. I felt sore warming up which I don’t really understand why it’s happening lately. Anyways we all did some stuff. I had a fun run of boneless, front tail (no slide), then kickflip on the low part of the bank. Carleigh did front tails, bluntslide and back tail. Rob pops a mean b/s ollie, the bean plant of course, kickflip and tailslide. Carleigh had to leave. I tried kickflips to fakie for a long time before finally getting one. I filmed Rob get a rad line of manual, bean plant, b/s ollie and then a tailslide. I did a fun run of halfcab flip on flat then roll into a bank and kickflip to fakie the other side. And then took a long time to get a sketchy fakie flip. Rolling into the bank switch was a little scary, but kind of fun. Fun session.

(setup 8.38 null venture wides bones med bushings spitfire 52mm F4 99 wheels NB+ 479s)

skate journal: “night off” on rampy (feb 11, 2015 day 42)

Posted in New Wheels, Skate Journal on February 12th, 2015 by corpo


A photo posted by Null Skateboards (@null_skateboards) on

Had some new wheels because I hated those Rictas so bad and I didn’t feel like spending an hour trying to get the busted outer bearing ring out. So big wheels again, 52mm. Ha. They felt big. I did several runs on the ramp. My new wheels made the cool new zing sound on reverts and stuff. Then I did this dorky manual where I rolled fakie on flat towards my living room wall, turned to rock ‘n roll on the side of the ramp (in the flat section) then to forward and manual the flat of Rampy. It was pretty dumb and took me awhile, but it felt pretty neat.

(setup – 8.25 venture wides bones bushings null wheels)

skate journal: good times at southern hills (jan 25, 2015 day 25)

Posted in Favorite, New Deck, New Trucks, New Wheels, Skate Journal on January 26th, 2015 by corpo

Such a beautiful day!!! @matthouse back tail in a t-shirt

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Went to Southern Hills after a long morning of cleaning toilets, vacuuming, etc. It was SUPER NICE OUT! Like 60 degrees and sunny. Breezy at times, but not bad. I had a totally new setup due to losing my last setup. Doh. So new Venture lows, Bones medium bushings, Reds, 8″ Null deck and some Ricta 51mm speed ring wheels. I was gonna just go with Null wheels, but Meta had them and I like to check the competition. Ok, the real reason is they were smaller. I gave everything a coat of Snaky Jakey wax and went to it. It’s been a minute since I was so motivated. I was skating fast for me. Did a line of noseslide, kickflip, crooks. I was super hyped on going faster for the noseslide. Had an exhausting line of fakie flip, halfcab noseslide, ollie up the 2 stair, ollie down the 2 stair, noseslide (was supposed to be crooks). Had a few front 50s, but definitely struggled with them as I have been for awhile. The new board did feel poppier though. A couple felt good. Had one line with ollie the two stair (it sounds lame, but there is a crack in front of it so it’s not all that small of a 2 stair) then front noseslide. Was trying a ridiculous line of front 50 a bench, nollie tre on flat, kick back tail the bottom stair. Since I never landed the nollie tre I just did back 50s on the curb which were fun. Also came close to ollie onto a bench then up onto a table. So close. Matt showed up and did every basic ledge trick first try perfect. The back 50 so casual looked so fun. I’m jealous. He also did front 50, front 5-0, front tail, front tail fakie, back 5-0 and back tail. But he couldn’t do a nollie tre! Ha. Oh and it took him 5 tries to land a treflip which might be a record for him. I didn’t get much more after Matt showed. I was pretty beat. Oh, some crooks where I started at the beginning of the ledge and grinded pretty far, rather then just jibbing the end. Fun day, that’s the best I’ve felt all year! 25 days down. 1/12 of my goal of skating 300 days.

(setup 8″ venture lows bones med bushing ricta 51mm wheels)

skate journal: ended up skating a tiny bit (jan 19, 2015 day 19)

Posted in New Wheels, Skate Journal on January 20th, 2015 by corpo

It was super nice out when I got out of work. Around 50 degrees. I bailed on going to Denver to skate/film Derek as I was super sore/tired/over skating. But Dave was super motivated and said if I came to Longmont he’d try one of his dream tricks at Rocky Mtn Elem. Before he started trying it I dropped in on a few of the banks and skated down the dirt hill bike path. After he landed the nosebonk 540 I tried a few b/s no comply 360s. Just a few. So I guess I skated, but it was just dorking and it felt good. Maybe the dream is still alive. I don’t know. I learned that just dorking a little is easier on the legs then pumping Rampy for awhile.

(setup 8″ venture lows bones med bushing spitfire four 50mm wheels)

skate journal: rampy blah (nov 17, 2014)

Posted in New Wheels, Skate Journal on November 19th, 2014 by corpo

Went out to Rampy while Ollie was doing homework. I was pretty unmotivated and it showed. I didn’t land much. I had some new wheels I was checking out. Spitfire Formula 4. Fuzz wanted me to check them out. He really wants me to like them so he got me some in 50mm. He’s a smart dude. I did a few kickflips on flat that felt good. It’s funny that the only trick I remember from the night is kickflips on flat and not any of the ramp tricks.

skate journal: manny pad / wood bank spot with rob (oct 11, 2014)

Posted in New Deck, New Wheels, Skate Journal on October 13th, 2014 by corpo

Rob came over around 3 after I had spent some time working in the morning. It was super nice out. We started at the little manny pad by Mikes camera. The asphalt aint so great anymore, but that didn’t stop us. I had a new board (8.25) and wheels (bones stf 51mm thin ones). Rob got the first try manual challenge. I didn’t. Or second or third, etc. Clearly I was going to suck. We tried quite a few tricks and came close on some rare ones. Rob almost got halfcab manual back 180 out. He got a bunch of no comply manuals. Almost nose manual turned to fakie nose manual. I almost got kickflip manual, nose manual shove, nollie shove manual. Tried manual no comply shove out, didn’t get remotely close to that one. My board was feeling awkward.


Good times and great commentary with @43shifty today. How the heck do you pop up that so easy @maxgarson @stumblin_steele ? #old

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Then we drove around striking out on spots due to cars for awhile and ended up here. I told Rob I had a line on my list there. Several tries later I rolled away from it. Ollie up, boneless wallride, kickflip off. Later on watching the footage made me laugh so hard because of Rob’s commentary so I had to make a little post. I was seriously crying laughing at the stuff Rob said. All in all a pretty fun day. I kind of skated like crap and still managed to get a line I really wanted so that’s cool.

skate journal: some flat ground to get the legs going for portland (sept 10, 2014)

Posted in New Wheels, Skate Journal on September 11th, 2014 by corpo

On the way home from a long day of work where I got up super early I wanted to skate flat for a bit to get the legs into skate mode. I drove by Valmont and the whole east side of the parking lot was vacant so I went there. I started really slow, but ended up getting through most of my basics quickly. Struggled a bit with fakie flips and am considering giving up on treflips. Managed some heelflips which has been rare lately and even a really bad f/s halfcab heel. The treflip sucking had me bumming, but other then that I did ok so I should chill out. Oh and I had some new wheels because Nate insists the ground is bad in Portland and that I would need some. I went with the big ol’ Null superthanes in 52.

skate journal: new stuff and falling a lot with matt and jake at red curbs (July 29, 2014)

Posted in New Deck, New Shoes, New Trucks, New Wheels, Skate Journal on July 30th, 2014 by corpo

herman g6 vulc florecent blue

ALL YOU NEED IS NULL (and some coordination which I don't have)

On a rainy night I gave India a ride to ballet with Jake then stopped by Meta, dropped off some goods, picked up Matt and we headed to Red Curbs. Matt had never been there before. I had a lot of new stuff. Those shoes are way brighter then they look too. They are ridiculous. Herman G6 Vulc. Also put some new 52mm Nulls on because my last set had worn down into the mid/upper 40s. They felt and looked huge! Ha. Oh and some old PJ trucks because I had worn my previous set of Ventures to the axle (unheard of for me). Anyways I set the tone for myself on my very first push around the spot by slamming onto my elbow on the edge of the curb on a slappy crooks. Matt quickly front 180’d the median and ollied some tall cones. Had some sick fakie nosegrinds, front 5-0 180, switch back 50, probably much more. Slammed prety hard without his wrist guard a few times. Doh. Jake gets better every time he skates. Front tails, front 180 over two sideways cones piled up, halfcab over that too, almost a kickflip manual, got into fakie back lips, his new trick the fakie bigger flip, fakie front tail, a treflip and more. I slammed and struggled all night. Managed to ollie the sideways cones, a couple 3 flips, slappy crooks, ride on front 50s and a few other basic flippers.

skate journal: pre-work lafayette early session (May 23, 2014)

Posted in New Trucks, New Wheels, Skate Journal on May 23rd, 2014 by corpo

lafayette skatepark

Woke up around 5:30 am for some ridiculous reason. I slacked for awhile then decided I should go skate. I thought I’d be pretty sore, but ended up feeling pretty good. I had put my Ace trucks back on and some new Null wheels. I of course had the park to myself. Warming up was not as hard as it should be. Maybe it’s because it felt like I hadn’t really stopped skating from the night before. I tried that dumb flyout into the downhill that every 10 year old kid with pads can do, but still failed. Man that’s embarrassing. It’s fun cruising that park when no one else is there. I did more tricks then I thought I would, but nothing really noteworthy. I got a line of rock fakie the little white tooth qp (yes I consider that a trick because yes I am not good at skateboarding), fakie flip on the bank, then carved onto the bench. Ended with a line that I tried for a bit that I could normally never do with people flying around the park. Front shove on flat near the top of the fish pond (I had tried treflip and failed), kickflip to fakie on the narrowish bank to the right of the ledges, fakie flip on the mellow bank next to the round rail, then tried to noseslide the hubba. I got to the hubba twice and on the second attempt I got tossed to the flat. It didn’t hurt. Well, I mean I guess it did, but the people walking the dog nearby reacted like I had been shot or something. It was one of those slams where you just kind of laugh in the air and wait for it to be over. I guess to the average person walking their dog it must look incredibly dangerous.

skate journal: Broomfield spots with Neil, Blake, Rob and Ollie (April 4, 2014)

Posted in New Deck, New Wheels, Skate Journal on April 6th, 2014 by corpo

Had a busy morning of homeowner fun attempting to seal a leaky roof near the stack pipe. It was ok. Then headed to Crisis with Ollie and met up with Rob, Blake and Neil. We went to Safeway ledge first so Ollie sat in the car. He don’t like ledges yet. Ha. I was on an 8.5 board and setup new Null wheels. I was out of 8.3″ boards and didn’t want to go down to 8.25. And since most of the wheels I have skated lately have been 50mm (and worn down) the 52mm Nulls felt big. So my setup felt pretty large and I felt it. I didn’t do much new, but came closer to locking in good smith grinds.

Neil was slaying it. He was happy to be skating again and it showed. Lipslides, boardslide a crazy display rack, front tailslides, fast and poppy. Blake mostly skated the display case and got boardslides too. He got pretty close to crooks as well which would have been gnarly. Rob is the man. He almost did back 180 to fakie smith grind 180 out. Or something, I don’t even know but it was cool. He also had some good front noseslides on the fence ledge and a million other tricks on the regular ledge.

blue bar banks

Then we went to this bank spot. People seemed bummed on it at first because there was dirt everywhere, but we stuck with it and it ended up being my favorite part of the day. We mostly skated it to the left of the stairs and dirt. Neil had some nice one foots to fakie and a kickflip fakie. Rob got some rad backside one foots, back kickflip, back big, some type of boneless variation. Blake had a back kickflip, back heeflip and a front 360. Tight. Oh yeah we were skating it in lines. Trick on flat then trick on the bank after awhile too. I had a kickflip to fakie, line of no comply 180 then fakie flip on the bank, heelflip on flat then alley oop back kickflip (I guess like a back 270 kickflip). Had a bunch of great feeling halfcab flip too. Couldn’t get a treflip though. Blake ollied the 4 stair, I bailed. Things started going downhill for me then. Ollie was killing the grassride game. Front 180 into the grassride, fakie ollie into it, and even a fakie shove into it with a sketchy ride out. People were hyped.

glen can't manual

Then we went to this spot. I’ve filmed here a lot and barely skated it. I was super sore and it didn’t get much better then that. I couldn’t manual it to save my life. I ended up giving up and settling for a couple ollies onto it then ride onto the middle stair and back 180 off and also front 180 off into the parking lot. Very frustrating session for me. I should listen to my body and not skate. Ollie was hyped on the spot. He didn’t ollie up, but he did lots of back/front 180s and halfcabs onto the lower stair. He also rode onto the lower stair into manual. Rob got manual drop down to the lower stair, and I want to say he manualled the lower stair too. Neil got nose manual and more. Blake killed the game with manual to 5-0, lipslide the 2 stair then pull up and was the last one skating. He better be right, he’s only 17! Ha.