skate journal: solo flatground then louisville later in the cold (nov 30, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on December 1st, 2014 by corpo

It's really cold. #scenesfromwhereifalldown

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

So I’m supposed to be on this program where I land one new flip trick a month. I’m one month behind and since it’s the last day of November if I don’t land a new one I’ll have to land 3 new tricks in December. Yikes. It was really cold, like 23 degrees and I went to Southern Hills pretty early in the day. I started with a few basics that felt good (except for the treflip as that trick hates me now) then settled into a routine of 4 new tricks. Well mostly new. I would try nollie f/s flip, switch flip (I’ve landed this once in my life), fakie hardflip (I’ve landed this once in my life) and nollie heels. I landed on all of them except nollie heels. Seriously both feet on, but not enough foot on. The nollie f/s flip was so close. Man I would be hyped to land that one. Several switch flips were close. The fakie hardflip just didn’t get enough rotation. Argh. Nollie heels are super hard. I’ve never gotten close and I didn’t this day either, but I did seem to get it to flip more consistently. There were a couple that could have been makes if I would have hovered over my board rolling on the ground longer. Ha. Looks like I have to land 3 new flippers in December.

[wpvp_player src= width=640 height=360 splash=]

Then I went home, went on a cold walk with Liz and had more time in the afternoon to do something so what better to do then go skating? I went to Louisville park and to my surprise no one was there. Ha, it had dropped to 18 degrees. As you can see I’m very bundled up. I had a blast though. An absolute blast. I started by forcing myself to do a bunch of frontside ollies on various hips, rolled into the 4 foot section, carved around, had fun. I had a great feeling front 50 shove on the ledge, kickflip to fakie on the flat bank, back 50 around a corner, front d in the snake run, almost did nollie f/s flip, did a first try nollie treflip, a few heelflips. I tried to selfie film like Neil does to send him a clip of how we still do it here in the cold. That was first try and I never got closer. I started to get pretty tired and kickflips up the little ledge weren’t working so I went home.

skate journal: brief rampy solo session to break in new shoes (oct 10, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, New Shoes, Skate Journal on November 11th, 2014 by corpo

Tis #rampy season

A photo posted by Null Skateboards (@null_skateboards) on

best skate shoes ever

Had a few minutes before leaving for Murder City Devils to skate. Cleaned up the garage a little and skated for about 20 minutes. I had more fun and landed more tricks then I expected. Front tail, feeble, smith, disaster. Back 5-0 fakie (my poor impression of the trick), fakie pivot fakie, fakie Joe Hamilton, fakie 5-0s, front d to fakie. I did quite a few tricks that felt in more control then normal. I did several flatground kickflips to help break in the shoe. These shoes are a half size too big. They are a test to see if I like them enough to add all the 11.5s at Sol, Meta, 303 to my stash of 11s.

skate journal: denver street skating awesomeness (nov 2, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on November 3rd, 2014 by corpo

@43shifty crailtap

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

I met up with Rob and Dave at the only spot in Denver after making a run to Emage. Dave had to setup a new board. Rob and I cruised around the area a bit then mostly hit the hill. I didn’t do much of anything other then powerslides. These STFs slide so good. Rob and Dave tried the wallride thing for awhile. Then we pushed for awhile to get to the bank spot above to meet an old friend of Rob/Dave’s named Brian. He’s rad. We skated this spot for awhile. I didn’t do much of anything. Rob had the crailtap above, b/s flip, and some more. Dave had some rad roll ins and front pivot. We moved on. Hit some weird building structure with some yellow curbs and this weird angle iron you could ride on. Rob killed it with a first try back 360 off a curb cut and a lot of back 50s. Brian and Rob did manuals to grind. Dave had some manuals. I took a lot of tries to do a cali grind to one foot long nose manual turned to disaster. More moving around. We went by a spot with a tall ledge and wallride. Rob had many radical wallrides. I got one noseslide. I tried a line with ollie onto a bench then treflip then noseslide. Never got the treflip. Then we went to some bank spot, but on the way I noticed a really fun 4 stair section that everyone else passed up. Ollie a 4, cross the road, ollie up a curb, ride off a 2 stair, ollie down a 4. Man it was fun. I would have loved to skate it longer, but I had to catch up. We skated this steep driveway for a bit. I kickflipped and fakie bigflipped into it. Thanks for spotting Dave. Rob and Dave had some rad no complies sideways into it off a weird curb. I’m probably missing spots. We were really street skating. Just pushing from spot to spot having a blast. I think we ended up at the Denver art museum. I was bummed on how I couldn’t ollie up the black ledges easily. Those dudes were on the far side. I got booted so met up with them and there was a gap to sidewalk that seemed fun. I front 180’d it then met up with everyone at a cool little wallride. We all did regular wallrides. I think Brian and I got frontside ones. Dave almost died trying a wallie. Rob did a sick alley oop wallride. We chilled for a minute then started heading back towards our cars. Dave and I did the wallie out of the grated thing by the library. We skated a little manny pad for awhile across from the world trade center. Dave has a casual manual. Then we went across the street and actually lasted quite awhile. Dave had some really good wallrides. We all had some fun firecrackers. I did one followed by the worst wallies ever done. I had fun ollieing up the 3 stair part then bean plant over the little curb thing and kickflip up one stair and front 180 it. Dave firecrackered the 4 stair. I think that was pretty much it. That was some real street skating. When it was all done my trucks looked like they had covered a lot of the city.

Scenic autumn colors. Today was awesome.

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

skate journal: slappy spot and bank to curb in fort collins (nov 1, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on November 2nd, 2014 by corpo

Carleigh, Rob and I rolled up to Fort Collins in the afternoon. We went to MRKT first and Skelly and Mike were there. Perfect. We rolled with them and another old dude Chip and his friend Eli to the slappy post office spot. The weather was perfect. Mike broke a baseplate on one of his first slappy attempts, but luckily he had an extra in his truck. Rob was killing it out of the gates. Slappies both ways, slappy crooks, manuals, manual 180s, everything. For whatever reason I don’t like that curb so much. So I just kind of skated around more then the curb. There was a new gap across the street. Young guy Eli and I checked it out. It was off a beveled ledge, about a 5 or 6 stair drop, but only a few feet in distance over a little bush. Eli did it first try and back 180’d it too. I took too many tried to commit, but finally committed to the ollie. Didn’t land ride away and security came by so I didn’t get another try. Doh. I was hyped to actually try it though as it was a big gap for me. I filmed everyone skate for awhile. Rob got a couple of his moves, Carleigh got a really good slappy or two, Mike had a rad line, Skelly did a backside no comply over a curb.

@skelly #ftc

A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

Then we went to this bank to curb. It’s harder to skate then it looks, but it’s a blast. Skelly rattled off like 20 tricks. Most of them first try. Rob put down a lot of moves too. We skated there quite a while. I did a front tail shove which I don’t think I have done on a bank to curb. Carleigh learned axle stall then did back feeble first or second try. Skelly had front feeble, front d to fakie, bean plant fakie so many more. Rob had back shove nose stall and some crazy feeble smith dance. I added a kick back axle and then rolled into the far side which was really scary avoiding all the death traps. Mike got a really sick halfcab nosestall. Fun times.

LaLuzers post awesome awesome

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Then we had a nice dinner at LaLuz. Yum.

skate journal: snuck out to the nearby park again (Oct 29, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on October 29th, 2014 by corpo

Instead of taking my typical mid morning gym break I went to the nearby skatepark again. I was really upset with how poorly I skated last night and wanted to redeem myself. I did. I skated faster, harder, did some new stuff and had fun. Pretty early on I had a great feeling treflip on flat. The best one I’ve done in awhile. I had some front 50s on the little ledge, crooks on it, crooks on the taller part of it, halfcab noseslide. I was determined to ollie onto the middle ledge near the flatbars. I got close, close, then somehow a miracle happened and I was riding on top of it so I front 180’d off and smiled. I also got crooks up one of the escalator ledges which felt great, front 50 too. Last two things I was trying were front shove off the main ledge (without ollie’ing up sorry) and ollie over the small side of an escalator ledge. Got the ollie pretty easy and instead of trying the front shove again I left. Hyped.

skate journal: Slappy slalom/DIY fun (Oct 26, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on October 27th, 2014 by corpo

slappy slalom

@matthouse #nineclub #slappyslalom

A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

Slappy Slalom

A photo posted by Matt House (@matthouse) on

More Slappy Slalom

A photo posted by Matt House (@matthouse) on

Woke up late and had to hustle to slappy slalom. People were already going off. The hill seemed steeper then I remembered. I dorked around on the bottom for awhile just doing slappy crooks on one curb. I did a lot of standing when I would go to the top because there were so many people. I would eventually get a few runs that made my day. They were super tech. Boardslide a curb, slappy tail the wood box, boardslide the long pvc slider and then early grab off the launch ramp. Man that was fun. Did the same starting with slappy crook. May have also added a manual to it. Documenting what all other people were doing would be crazy. Dave had good slappy crooks and feebles. Matt did a bunch of tricks on the red curb on top of the box. Fuzz was cruising fast. After awhile Matt and I played a game of SKATE. Well, two games. The first one was pretty awesome and the second one took forever. Matt won both and I missed treflips every try except before the first game. Then we skated the slalom some more. Carleigh boardslide the long pvc. Rob was doing sick slappies on the first curb. Watching the huck fest over the car was really fun. This event ruled. I didn’t skate a ton, but the little I did felt great. Even just doing powerslides down the hill.

ran out of time

A video posted by Matt House (@matthouse) on

Then we went to the nearby DIY slab again for even more fun. John called out the trick up trick on trick off challenge on the little manual pad and we all bought in. It was so much harder then I thought it would be. It was like working out at the gym. Jump, jump, jump! Everyone would get a few. Adam got the kickflip up, on, down challenge. Matt rolled his ankle trying it. I couldn’t quite get it. Fuzz put down quite a few. Front 180 up, f/s halfcab on, front shove off. Ridiculous. Halfcab up, back 180 on, fakie flip off. First try. I got front 180 up, halfcab flip on, back 180 off. Rob had a couple with back 360 of cabs in them. So crazy. John took the cake with the best line with switch ollie up, on, down. None of which the tail hit at all or the wheels really left the ground. It was amazing. Fuzz and I skated the weird spine for a bit. He had a nice bluntslide transfer. I got a little boardslide transfer. Mike stopped by and boardslid it. I got a little front feeble transfer thing.

Then we dorked around on the manny pad some more. Fuzz did a bunch of around the world to manuals. John had the amazingness above. Carleigh worked on manuals. I early grabbed up it. Rob did no comply front shove manual. Crazy. What an awesome day.

skate journal: stonehenge and red curbs with chief! (oct 23, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on October 26th, 2014 by corpo

backside no comply tail

Chief in town! So hyped. We headed out later in the evening on a warm evening. We lit up Stonehenge with my car lights. Chief has been recovering from knee surgery so he wanted a mellow spot. When we first got there he said he would be stoked to front 50 it. A whooping 5 minutes later he did front and back 50s easy. I rattled through quite a few of my staples. Got kick back 50, and kick back pivot. Tried for the flip trifecta with kick back tail too, but never got it. Chief threw some backside no complies then started trying it to back tail. He ended up getting quite a few. So sick. He would also get front 50 front 270 out all steezy.

front 50 yes sir

Then we went to Red Curbs. That place rules. It didn’t take long for Chief to line out some long ones. He was having so much fun. He’s been skating for so long and he did his first front 50 front 180 out in a long time. He was doing shove its, long front 50s, back 180s off the curbs. All with patented Chief steeze. He was oozing stoke. Just having so much fun. It ruled. I don’t remember getting a whole lot myself. Then we skated the metal ledge part in the photo. We did a bunch of ride on grinds that were super fun. Chief was doing front 50, front 50 front 180 out, no comply front 5-0 and no comply front tail. I did back 50, back 50 up onto the top, back 50 up then back 180 off. Also some front 50s down it. I was trying those then treflips and didn’t any clean ones. Last trick was back 50 back 180 out. Skating with Chief ruled. Can’t wait to do it again.

skate journal: solo longmont park then denver with old dudes (oct 21, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, New Deck, New Shoes, Skate Journal on October 22nd, 2014 by corpo

It was so nice out. I normally go to the gym around 10am at work for about 45 minutes, but it was just too nice out. I went to the nearby “rollerblade park” and skated for about 45 minutes. It was hot out. I had a new board after my idiocy last night. 8.1 this time. Felt good. I kept it pretty mellow. Mostly just skated slow trying flip tricks and the occasional ledge trick. At one point I had a halfcab flip, 360 flip (over 40 make) and then a nollie 360 flip (over 80 make). Ha. Was hyped. Was really missing vulc shoes though. They are just so much better for skating. Gotta do this instead of the gym more often, it was quite fun.


After work, a nap, laundry, I went to Crisis to meet up with our old guy crew for Denver Tuesdays. I was first so Fuzz and I sat and watched a video while disagreeing over everything except how rad Ty Bealls part is in the A-Street video. Ha. Dave and Rob showed and we drove to Cherry Creek to a parking garage called “Cherry Curbs”. Money. And it exceeded all expectations. We mostly skated this crazy manny pad with all kinds of weird angles that you can go into/out of grinds. I was the last on the manual to front 50 train. Actually, I’m not sure if I even did it without tilting. Rob did it with no comply and one foot as well. Fuzz got tech with heelflips up, switch back 180s, noseslides pop ups. Dave did front 5-0 to nose manual and manual body varial. Rob had such a steezy nose manual front 180 out. I was trying a quick foot combo of manual then nose manual to grind. Unfortunately we got the boot. At least we got awhile on it.


A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

After some spot lurking we ended up here for a fun brief session under Fuzz’s headlights. Well, Fuzz’s truck’s headlights. Fuzz and Dave did some soft rocks/pivots. I did the standard kickflip to fakie and fakie flip. Then we all did early grabs off it and Fuzz and I did bonelesses.

Then we ended up at this gem of a spot. It had this little slappy ledge, then a short long ledge after, then down the street a little another ledge with a gnar option. Dave did some ultra smooth switch slappies. Rob had slappy then nollie lipslide. I had slappy, bad crooks, then almost boardslide on the further ledge. Fuzz almost got to the gnar option with a front 50, but we got kicked out. Doh.

We ended up at the newish college spot downtown with the long marble manny pads. Everyone got manuals except me (nothing new there). It seemed like really fun place to skate. As I was just getting warmed up again it started raining.

A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

So we went to the RTD garage. Fuzz and I didn’t think we would skate at all, but I guess Rob and Dave were shredding hard enough to get us off our tired butts. Rob was seriously ripping. Manuals at high speed, nose mannies, lots of energy hopping up/off the ledges. Back 50 around the corner to shove out. Whoa! Fuzz was on the high speed tip too with a long manual that opened a little emergency phone case. Pretty funny. He also had good fakie 50s with and without halfcabs out. I just did crooks. But I did a lot of them. Some long ones on the main ledge and a few through the corner which felt really neat. As usual Dave was the last man standing. He did all kinds of moves. Front 5-0 through the corner, boardslide to fakie then switch front noseslide. Front board to fakie. Crooks and ended it with a really good switch crooks.

Got home around 2:30 am stoked and feeling very alive. Thanks for the good time dudes.

skate journal: denver spots with rob, dave, simon. filming a hip hop video. (Oct 18, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on October 19th, 2014 by corpo


Extras in a hip hop video. Just a typical Saturday for us old dudes.

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Rob, Dave, Simon and I went to this DIY spot in Denver. We had skated for awhile and were getting warmed up when some dudes came over and asked if we could skate in their video they were filming on the other side of the slab. Heck yeah! Ha. We skated in front of them while the remote controlled helicopter cam filmed us rolling by. It was funny. I had a good slam on a kickflip that I exaggerated and got some laughs. We skated a little wallride for a bit. Everyone got it but me. Rob hit a rock right before it though and slammed his shoulder bad. Doh. Back to the main area. Dave was doing cool no complies over a weird block. I got one on the side. Simon ollied it, nose bonked it, no complied it and did all the same (except the no comply) off the drop. Rob did his first no comply manual back 180 out. He would later get his second. Dave had a sick feeble transfer, front 5-0s on a curb, feeble fakie, switch 50. Simon rips. Manual pop shove out, switch manuals, manual front 180 then switch blunt the qp. Much more. I had a fun flip trick session on the tiny manny pad. Kickflip up, var flip down. Fakie bigspin up, horrible front shove off. Couldn’t get b/s flip or treflip off. Had a really fun front board revert transfer.


#fullertron style for days

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After quite a bit of driving we ended up here. I was fine with not skating it, but Fuller started ripping immediately with a nice boardslide. He added back tail, tail block and a few others. I took awhile to get a front tail. Then we all got tricks back to back. Dave back tail, me front pivot, Rob back smith. Stoked!


Fun bank spot ender for an awesome day. @43shifty @fullertrron

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Then we walked over a building to this mellow bank spot which ended up being a really fun ender. I got kickflip fakie, bigflip, f/s halfcab flip (over 40 make) and no comply shove fakie. Rob had some lofty f/s ollies, f/s flip, b/s flip, one foots, more. Dave did fakie flip, nollie 360 (seriously), and more tricks I can’t remember.

Epic day.

skate journal: Portrandia day 2! Burnside, downtown, flat/ramp (Sept 12, 2014)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on September 18th, 2014 by corpo


First spot of the day was Burnside! Some people had seen it, some hadn’t. Since I’ve never been to Portland before I was one of people that hadn’t ever seen it. Dave, Jack, Josh, Neil and I started on the little mini on the hill in the top photo. It sucked! Axle stalls were hard, unless you are Dave and Jack. Then we went in for the main area. Chris was killing it! He’s the token vert dude on the trip and he skated so hard. Lots of tricks, every trick. I think everyone but Rob took runs in the park. I only took two runs. It wasn’t all that crowded, I was just feeling weird. Everyone else looked good. Dave may have been the one that surprised me the most with his smoothness and large bag of tricks. After awhile we posted up near the parking lot and skated that area. As you can see by the photos a lot went down. What isn’t shown is me skating the parking block below everything. Ha. Ok the narrow new bowl was really fun to carve around in.

Then we moved downtown, hit the food carts, ate food, got kicked out of a fun ledge way too fast then ended up at this fountain spot where we lasted for hours upon hours.

We were literally here for hours. There were multiple people skating it in different ways. I was a part of the ‘treat it like a hip’ crew. Others were doing wallies off part of it or skating the ledge, or dropping in from scary heights. The flip trick the hip session was awesome. Nate did nollie back 270 heel! JP did frontside flip, lots of poppy one foots and nollie bigspin. Carleigh did kickflip even though she was talking with a new friend for a long time. Rob had several of his stylee boneless and some kickflips. I landed almost every flip trick I can do on it. Kickflips both ways, b/s flip, varial flip, hc flip, fakie varial flip, the worst f/s flip ever done I had a blast. Matt killed it with back 50 gap to back 5-0. Jack manualled through the skate stoppers to blunt. Ridiculous. Neil was all over the place. Near the end I began skating the ledge with Carleigh, Matt, Josh, Jack, Rob. Rob did boardslide to manual. I got front 5-0s when I was trying front 50s, a front 50 to front board and maybe technically a smith. Josh had some nice front noses and a front tail or two. Carleigh done did f/s 180 nosegrind a few times. Then we skated around for awhile, hit a shop, got lost and ended up at a huge ramp on the other side of the city.

Nate and I weren’t in the mood for a ramp so we went and skated flat. Well, tried to skate flat. We were so sore and it was not a pretty game. We skated around a little more, but came back to a fun looking session. Josh, Carleigh, Chris, Dave were still skating and ripping. I took a couple of runs and wish I had skated it more. Oh well, at least I beat Nate at SKATE! That was it for the skating on day 2. Long day! Fun day.