skate journal: more dog park morning fun (may 3, 2020)
Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 4th, 2020 by corpoRunning late I met Kevin and Dave L at dog park on a sunny morning after it rained. So there were a lot of puddles. There were a few other people helping spread the puddles and the sun dried it pretty quick. The new ledge and manual pad were the first try to so we hit that. A few other people were there too. I was in need of an easy warm up, but people were already going hard. Like Kevin, gap to back 50, front 50 gap out, manual to boardslide, etc. Dave was also manualling and nose manualling the box easily. He had a rad line of front board the tall part of the tri-box then back 5-0 the ledge. Kevin beat me to kick back 50. I took a long time to get a nose manual, but managed to get back 50 first try which excited me. After awhile we were doing whatever. Kevin and I were mostly on the far side trying lines with new tricks. I had some good crooks on the tall side of the black box, a very rare noseslide 270 shove (although it only went 180 and I tic tac’d it around) and took a long time to get a line of halfcab noseslide the butter/metal ledge then front nosegrind 180 out on the mini cinder block ledge. I’ve been wanting to do that trick for awhile and finally a ledge was low enough. Ha, felt awesome though. Kevin was doing noseblunts on the butter/metal ledge and trying back 180 fakie 5-0 180. He got close, but didn’t quite land it. Then Kevin, Will and I played a game of SKATE. I was out first and got letters on tricks like fakie flip and halfcab flip. Argh. Kevin won it. Then we played flip tricks for awhile. I got caught up on a few basics then struggled with nollie tres for a bit until I landed one! It took a long time to get heelflip though. Argh. Kevin got switch b/s flip and switch tre! I almost got his back with a rick flip. Will was super close to nollie tre. Then Kevin and I played kickflip noseslide posing on the little ledge and I didn’t get close at all. He got into it at least. Fun day. Hyped on back 50, nollie tre, noseslide 270 shove and a new trick – nosegrind 180.
(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.2 awake low trucks custom hollow cast baseplate, doh dohs 88a boardside bushing minilogo 94a roadside with flat washer, 51mm bones stf v1 wheels with 3 speed washers on the inside, new balance numeric 288s white/gum size 11.5, thin adidas insoles)
(pain level 4/10 left knee wanted to give me the sharp pain, but didn’t)