skate journal: downtown boulder small spots with carleigh and jack (Feb 4, 2013)

Posted in New Deck, Skate Journal on February 5th, 2013 by corpo

null future

Had a new board since I cracked mine really bad the day before. My first Null Future! I was hyped. I met Jack and Carleigh at one of my favorite spots in Boulder. We ended up skating there for a long time. Carleigh posted up some front tails and hucked some kickflip noseslides coming kinda close sometimes. I got a handful of tricks. Front 5-0 back 180 (90) out, weird kick back tail, kick back 50 almost front tail shove. Jack did a new trick, back 270 front tail to b/s flip out. Whoa! He also did a bunch of crazy stuff like nollie heel front noseslides. He also ollied above the ledge into wallride then four wheel drived out through the ledge as we were getting kicked out. So sick!

Then we ate, saw the new Meta and rolled over to the Wells Fargo mini qp where we would once again stay for a long time. My arthritis was pretty bad again and kickflips up the curb there were hard. Carleigh did a back tail and learned backside blunts. Sick! Jack did back noseblunt to fakie, a bunch of old guy tricks, pivot fakie, bigspin pivot, wallie 50, wallie crooks, whatever he wanted to do on his board. I had a line of slappy crooks, back blunt, slappy front tail. Tried a couple lines starting with kickflips up the curb, but never got front blunt or front tail shove out. I blame the big metal thing sticking up. Gonna go gluten free for awhile and see if it helps my arthritis.

skate journal: a few flippers on a new setup (Jan 20, 2013)

Posted in New Deck, New Wheels, Skate Journal on January 21st, 2013 by corpo

get fat skate small

Of course now that I have to take some time off for my shoulder injury it’s super nice out. I haven’t set up a new board in a long time and needed something to do. If you know anything about me, you know that I obsess over really dumb stuff. Well lately I’ve been watching a lot of Westgate footage and read something where he said low trucks have better pop. When I had cleaned my garage last weekend I found an old pair of Venture Lows (8″) and I felt like giving them a try. They are probably at least 8 years old. Pretty funny. I put the Venom bushing in there for the heck of it. I also had some really old 50mm Null wheels that wouldn’t sell so I threw those on there too. I am now almost a 40 year old with Venture Lows and 50mm wheels. Aka I’m a dork. I went on a hike with Liz and got back kinda early in the afternoon and just couldn’t avoid skating anymore. I figured the safest thing to do was some slow flippers in front of the house so that’s what I did. I’m not sure if the lower trucks really help or not, but the new board felt awesome. I did some of the best feeling kickflips I’ve done in awhile. They board sure flipped around quick. I suppose the lighter wheels help too. I did a few more flippers too. Everything felt good with the exception of treflip which seemed a little harder since the trucks don’t turn the same. I got one kind of though and put my arm down and felt a tingle in the shoulder that reminded me I should probably stop while I’m ahead. I’m hyped my shoulder didn’t hurt at all while skating, but still gonna rest it so I don’t hurt it again next time I fall. Hyped on my new setup!

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