skate journal: tetris ledges in berlin with a fun crew (sept 27, 2023)
Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on September 30th, 2023 by corpoLast day in Berlin. Had kind of a mellow morning and my knees were so swollen I thought there would be no way I could skate. But eventually we headed to Park am Gleisdreieck to hit the Tetris ledge spot. We met up with Gabe at the skatepark. I took a couple runs in the mellow bowl which was actually kind of fun until I hung up on a back 50 and dove to the flat. It actually served as a good warm up. Gabe and I went over to the ledge spot and it ended up being way more fun than the last time I skated there. Gabe was popping into some fast front 50s right away, noseslides, 180 50s, front 50 drop down to 50. Oh but he had a loose axle nut and kept losing a wheel. I was a little slower to get going, but skating alright. Had some fun crooks, noseslide down to noseslide, front 50, almost quick up to nose manual. Ben showed up with a crew. Fria who they had just met in Berlin and Miles who was a dog park local for a while so that was cool. Fria was jumping on front 50s quickly. Miles was really spry popping up all the spots so easily. Ben had a nice up up to manual and some fast back 50 attempts. At some point Ben started filming Fria and Miles. I had done some things I was happy with like finally a halfcab noseslide and noseslide down to noseslide and crooks one of the taller ledge. Then I kicked off a really fun chain of events. I got a slow front 50 shove out, Miles got 180 up to halfcab manual and then Fria got front 50 drop down 50. It was awesome. Before I could leave I made myself do a treflip, but I was really struggling. I would eventually get a 270ish one. It wasn’t pretty, but it was a nice cherry on top to a really fun session. I did film Ben for a while trying to get a back 50 and Gabe used my board to do the front 180 fakie 50 180. He also had a couple really nice treflips. At the end a dude from France joined and had a really cool quick up to a taller pad to nollie 3 shove off. Goodbye Berlin, I hope to see you again some day and still be able to skate.
(setup 8.25 flower, mob grip, venture 5.6 shake junt v-hollows, spitfire 51mm f4 99a classic, new balance numeric 288 b/w no insoles size 11.5)
(pain level 4/10)