skate journal: blue skies at the blue skies park with dave and rob (June 7, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on June 7th, 2013 by corpo

Another post work Friday session here. The park aint great, but it’s location and lack of crowds is. There was even a couple other people skating for awhile. And they were pretty good. But no one wants to read about how good young skaters are on this blog, it’s just about old people. Unfortunately we skated pretty good for old people today I think. We mostly warmed up on the bank. Dave and Rob both had sick no comply bonelesses. Or whatever you call a boneless that’s grabbed backside. Dave had a pretty bad slam on a switch shove or something. I was in a flip trick mood and went with it. Got a few treflips and a couple in lines. I still can’t ollie up the middle ledge. Man it’s tall. At one point all three of us got tricks in a row that we had worked on. Mine was front 50 kickflip out (little kid trick!!). I think Dave’s was nollie into the bank. I don’t remember Rob’s trick at the moment. Whatever it was I’m sure it was steezy though. I had a blast and landed lots of tricks, but I felt like my style was extra bad. Seemed like after every trick I would have a weird hand motion or tic tac or something. Dave also had a good front board to fakie on the flat bar, front 50s on the ledge, slash on the bank to sideways ledge, and a first try fakie flip on the bank. Rob had some no comply 360s on the bank, front board on a tall ledge and lots more. I couldn’t get a b/s flip on the bank. So funny. I landed lots of flippers though and since thats my favorite stuff I had a blast. Good start to the weekend.

skate journal: Omaha skateparks fun (June 5, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on June 7th, 2013 by corpo

you all suck ass

After a long day at the zoo, but a perfect early evening I met good ol’ Dan at the Omaha park. We started getting our groove on. Dan had a rad fakie rock 360 on the deck back to rock. Shortly after Drew Newlin showed up with a large crew of Omaha rippers and the session go really heated. Fun to watch, kind of embarrassing to try and get in the mix with. I bailed some crooks, but almost got kick back 50. Dan and I headed out because we were gonna meet Joe and Matt in a nearby suburb for some pizza then a little session at a metal park.

tall ass ledge

The park itself was a joke, but it has 3 things that most “awesome” parks around CO don’t have. A good ledge, good flatground and a good flatbar. Joe snapped this photo of me doing a front 50 front shove. It’s kind of funny because now that seems to be called the Joe Hamilton trick. Well before he got so darn good people used to call it the Glen Gillingham trick. Thanks Joe. Some day you will be 40 and it will be hard too! Ha. Joe wasn’t skating because of his rolled ankle, but it was feeling better and he could walk ok at least. Matt is really good at skateboarding. It’s crazy. On the box. Back 50, back 5-0, back nosegrind, back nosegrinnd shove, back tail, nollie back 5-0, front 5-0, nollie front nosegrind, nollie front nosegrind front 180 (I get partial credit on this one!!!), front tail, front tail fakie, and probably a ton more I’m forgetting. It was just as good on the flatbar. Front smith, front feeble, front lip, nollie front lip, front board shove, back crooks, back feeble, back lip, nollie back lip pretty much every trick there is. These dudes are so fun to skate with. They were all cheering and having a blast. No bad vibes at all. I started slow and even though I took 10 tries to get a front 50 it got cheers. I went on to get crooks, front 5-0 and kick back 50 (kind of). Came close to front 50 back 180 out, front 5-0 shove. Geez, I feel so lame compared to Matt. My flatground game was on pretty good though. treflips, b/s flips, nollie tre, halfcab flip, fakie bigflip, etc. At one point Dan dared me to do a crooks. I got it then followed it with a really bad heelflip. Matt followed suit and did the same thing as me with another not great heelflip. Dan was last. Got the crooks and mr heelflip himself bailed the heelflip! Ha ha ha the crowd went wild. Dan killed it though. Front nosegrind super easy, lots of fakie 5-0 attempts, 50 to manual to 50 and a bunch of other unique tricks. I was maybe most impressed with the first try over willy on the flat bar. That thing is tall! The session was over pretty quick as it got dark. But wow it was fun. These dudes never disappoint.


skate journal: One of my most favorite sessions of all time (May 18, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 20th, 2013 by corpo


Another fun morning that started watching Ollie’s flag football game. I had some minor food poisoning the night before so was feeling pretty exhausted and drained. Showed up late for Skateshop appreciation day, but managed to still have fun. I basically just skated the tiny qp at the top of the park with Derek, Jack and Carleigh for awhile, then “judged” people jump down the rail/stairs (Yeah Jack!) and on the 13 foot qp.


Then we went to this awesome spot. There are five levels each with the same size ledge/drop between them.


Some had stuff down them, some didn’t.


We stayed here a really long time. The crew was pretty big. Fuzz, Jack, Carleigh, Blaine, Justin, James, Rho, Neil and Chase. Carleigh took quite a few awesome photos here. I’ll mostly just talk about the older crew because listing everything is already an impossible task. Justin filmed a rad line. James rips, slams hard and did a front tail 270 shove down the metal shelf ledge. Jack slammed hard several times right out of the gate so made the wise choice to show some restraint and just chill. I should mention that Jack and I were twins for the day as we both had JAM shirts on and Null 10 year decks. We’re cute like that. Neil skated way longer then his normal 20 minute max. 50s down the metal box, crooks shove on the ledge, halfcab up like it was nothing, lipslides. John went to work on a line pretty quickly and spent most of his time working on it. Front 180 up, fakie flip on flat then front shove front noseslide to fakie. So sick! Fuzz ripped it. Front 180 up, sw 180 a little hole, nollie front tail. Back 180 up, back 50 up the metal ledge, back 50 front 180 out up the metal ledge, fakie nosegrind 180, fakie 50 halfcab out on the ledge. Yeah, killed it. Carleigh skated a long time. I saw some kickflips and front 50s early on then she tried back hurricanes for a long time. I’m not sure how many total she got, but I saw at least one make. So sick. That is not a trick I’ve seen done on regular ledges too many times. Or ever. Rho is Crisis’ newest team prospect and the kid rips! Back 180 nosegrind down the metal shelf, front noseslide up, back crooks up and down, back smith up. Full on shralping. I felt like I was struggling initially, but after getting a kickflip up one of the levels I started to have the time of my life. First line I got was kickflip up, front 5-0 shove then front shove off. Another was kickflip up front 50 front 180 out, halfcab flip on flat then kickflip off. Front 180 up, halfcab flip on flat, front 50 back 180 out (so bad) then a slow and not popped fakie bigpin down. Tried some more lines, but didn’t really combine them til later. Did a few crooks, back 50s, front 50 to front board, some bad kickflip back 50s (almost locked into 5-0 on a few). Near the end I went up top then kickflipped down all 4 in a row. This was probably the highlight for me. No the kickflips weren’t gnarly at all, but to do 4 kickflips down something in a row first try felt amazing. At one point I ollied a little shopping cart on it’s side as I couldn’t get the courage to try ollieing over the couch. Last thing I did was a line of front 5-0 , boardslide down the metal shelf ledge and finally kickflip the next drop. I had cracked my tail previously on a kickflip down (and somehow everyone else but me knew that? ha) and that kickflipped finished off the tail. I gave my board to Jack to have him take out his frustrations with the spot and he put it out of it’s misery. What a fun spot. Not sure it could every be as fun again, but man for this session it was amazing. I guess I like the cupsoles and I wasn’t very sore after all that. After we had a nice dinner at the Dark Horse then did some beer drinking at the Outback to celebrate Jason’s girfriend Lindy turning 30. Happy Birthday!

skate journal: Old Man Night at Launch!!! (May 16, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 17th, 2013 by corpo

old people, you have to reassure them

Met Dave at Sol prior to getting picked up in the Square State Skate bus. Rather then just wait we skated this little dork spot behind 7-11. Basically put a couple plastic soda crates and did slappy tailslides. They were fun though. Then we skated the Sol ramp for while. Flatground initially. I had most of my flippers except for heelflips which appear to be totally gone. Dave started “skating the vert” (Sol ramp inside joke due to kids that only skate flat calling the ramp a vert ramp) and did some sick fakie ollies and nollies. I tried a few too and did some weak ones. Everyone showed and we were off in the bus with an awesome crew. Dave, Rob, Ric, Brian, Wade, John and myself. After a stop at MRKT and a burrito we showed up at Launch. It was pretty crowded for me. I tried to skate, but couldn’t do a damn thing. Everyone else was ripping. I saw Rob and John skating flat and joined them where we skated for quite awhile. I got most of my flippers, John too. We also skated the wallride for awhile. I haven’t seen Rob miss a kickflip since he’s been back.

best skater ever

Finally went back up onto the ramp and things went much better for me. Got some runs with a few tricks in them. Front disasters, scratch grind reverts, a first try front 50 (the trick I was most hyped on) a little grind around the corner and tried front feebs. Ric was ripping the way he always does. Super inside slashers and crazy lines. Brian can do one million tricks and he did them all. Loved the front 5-0s into the corner, the front pivots fakie, the halfcab rock reverts and all of it. And he finally rock creeked a blunt to fakie and kind of hung up! rob was flying around the corners with his narrow feet stance. Solid front slashes and got a few long back 50s. Wade carves around that thing so awesome. John has amazing backside ollies and a ton of revert tricks. Loved the blunt to back smith attempts where he was just stuck on the coping in a weird position. Some great runs though. Fullertron was in full effect. He did some “aerials” as shown in the mute above (photos by Brian) and straight up killed the ramp. So many tricks it’s impossible to list. Andy was there and skates the ramp like he owns it. He does. Ha. Kickflip pivot? Yeap. Some other dudes where there ripping and the whole vibe was awesome. As Brian pointed out I don’t think we even made the top 5 in the oldest category. They need to change it to over 40 night!

nicest dude ever

Last, but not least a curb session ended the night. Lots of no comply variations and tricks over. Andy had front shove (above) first try. I got a backside flip which might be my first one over anything. John had no comply 180. Brian had a sick impossible on flat. I don’t even know, it was just awesome. People were doing tricks over it and it would get the same amount of cheers as just running into the curb. Such a fun vibe, session and experience.

skate journal: more old man (and lady) fun in boulder (May 5, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 7th, 2013 by corpo

best skater ever

pretty awesome also

After some early morning basketball with Ollie I went over to Jason’s where I met Fuzz and Neil. We got Jason in his electric wheelchair and loaded it up into his van, picked up Jake and hit this spot again. It’s name has become Retal Curbs! Like Red Curbs, but metal. We met Dave, Brian, Carleigh and Denise here too. It was rad seeing Jason with some freedom cruising around the spot on his own and he even pulled me in for a boardslide. Ha. Lots of boardslides went down initially. Fuzz and Neil quickly added a bunch more like lipslides, nollie lips, etc. Jake had quite a few tricks too. A random Boulder skater showed for awhile and took some sketchy looking falls. Dave killed it as usual. This time he got the front 50 back 180 out. Also front 50 to front board. Feeble transfers, everything. Fuzz had a sick fakie front 50. Brian had a sick front board. Denise had a cute drink. Jake stacked up quite a few tricks too, but I’m failing to remember them now.


I had gotten kinda bored with the spot and started looking around and ended up putting down a really fun line. Ollie the little red flag on the far left, manual the median, curve right and do a treflip on flat then a boardslide on the flat bar followed by a front 180 over a couple cracks. Not all that cool, but man it was fun. Carleigh showed pretty late in the session and I saw her get into a hurricane on the bar. Gnarly.

Then we went to Crest View Elementary where we skated hard forever. The long aluminum bench is kinda intimidating initially. At least to us old people. Jason was cruising around in his chair again. It was awesome to see his smile. Neil had some good boardslides on the first bench. Coming the other way had some good front 50s. Jake was on the same tip. Tried to get front shove out, but didn’t quite. Fuzz killed it. Boardslide the long bench. Ollie the bench, back 50 the tall side, boardslide transfer to tail crack and a lot more. Carleigh was going for a line of kickflip then front 50, but slid out when she got into 50. Dave took a super gnarly slam. It didn’t stop him though. He almost got a line with front 50 then front board transfer. But that’s what he slammed hard on. He got boardslide transfer too. I couldn’t boardslide the long bench, but probably did 50 kickflips up the curb going the other way to set up for front 50s (which I normally bailed). Got one with a shove out near the end. Took forever. But anytime there is a curb to kickflip up I’m gonna be having fun. Dave and I also got boardslides to manual. I had a little line of boardslide then crook grind fall off then sit on the bench. I tried to hang with Fuzz doing ollie up then ollie up again to manual, but couldn’t. Fuzz did it so sick with manual drop to manual drop to manual. He’s good. Dave did a super sick hippy jump too. Fuzz and I messed around with this little downhill line to curb cut. I had a fun run of kickflip into the handicap ramp, ollie a crack halfway down then ollied into the downhill curb cut. Fuzz switch 180’d in then ollied out of the curb cut over a crack. Pretty darn awesome. Super fun day. Then we went to 3 Margs and Jason’s where we watched the documentary on Skatopia which is quite horrible (because of the content). But all in all a totally awesome day.

skate journal: old guy fun with rob and neil (May The 4th (be with you), 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 7th, 2013 by corpo

After a busy family morning watching Ollie play two flag football games back to back (scoring 5 or 6 touchdowns!) Rob came over and we went to this ledge/hip spot. It was immediately fun. It’s so awesome that Rob is around again. He had a backside boneless over the hip pretty early on that hyped me up big time. Neither of us were killing the ledge, the downhill/uphill parts of it are weird. But we were starting to get some basics down when Neil showed and ripped it up. He would skate the ledge uphill, land a trick then go back down the bike path to a trick on the hip, then back up to the ledge. He did some really good ollies over the hip and one foots. Rob tried to get pretty tech on the ledge with 180 nosegrinds and back 180 fakie 50s. We also did some back 180’s off the first part of the ledge like a kicker or started with flatground tricks at the top (I went with heelflip). Near the end I tried a bunch of 3 flips over the hip, but couldn’t quite get them so I went for kickflip to fakie on the steeper part of the bank. So fun. Neil did one too. Rob had a steezy tail block. I added a fakie flip and kind of a fakie flip over the hip thing and we moved on to an old classic Boulder spot.


This is the spot! Great flat ground and a manny pad. Perfect! They have added the bike racks since the last time I was there so it’s not quite as easy to skate, but still awesome. Neil manny and nose mannied the long way quick. Then did a line with a nollie front 180, halfcab manual then nose manual the long way. Rob had nose manny and manny quick too. Also tried a line of manual a corner then front 180 nose manual the other corner. Didn’t quite get it. Also had some good flatground lines with no complys, shoves, etc that were sick. I went more the trick up trick down route. Kickflip up/down was real quick. Started going kickflip up, treflip off and after a few sketchy ones put one down that felt amazing. Few tries later added b/s flip off. Finally did the manny and nose manny the long way. Then added a weird halfcab flip off and a line with front 180 up, a horrible sw mongo push and then a fakie bigflip off. So stoked! Ended by doing another treflip off and called it a day. What a blast! We grabbed some grub then went to the art show at Installation which was really fun too.

skate journal: parking garage fun on a cold and snowy February, I mean May night (May 1, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 2nd, 2013 by corpo

gotta admit, i hate the cold, but i love parking garages

It took two days to heal from my 40 trick day. But I was feeling good and extra motivated for multiple reasons. First, listening to that PJ Ladd song (the first song in his part was too short so we went with the after credits song which I almost like even more) reminded me of the PJ part. So I watched it. A bunch. When PJLWHL came out I was probably at my most motivated point in skating. So I kind of had that vibe going. And my 40 trick clip had me motivated to be a better skater and skate faster. I still feel like I should have cared about the tricks I was doing a little more for that clip, but oh well, it was a blast. Okay, longest intro ever for an hour long parking garage session. I had to break my ‘not wearing a beanie anymore because it’s supposed to be warm” pledge. I started out cold and pushing around the place fast. Ollies over the parking blocks were hard initially. After a bit I felt warm and started trying some lines. First one was was ollie onto the far left sidewalk, head to the right then front tail to fakie on the parking block, halfcab flip then kick back lip on another curb. Didn’t get the last trick. Started trying a different line starting with back tail instead, then treflip then kick front 50. Came super close and was hyped on how fast I was going on the treflips. The back tail were barely even skidders though. I ollied the newspaper rack a few times again, once even in a line after manualling the above sidewalk which didn’t leave me much setup space. Another line I tried was ollieing a crack to crack gap, slappy back tailslide, front lip a parking block. Didn’t get all 3. Was able to kickflip over the parking block really easy. Got a front shove first real try. Almost got backside flip over it. Got a fakie bigspin. Did a lot of tricks cruising around faster then I thought I could. Ended by front lipping a parking block then trying to ollie the newspaper stand again and landing right on it. Ha. Super fun session though. Wish I always had that much energy and motivation.

skate journal: all day broomfield park awesomeness (april 28, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on April 29th, 2013 by corpo

40 dinner

Today was a big day. Went to Broomfield park a little after 10 am on a super nice day. The goal was to film 40 tricks in a fun way that makes fun of me and highlights how lucky I am to know so many amazing people and skaters. It went better then expected and was a total blast to do. There is gonna be a video of it so I don’t need to list the tricks I did and ruin the surprise. I’ll just say I did 40 tricks and it took me almost 8 hours to do them. I obviously got really tired and could not be picky with how I landed tricks. There were a few where I was so tired and could hardly do them, but whatevs, it was a blast. Big thanks to Chad and Jack for not giving up on a few of the harder ones. And of course, thanks to everyone that came and showed me up! Dinner and videos at Crisis after was a blast too. What a good day. So many awesome people.

skate journal: Ledges and manny pad fun with Jake (April 24, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on April 25th, 2013 by corpo

downhill ledges is scary

kickflip a truck

Finally a kind of warm day in the 50s. After work I went to Target to get Liz an anniversary card (15 years of awesome tomorrow!) and saw a cheap candle begging to be used on ledges instead of burned slowly. And since I was right there I went to this ledge. John was thinking of meeting up and I figured he could grab Jake. So I skated for awhile and it was fun. Waxing it was a good call, wow it was slick. Had some fun front 50s, front 50 shove. Lots of noseslides and a few crooks. Followed them with attempts over the hip (from steep to mellow). Got a couple b/s flips over it and maybe a kickflip over the f/s hip. John bailed so I needed to go get Jake. That fool should get a car. Ha. Before I left though I did a fun run of switch front 180 off the very start of the ledge, ollie a corner of curb along the bike path, b/s flip on the hip then fakie flip on flat. Neat.

Then I drove to Jake’s and we came back. I almost got the crooks then f/s flip line again. Kept stepping off the flipper. Tried noseslide then front bigspin, came close. Jake killed the ledge with back 50s, crooks, crooks fakie, noseslide, front 50, front tailslide. The light wasn’t turning on so it got tough to see the ledge after awhile. I got a couple bad back 50s and one front tail that slid. We did some bonelesses over the hip. I got a no comply bigspin. I tried a few 3 flips over the hip before we left for the next spot.


Jake suggested a manny pad spot so this seemed like the perfect fit. I was on the phone with my mom for awhile while Jake rolled around working on some stuff. He got a line with manual, ollie onto the sidewalk, kickflip off. I couldn’t manual one of the pads initially so instead I just manualled the long one first try. Ha. Tried to nose manny it too to relive my Blame The Filmer part, but couldn’t quite get it. We put a little plastic bucket out to do tricks over. Jake worked on a line of front 180 over it then halfcab manual. He had never done hc manual before, but he got a couple. Sick! I tried a few things then settled into a line attempt of kickflip manual, ollie onto the sidewalk and then 360 flip off. Never quite got the manual part or the 3 flips. Switched it up to nose manny instead and got closer, but still never rode away from the tre. Doh. At one point the funniest thing happened. Jake nollie front 180’d the little bucket and I tried to get his back with a kickflip and I landed right on it and it shattered. Disgusting wet cigarette butts and old banana peels went flying. Ha. We laughed for awhile. Even though I didn’t land much it was a really fun session.

skate journal: almost 40 years old 40 tricks (April 11, 2013)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on April 11th, 2013 by corpo

nice legs

Feeling good on my last day of 39 and had the day off work since I’m leaving for DC in a couple hours. Went out front of the house with the intention of doing 39 tricks. Got 40 instead. With the exception of the last trick everything came within 3 tries. Crazy. And being the nerd I am I wrote them down in the order I landed them. It was a blast.

front 180
fakie ollie
switch front 180
bs halfcab
fs halfcab
nollie back 180
back pop shove
nollie front 180
fakie bigspin
front shove
one foot
hippy flip
fakie flip
bs halfcab flip
no comply
no comply front 180
fakie back shove
fakie front shove
nollie front shove
nollie back shove
no comply fingerflip
fs halfcab flip
pop shove revert
boneless 180
boneless 360
fakie bigflip
fakie varial flip
switch front shove
360 flip
fs flip
bs flip
no comply front shove
no comply 360
and nollie tre.