Our macbook died. Well, the hard drive became corrupted and I spent lots of the morning working on it. What a pain. I’m disappointed in Apple for the stupid upgrade path that renders a computer useless. Then Dave and Rob bailed. Carleigh and Jack went to skate parks. I was hoping my body would feel better. As much as I tried to convince myself it was, it wasn’t. I met my old college friend Steve at a bank off Pecos. Upon arriving there I noticed a trailer right in front of the bank. Ugh. You could still skate the mellow part of it so I warmed up with some basics. Oh yeah, I had new Stratfords. Well, not totally new as I’ve skated them before, but I thought 11.5 was too big for me. They felt ok this time around. I did a few variations of kickflips, struggled with varial flips. Steve showed and I was trying 360 flips. I would try them on the steepest part I could fit under the trailer on the approach to. It was pretty fun. I got a couple with my hands down before stomping one that felt amazing. Steve did pop shove to fakie, fakie pop shove and ollies. I added a halfcab flip and we both tried heelflips to fakie. I’ve never done one on a bank. While trying these my legs got stiff and I stopped skating. Then I went to Denver to film Derek. Just pushing to meet him was a chore. He didn’t get his trick. I went home super exhausted and depressed, ate a salad then went to sleep.
(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones medium bushings no washers 52mm null wheels)
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So tired from being woken up the night before at work. I forced myself to go skating after making the kids dinner. I ended up at Red Curbs. I did a slappy crook which felt great then bailed trying to ollie into a front 50 on a curb. Yeah. I knew it was bad at that point. So I tried to huck back tails since I have to learn that trick now or get a letter in O-L-D-F-A-R-T. I cannot comprehend that trick. I can rarely do it when I kickflip in which seem so much easier to me. I left after awhile feeling very frustrated. Oh yeah, I had new shoes. The lovely NB+ Stratfords.
(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers 52mm null wheels)
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A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on
After skating 4 hours the night before on top of skating 50 days in a row my body was understandably sore. I knew I would haven’t much pop and didn’t feel like bailing tricks I should be able to land. After a few 180s, kickflilps and a few other basics I settled in on some very rare flippers. b/s halfcab heel, f/s halfcab heel, varial heel, nollie flip, switch flip, nollie 360 flip, 360 flip (yes I suck so bad at this trick I now categorize it as a rare trick) I landed on all of those, but never rode away from any. Well, I guess there was a couple nollie tres that could maybe count on over 80 defense and a varial heel that I landed on too. As depressing as this sounds I still had fun. Hucking tricks I can’t land is somehow fun to me. I do wish 360 flips weren’t such a struggle though. Oh yeah, I started a new pair of NB+ Stratfords. Only two left in the stockpile!
(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers null wheels)
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On an unseasonably warm evening in the 50s I went to the dimly lit St Julien spot. I was to meet Jack and Carleigh. I started doing laps. Front 50, back 50. I had finally retired my previous pair of Stratfords and was rocking a new pair. Since I’ve skated only this shoe for a long time they felt fine. I added front 50 180 out and a manual on the ledge. Jack and Carleigh had shown. Jack was super sore from the day before. He isn’t 20 anymore. He’s 22. Ha ha! He still did some manuals all easy tailblock slides and front 5-0s. Carleigh mostly skated flatground. Did some nollie shoves, tailblock slides and noseslides. We pushed and walked for awhile. Jack and I ollied a little gap. Ok, Jack ollied it easy. I took a bunch of tries to do a weak stretched out no pop ollie where I landed sideways. Lastly we ended up at the new ledge spot. It’s sick. Jack and Carleigh got cute and did doubles. Jack did front board to manual. Carleigh did boardslide. Then some steezy noseslides. Then tried noseslide shove and front 180 nosegrind. Jack had front 50’d it super easy when we got there. I wanted that. But the shortness of the ledge weirded me out. I had to settle for going in slow and sideways and just doing a little stall. A front noseslide made me feel better at least. Then I had to split to pick up India.
When I went to work a few hours ago it was cool out, but sunny and no breeze and it felt nice out. So when I skipped out of work to Blue Skies and was met with a very gusty cold wind I got bummed. I still went to the park, but man it was tough to find any motivation. I slammed on a couple ollies over the flat bar, did some super slow front 50s then mostly just skating the banks. I started with a few basics on the main bank. Did a switch ollie to fakie which felt kind of neat. I did some frontside ollies and ollies to fakie on the little qp. I was hyped on the ollies to fakie because I’ve never really done that trick. They weren’t popped at all, but then again nothing I do is. I would do the ollie to fakie then push switch to the main bank and do halfcab or try halfcab flip. That was it. Oh yeah, I started a new pair of Stratfords. Only 4 more pairs left.
After work I went to the Research Center. It was cold and windy still, but not quite as cold somehow. I went through a few warm up basics. Noseslide, switch noseslide (the slappy non ollie kind aka john brandow), etc. Then on to crooks which is really fun there. I only landed a couple though. For how often I skate that spot and try crooks there I should land way more then I do. At least I feel like I’m posting up better then I used to. Got a couple bad back 50s. Tried kick back 50, got kind of close. That ledge would be one of the taller ledge I’ve done that on. Tried to front 50 the tall part of the ledge and struggled so hard. Would fly off my board. In the end I got one and I will blame brand new shoes for the problem (it sounds legit right?). Flatground went ok. Tried a lot of nollie flips, fakie tres. Did a couple b/s flips. Kind of a whatever session, but at least I got out and did some grinding.
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A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on
Flatground Friday! This time with some new shoes. Another pair of Stratfords from the stockpile. I feel like I’ve been blowing through shoes, but I’m still getting 3 weeks out of these which is about as good as it gets for me. I started a little slow, but ended up feeling pretty good. Got through a lot of the basics in first or second try (first try nollie varial flip!). Struggled a bit with 360 flips as always. Did the worst nollie tre ever. Slammed hard enough on a fakie treflip that someon walking their dog nearby asked if I was ok. Tried some new trick. Not close on switch flip or nollie f/s flip. Landed on fakie double flip and shot out. Super close to fakie hardflip. Almost some really good f/s halfcab heels. Some really good for me heelflips.
Okay so now that I was down to skate lows again I stopped by Meta to get a new set after work. The hanger’s I had were really worn down and apparently so old that the mold was different (pre-DLX) and they didn’t fit right in my newer baseplate. I traded in a set of trucks that Reed had given me. Then I went to old faithful – the research center. I had about 30 minutes to skate and just hit the ledge. Didn’t skate it too well, but I attribute that mostly to having already skated earlier in the day and being incredibly hungry. I got one good crooks, a sloppy back 50 or two, struggled for front 50s. I forgot how good the low trucks carve. They carve better then the highs. Flip tricks were whatever.
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A video posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on
Went to the Sol ramp after work to talk bidness with Nolan. I played foosball with Allan for quite awhile first. Then we hit the ramp for a really mellow session. I didn’t do much of anything other then axle stalls. Nolan being mellow is still really good (see above). Oh yeah, I had new shoes, since my experiment with some 11.5 Stratfords proved they were too big. Doh, guess I can’t stockpile all of the 11.5s too. Gotta make 3 pairs of 11s last until April now (yeah right).
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A photo posted by Null Skateboards (@null_skateboards) on
Had a few minutes before leaving for Murder City Devils to skate. Cleaned up the garage a little and skated for about 20 minutes. I had more fun and landed more tricks then I expected. Front tail, feeble, smith, disaster. Back 5-0 fakie (my poor impression of the trick), fakie pivot fakie, fakie Joe Hamilton, fakie 5-0s, front d to fakie. I did quite a few tricks that felt in more control then normal. I did several flatground kickflips to help break in the shoe. These shoes are a half size too big. They are a test to see if I like them enough to add all the 11.5s at Sol, Meta, 303 to my stash of 11s.
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It was so nice out. I normally go to the gym around 10am at work for about 45 minutes, but it was just too nice out. I went to the nearby “rollerblade park” and skated for about 45 minutes. It was hot out. I had a new board after my idiocy last night. 8.1 this time. Felt good. I kept it pretty mellow. Mostly just skated slow trying flip tricks and the occasional ledge trick. At one point I had a halfcab flip, 360 flip (over 40 make) and then a nollie 360 flip (over 80 make). Ha. Was hyped. Was really missing vulc shoes though. They are just so much better for skating. Gotta do this instead of the gym more often, it was quite fun.
After work, a nap, laundry, I went to Crisis to meet up with our old guy crew for Denver Tuesdays. I was first so Fuzz and I sat and watched a video while disagreeing over everything except how rad Ty Bealls part is in the A-Street video. Ha. Dave and Rob showed and we drove to Cherry Creek to a parking garage called “Cherry Curbs”. Money. And it exceeded all expectations. We mostly skated this crazy manny pad with all kinds of weird angles that you can go into/out of grinds. I was the last on the manual to front 50 train. Actually, I’m not sure if I even did it without tilting. Rob did it with no comply and one foot as well. Fuzz got tech with heelflips up, switch back 180s, noseslides pop ups. Dave did front 5-0 to nose manual and manual body varial. Rob had such a steezy nose manual front 180 out. I was trying a quick foot combo of manual then nose manual to grind. Unfortunately we got the boot. At least we got awhile on it.
After some spot lurking we ended up here for a fun brief session under Fuzz’s headlights. Well, Fuzz’s truck’s headlights. Fuzz and Dave did some soft rocks/pivots. I did the standard kickflip to fakie and fakie flip. Then we all did early grabs off it and Fuzz and I did bonelesses.
A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on
Then we ended up at this gem of a spot. It had this little slappy ledge, then a short long ledge after, then down the street a little another ledge with a gnar option. Dave did some ultra smooth switch slappies. Rob had slappy then nollie lipslide. I had slappy, bad crooks, then almost boardslide on the further ledge. Fuzz almost got to the gnar option with a front 50, but we got kicked out. Doh.
We ended up at the newish college spot downtown with the long marble manny pads. Everyone got manuals except me (nothing new there). It seemed like really fun place to skate. As I was just getting warmed up again it started raining.
So we went to the RTD garage. Fuzz and I didn’t think we would skate at all, but I guess Rob and Dave were shredding hard enough to get us off our tired butts. Rob was seriously ripping. Manuals at high speed, nose mannies, lots of energy hopping up/off the ledges. Back 50 around the corner to shove out. Whoa! Fuzz was on the high speed tip too with a long manual that opened a little emergency phone case. Pretty funny. He also had good fakie 50s with and without halfcabs out. I just did crooks. But I did a lot of them. Some long ones on the main ledge and a few through the corner which felt really neat. As usual Dave was the last man standing. He did all kinds of moves. Front 5-0 through the corner, boardslide to fakie then switch front noseslide. Front board to fakie. Crooks and ended it with a really good switch crooks.
Got home around 2:30 am stoked and feeling very alive. Thanks for the good time dudes.
Comments Off on skate journal: solo longmont park then denver with old dudes (oct 21, 2014)
Went to Lafayette for a short session after work. It was super nice out. When I got there Blake was there. Super hyped to see him. Matt met up too. I had new shoes. Another pair of the NB+ Startfords. They skated pretty good out of the gate. I haven’t seen Blake skate in awhile and he was ripping. Long slappy willy grind on the bank curb. You can tell he skates there a lot. Matt treflipped up the euro pretty quick. My legs were feeling beyond horrible. Basically the only thing I did the whole time that felt worth a crap was a flatground treflip slightly before Matt did a switch treflip. Matt had some good lines with like front lips on the marble flat bar, back tail the back of the toilet bowl ledge. Blake has moves. Good seeing him again.
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