skate journal: brief manny pad warmup then campus with jake (june 28, 2015 day 174)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on June 29th, 2015 by corpo


After a nice hike and a nap and stuff I met Rob at the newish spot with the manual pad / 2 stair. Rob quickly determined that his leg was acting up and he wouldn’t be able to skate. Doh. I stayed around for a bit and tried to get warmed up, but it was a struggle. I started getting a few flip tricks and about 30 tries I finally manualled off the 2 then kickflipped off the last curb. Then I went to pick up Jake and we headed to campus. The engineering building had a bunch of gravel on the bank/bank spot so we moved on. We had front tail stalls off the little one ledge off the curb. Then we went to the long ledge. No cars again! I was feeling really good at this point and probably skated too hard and didn’t pace myself. I was trying lots of lines. Flippers, manuals, ledge tricks. Didn’t land much on the manny pad or ledge, but flippers went pretty good. I was 2-4 on treflips, but 0-10 on front 50 shoves. Jake and I both got a back 50 or two, noseslides, neither of us got crooks, he might have got front tail, I did a few accidental front 5-0s that should have been 50s. Then we played a game of SKATE that ended with me winning on 360 flip.


We headed to the bank to fence, but ended up stopping at this little bump into downhill sidewalk. Jake put down kickflip first try and I put down b/s flip second try. Then it was off to the races with all of our tricks. I was hyped on fakie flip really quick. It wasn’t much downhill, but it was still a bit of a challenge and super fun. Jake got kickflip, 360 flip, heelflip (first try), f/s flip, fakie flip and almost fakie treflip. I got b/s flip, fakie flip, halfcab flip, fakie bigflip, varial flip, nollie treflip, f/s halfcab flip, treflip and hucked cab flips at the end that felt remotely close at times. Such a fun session.

(setup 8.25 null venture wide lights bones med bushings 51mm stfs nb+ quincy 254)

skate journal: boulder ditch with birthday dave and a crew (june 26, 2015 day 172)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on June 28th, 2015 by corpo

A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

Went to Boulder ditch after work to meet Rob and Dave. I arrived first and laid back in my car for a power nap of which I was rudely awoken by Dave. Ha. D5 and Pigeonhole were there skating and it made for extra hype. This spot is a tough warm up, but it ends up working out pretty good. Dave was on fire from the start. 47 and killing it. Everyone seemed to skate pretty good and Rob skated the best I’ve seen him skate there. He had a line with f/s ollie, back smith the curb qp, sick boneless. D5 had rad alley oop rocks, rock ‘n rolls. Pigeonhole had boardslide transfers, boardslides and a big smile. I finally back 50’d the pvc. Had a fun line of front disaster the curb qp, boardslide the ledge then a kickflip. Also the front rock then b/s flip I’ve done before. And some longer boardslides on the pvc. Dave back 5-0d to back tail the whole pvs from crete to crete. Insane. He also did lipslides, front 5-0s, front tails, back disaster the curb qp, drop in on the tire, front 50 transfers on the pvc, front board transfer the pvc, much more. Happy Birthday Dave!

(setup 8.25 null venture light wides bones med bushings 51mm stfs nb+ quincy 254s (note I was really hyped on my setup today))

skate journal: flatground fun with dave and then aki (may 21, 2015 day 137)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 21st, 2015 by corpo

Busy day at work, but Dave was texting me saying I should go to Blue Skies before it started raining. Somehow I pulled it off and went to meet Dave. When I arrived he was in the hockey rink instead of at the park. I was initially kind of bummed as I wanted to skate the park. But everyone that reads this knows I love flatground so it didn’t take me long to start enjoying it. Dave had only been there a couple minutes so we were both going through the wonderful horribleness that is warming up as an older skater. My legs would get warmed up and feel good and I got a ton of flip tricks including a new one. Started with kickflip, shoves, varial flip, fakie flip, halfcab flips. b/s flip, 360 flip, got a first try f/s halfcab heel so tried rick flips for awhile and got close. Had a line with 360 flip then nollie 360 flip, couldn’t get the fakie tre next though. Also had a run with heelflip then nollie varial flip. Tried a ton of switch varial flips. Got close. Was trying another one and landed something. We thought it was a switch flip at first, but I was riding away regular so apparently I did my first ever switch sex change. Ha, pretty hyped to say the least. I couldn’t get a fakie tre to end my session. Dave did a lot of lines. Nollie front 180 then switch front shove. Switch back shoves. Fakie shove, fakie bigspin, f/s nollie bigspin. Nollie shoves, switch 180s. Lots of 360 tricks. Cab, f/s cab, helipop and learned a new one. Nollie front 360. Or nollie cab. Or switch cab. Just as long as you don’t say “full” I don’t care. He also put down a bunch of kickflips, no complys, switch no complys, 43 shiftys and probably a ton more tricks I’m forgetting. Aki showed up and joined us. He’s a software engineer that goes there at lunch and he’s super nice. He warmed up then started linking a bunch of flippers and 180s. Kickflip, heelflip, back heel, 360 flip, fakie flip. He would get a bunch in a row. Then I needed to get back to work. What a good time.

The day that keeps on giving! Fuzz, Dave and Rob pushed for Old Man night at Launch so we met up in Longmont and headed that way. As we were getting close it was still dry so a detour to the bank to curb was made. We ended up skating there a couple hours and past closing time for Launch. It ruled. It completely ruled. I’ll just start by saying Dave, Fuzz and Rob rule. Even without the skating it would have ruled. But add a good session and you get the shit we live for. We were all a little slow to get started, but the tricks really started stacking up. There is no way I’ll remember them all, but everyone seemed to get “their” trick and a bunch of other ones. I’ll try. Rob. back smiths, started a rad back pivot train where we all did them with a smile, backside nosepick to back d, front tails, locked into a Rob Helmstetter backside noseblunt, feeble to rock, back pivot to back tail, lofty bean plants to tail and pop shove nosebash. Fuzz. Front tail fakie, ollie up to front tail slide, fakie nosepick to fakie, noseblunt tail grab, front pivot fakie, front and back axle stall 270s out. Me. no comply front tail, couldn’t land front tail shove, kickflip “back smith” where my front foot was hovering above my board, kick back tail (felt so rad), slammed super hard switch pushing for a switch front nose stall, hurricane, hucked switch front heels for the heck of it on flat, got a treflip on flat, some other boneless tricks. Dave. Got more flatground kickflips, front hurricane, back pivot shove, back tail (shove too maybe?), thruster plant (I think?), front axle stall to back axle stall, something into axle stall to fakie. I’m blowing it. These are too hard to remember. It was an awesome session with an awesome crew. Stoked.

(setup 8.25 null venture wide lights bones med bushings 51mm stfs nb+ pj stratfords)

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skate journal: downtown denver old man mission fun! (april 30, 2015 day 116)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on May 2nd, 2015 by corpo

Somehow the stars aligned and things worked out for a downtown Denver mission with Dave, Rob, Fuzz, Jack and me. It didn’t look good initially as it was raining at the gathering point of Crisis and on the road to Denver. We went drove to Cherry Curbs and the security guard was up front preventing us from even getting out of the car. Ugh. Rob killed it by telling the security guard that Dave was trying to learn how to drive an automatic since he grew up driving a stick. And that it was too slippery out on the streets. So funny. We headed back downtown and things were dry. We got the boot from a curb spot then ended up at the 5 two stairs in a row (old guy 10 stair ha). Everyone firecrackered them. Such a good warm up. Jack ollied up them too, but he’s only 20 something. Once even with a no comply flip up the last set. Dave, Rob and I added back 180 off the last step. Fuzz tried to back 180 the second to last set then switch front 180 the last set making for some pretty epic bails and slams. The pitch out to butt looked so amazing off a two stair. I managed to early grab through a couple sets. Fuzz rode down all of them switch. Jack did pressure flip and late shove off the last set. A few fun powerslides later we were down the hill and hitting some curbs. Jack had some long back 50s. Fuzz and Rob had some good manuals. I did some kickflips to feel more warmed up. Then we checked out this bench/stair/rail area. Jack had some long back 50s. Rob no comply’d up the three stair. This is when some clearly mentally challenged dude started following us and telling us not to skate. Well, he may have been mute because he was just shaking his head and waving no with his finger. Some people let it get to them, other just ignored him. Either way it was kind of weird. We got the boot from a real security guard and went across the street to a nice granite ground with some round flower pots that we skated. Jack and Fuzz had some boardslide pop outs. Jack was doing them frontside I think and going across the street to do some wallrides. I get a fun line of front 180 up the curb, halfcab flip on flat then noseslide. Off we went.


I think we ended up at this spot next where everyone boardslid the yellow ledge. Dave and Rob added front board. Jack did 180 switch crooks transfer. Fuzz did halfcab boardslide. Jack rolled off the tall ledge so casual. As we were getting booted I tried a couple of street plant things with my hand on the bar and dropped off. Landed one. It felt so rad.

A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

I think we ended up here next. We actually lasted for quite awhile. We started with the orange benches were they are. Fuzz killed it with front 50, front 5-0 and maybe a front smith too? I got crooks. After awhile one was pulled out to ollie over into the little downhill of the entryway. Jack and Fuzz killed this too. Fuzz did ollie, manual, back 180 and front 180 all first try. Maybe nosebonk too. Jack got kickflip nosebonk, one foot nosebonk and probably more that I’m forgetting. I tried to ollie it. It would have a really big ollie for me. I committed on the last one as we were getting a kind boot, but didn’t get over the bench. Either way it felt cool to try that hard.

After some grub at 7-11 I think we ended up at Skyline park. Jack rode off a ledge to 5-0 a trash can. Dave and I did drops to tail. Dave added a 360 egg plant nose bonk. Yes it was as crazy as it sounds. Actually I should gram the video of it. Ok, gram’d it. It’s above. Yeah for technology. And yes the nose bonk was intentional.

actually kind of looks like a gap at least

I ollied this gap. Actually kind of surprised because of how sore I was. But yeah, again I was surprised at just how fun it was and reminds me to skate gaps more often.

gnar gnar

Last spot was here. We rode off the drops on the other side which was pretty fun. I got a noseslide to ride down. I think Dave did boardslide. Everyone was kind of done at that point it seemed, but I tried a crooks on the ledge and it grinded really well. So I did like 100 of them having the time of my life. I would go between crooks to fakie or forward just kind of depending on how the grind went. I think my longest grind was 4 sections. It felt sooooo good! I did a couple bad back 50s too. Dave did boardslide to fakie, boardslide to fakie 50 halfcab out and front board to fakie. All super good. After that we rolled/walked back to the car. Incredibly fun night for me. These dudes rule. Oh yeah, and I finally crooked through the V!

(setup 8.38 amigos venture wides bones med bushings stf 51mm nb+ stratford 479)

skate journal: rock creek! with carleigh, jack and rob (april 29, 2015 day 115)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on April 30th, 2015 by corpo

After a chill day at work I drove through the traffic to meet Jack, Carleigh and Rob at Rock Creek on a gorgeous day. Jack and Carleigh had already been there for awhile and were skating flat. But we ended up skating the ramp for awhile. I had some decent runs for me then started trying back tail stalls for awhile. I got super close. That’s a good start for my challenge. Everyone seemed to be skating pretty good. Rob tapped his inner Fuller and manualled the deck no problem. He also had some lofty front disasters and long front tails. Jack has gotten a lot better at skating ramps and flew around doing long front tail, 5-0s, smiths. Back d. Kept slamming on some bean/sal variation. Carleigh was doing runs with f/s ollies, front ds and almost back ds in them.

Then we played SKATE for awhile. The first game had Rob mastering the art of “double or nothing” beautifully, Carleigh doing kickflip, heelflip, varial flip in a row as well as learning fakie bigspins. It came down to Jack and Rob. I don’t remember what the last trick was, but I saw Rob throwing back 3 and Jack doing some cab bigspin variation. We played another game. It started pretty similar, but ended up being Jack against me. I got him with a nollie tre. I don’t really care that he didn’t land it, I was just happy to land one. We both battled treflips for awhile. It took so long that Rob and Carleigh said we would lose if they beat us to it. But I ended up finally getting one and of course Jack landed it too. A few more tricks went down. Jack won it on a double flip. Yeap, just like all of the annoying kids on BATB. Ha ha, just joking.

Then we skated the ramp awhile longer. Everyone was ripping. Carleigh had a run with front lipslide, back d and front rock I think? Jack added a bigspin back d and some other rad combos. Rob was back smithing all over the place, backside ollies. I did the same ol’ and added two of the weakest texas plants you could do. Fully set the board into the tranny before stepping onto it. Oh well, baby steps.

We skated around the park a bit. Jack did a bunch of long feeble grind tricks on the flat bar and ollied onto the little ledge to front 180 switch crooks the tall ledge. I boardslid the flatbar. Rob back smithed the ledge all steezy and tried halfcab noseslide 270 out. I think Carleigh was beat and chilled after getting a few more fakie bigspins. Anyways, it was a really fun day.

(setup 8.38 Amigos Venture wides bones med bushings STF 51mm NB+ Stratford 479)

skate journal: campus fun with dave, rob and a bit of liz and ollie (april 12, 2015 day 99)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on April 13th, 2015 by corpo

It’s my bday! Normally I get stoked, but I guess I had a bit of that old feeling depression for the first half of the day. I skated flatground in front of my house for awhile. Well, kind of. I mostly just hecked nollie heels and other slow moving tricks I can’t do. I feel like Riley’s recent nollie heel trick tip session helped, but I have yet to make the board flip right. Maybe, just maybe I’ll get one by the time I’m 50.

Liz had asked what else I wanted for my Bday and I said she could maybe film the stupid trick above. I know I could do it. But it’s a lot of luck and not just my awesome skill. Ha. I was quite depressed while trying it. I think it was because I could tell Ollie did not want to be there which was a bummer. The slam above was the closest I got. It was not an intentional Glen fall. It was an honest to goodness desperate attempt at riding away. After seeing this footage I’m not sure I’ll try it again. Rob and Dave showed. They both did sick no comply bean plants over the rock into the path. Rob’s was super lofty.

A photo posted by Rob Helmstetter (@43shifty) on

Then we skated this which was about 20 feet away. Ollie had some ollies and front 180s off. Dave was nollieing down the 2 stair with speed. Rob was shredding! Manualed it (which is tough because it’s really rough on top), back 180 up and one incredibly steezy no comply shove down the 2, there was more, but I’m not remembering right now. I messed around with a few things, then put together a line that made my whole day better. Kickflip up the two stair, no comply finger flip on flat, olllie down the 2 then ollie the 4. It was rad because I almost slammed down the 2 and just barely pulled off whatever little ollie it took to clear the 4. It really cheered me up. Ollie and Liz left then Dave, Rob and I moved on. We went around the corner to the double set that Ishod halfcab boardslid. Dave still wanted to boardslide it. He felt it out a little, but didn’t get down it. Then we started trying tricks into the grass. First it was ollies. Dave managed to not stick and got down the hill a couple times. I never did, but I did land on a bunch of kickflips over the curb that were totally committed to. It was fun rolling down the hill. Dave somehow also managed to back 180 into the grass and ride down switch. Wow. Dave and I did this little rock wallie thing for a bit. I tried on the first go and slammed pretty hard. Dave got it in a couple and I was a few behind. I did manage to front 180 the 4 stair which felt really cool. Then Dave and I skated this cool gap to manny that Dave found. He mannied it real quick. I took a few tries. Then he went for nose manual, but never got it. Doh. We hit the long ledge for awhile. There was some dude in headphones cruising around making sure to never make eye contact or say hi. It was weird. Rob continued his shredding. I saw crooks, front tail, halfcab noseslide, front noseslide, front board pop out, and a sick 1-2 punch of noseslide to fakie then halfcab noseslide. I’m kind of blanking on Dave, but I remember front 50, crooks, boardslide pop out, noseslides I think. I didn’t get much more then crooks and front 50 on the ledge, but I did have a treflip and a couple great feeling nollie tres. All in all a fun day, thanks Rob and Dave!

(setup 8.38 null venture wides bones med bushings 50mm spitfire f4 101s)

skate journal: mega hubbas then the little longmont park (april 8, 2015 day 95)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on April 9th, 2015 by corpo

After work I met up with Dave at Skyline HS. It wasn’t the intended meet up spot, it’s just what happened. We looked at some gaps and crazy boardslides then went behind the school and found the mega hubbas you see above (there is another one that’s b/s for reg footers). I felt insanely awkward warming up. Having a different board is weird. I would eventually boardslide the little b/s one. Dave was doing back 50s through the flat and down on top of hucking nollie/switch heels. I eventually got a few slow front 50s where I deck checked a little. Then moved a rock and was finally able to get on the downhill part. Then added front 5-0s. It’s tiny, but it felt really awesome. I ollied the curb and we split out.

To the nearby little park. There were a bunch of little kids there. A brother/sister combo doing laps on bike/scooter that constantly go. You could see the frustration on Dave’s face. But he still did a front tail over the hip that cleared the crack. In other words it was really long! I started with the c ledge boardslide. Did some pathetic and embarrassing attempts at ollies over the hip (although I’m going to put some of the blame on the difference in the nose/tail on the sample board). Then I tried a line of front 50 on the corner bump to ledge, turn then front 50 down the next hubba. I kind of got it, but got on before the downhill part of the ledge and was going so slow that I just landed into the bank. Dave started trying the same thing, but with a lofty f/s ollie over the hip to start. Took him awhile, but he got the line good. He also did some sick bluntslides over the hip. I skated this park way different then I normally have. Skated the little ledge for a bit. Got back 50, halfcab noseslide, front 50. It’s only about 3 feet long so it’s hard to get in/out of the trick. Then Dave and I did the double boneless plant things over the rail above. Dave’s slam was so funny! Oh man I almost peed my pants. Dave left after this and I tried a little kid line of 360 flip flyout (right by the rail we bonelessed over) then kickflip off the platform. One of the 3 flips I did felt so amazing. I haven’t done it out of a bump at all in awhile, it’s kind of easier. I would eventually get one with a kickflip off the platform too which actually felt really good. A couple kickflip attempts were sketchy and I landed on the tail once. Gotta give props to the sample board for not cracking on that one. Anyways, after landing the last kickflip I smiled, went and stretched a bit, then went home and watched The Office with India and Liz. Good day.

(setup 8.25 sample quincy deck venture wides bones med bushings 50mm spitfire f4 101s)

skate journal: longmont park with dave and rob (march 30, 2015 day 86)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on March 31st, 2015 by corpo

Such a nice day. Felt hot when we first got there. Dave was first and I joined him in skating the little hump. We both struggled for awhile, but Dave did back tails and back tail to fakie super good. I did a front 50 on it. Yippee. Then we all skated a ledge I’ve never skated there before. It backs to the deep end of the bowl so it’s a little weird. Dave was getting on tricks quick. He did front 50s and front 50 180. Rob had boardslide popout and almost front board 270 pop out. Dave also got into front crooks which is super crazy. I took awhile to get up on the ledge and not worry about shooting my board into the bowl, but did front 50 then front 180 down the 3 stair. That was fun. Then I went for front 50 front shove out then front shove down the 3 stair. It’s been awhile since I’ve done anything down a 3 stair. I predicted to Dave that the first one I committed to would probably be a broken board and I was right. But luckily it was still skateable. I would eventually get the line and it felt awesome (even though the shove wasn’t so great). Then we skated the mellow bank in the clip above for awhile. It was a blast. We rattled off a lot of tricks. Dave did his weird underflip, b/s flip, cab nosegrab, f/s cab nosegrab, front shove and probably a bunch more. Rob was doing cabs easy, b/s flip, no comply crailslides (I think) and the awesome b/s no comply shove above. I did mostly flip tricks. No surprise there. Kickflip fakie, b/s flip, fakie flip, halfcab flip, bigflip, 360 flip. Then we skated the main area for a bit. I got a really fun line of cali grind the ledge above the 7′ qp, boardslide the ledge, boneless on the bank, bsts on the hip (it even made the noise!), b/s flip on the little bank, almost f/s flip on the mellow bank. Man that was fun. Dave was going for a crazy long line with a nosestall revert or pop shove on the bank, back 360 over the steep to mellow hip, skate around the park to boardslide the bump to bar. He never got them all in one, but he got them all. Rob was doing no comply to tailslides, manualling the deck of the bank and more of those steezy crailslide things (I need to pay attention to what he’s actually doing). Since my board was really cracked I decided I should push it further and try a line of front 5-0 on the new ledge then kickflip the 3 stair. But on my warm up run of front 50 then ollie I finished it off. Doh. This was one of my favorite skate days in awhile.

(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones med bushings spitfire 50mm f4 101s)

skate journal: martha lake, shoreline parks in seattle (feb 28, 2015 day 59)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on March 4th, 2015 by corpo

martha lake skatepark

Saw this skatepark in Josh’s 40th Bday clip and thought it looked really fun. Turns out it’s even funner then it looks. Maybe one of the funnest parks I’ve skated. Once again it’s been almost a week since I skated before writing this so remembering everything that went down is impossible. We met a few of Josh’s friends there. Austin, Ted, Billy, Russel and probably a couple names I’m forgetting. Josh flew all over that park like it was nothing. He might be the only person that skated the mellowish quarterpipes. I had a blast. I was even little-kid-excited at the start not knowing what to try. It was all so fun. Nate and I agreed this was our favorite park. Mainly because it had an absolutely perfect ledge surrounded by fun stuff. I did a manual across the steeper bank, almost kickflip manual, kickflip over the f/s hip, b/s flip over the hip, was the last to nose manual the first pod. Nate and Josh manualed then dropped to nose manual on the second one. I went nose manny to manny. Landed on crooks shove a few times. Bigflip on the bank, fakie flip, kickflip to fakie from low to high. Nate did a Texas Plant!!! So rad. Maybe he’ll get to posting it some day (hint).

A video posted by Joshua Pluger (@boredzinejp) on


Then we went to Shoreline Park. We were warned the locals might not be so nice. Turns out they were incredibly nice. Ha. Except the parents. I was trying to wallie onto the ledge in the photo then drop to the lower ledge and my board came close to a toddler playing near the park. I told the parent her son was in danger and she yelled at me telling me she had a right to be there. What a stupid lady. The park was crowded when we first got there. So much was going on. It ended up being a really fun park. Maybe as good as Martha Lake, just different. Nate and I skated the ledges a lot. I had made a mental note of the tricks I wanted to do and did all of them. That is about as rare as it gets for me. I did the front 50 on the top ledge and dropped onto the downhill ledge, front 50’d the downhill ledge, front 50’d the ledge into the bank, did the really fun boneless over the rail, kickflip over the hip and ended with b/s flip over the hip and setting up with an axle stall on the qp. Nate back 50’d the ledge to bank and the bank to ledge. Ha. Kickflip over the hip and maybe nollie heel. Josh did every transition trick on the quarterpipe, front 50 and front tail the ledge on the pyramid and across the bank to ledge, slappy down the ledge. It was warm. Then we had to leave. Such a fun day. One of my favorites.

(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers null wheels)

skate journal: street skating in portland!!! (feb 26, 2015 day 57)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on March 4th, 2015 by corpo

What a crazy day. Started at 4am Mountain time running to a bus stop in a bunch of new snow and 5 degree temperature. Then I was in soggy Portland eating and drinking coffee with Nate and PJ. After lunch it was dry. So naturally Nate and I went skating. We started out at the curved ledge/bank spot that our big crew had skated for hours over the summer. The ledge itself was wet. We did a few basic flippers and stuff before Nate suggested we move on. So we went to the spot above that we wanted to skate last time. Nate front 50’d it first try and it was on. Took me a little longer to get going, but we ended up tally’ing quite a few tricks. Nate did front 50, front 5-0, front 5-0 180 out, front tail, front tail to fakie and front noseslide. I got front 50, front 5-0 (intended to be front 50), front noseslide (not past the crack), front noseslide to fakie (past the crack!) and front 50 shove which took a long time. At this point I was already super hyped on the trip. We skated the metal thing in the middle a bit too. We both did ollie on then front slash then ollie or 180 off.

quick step

Remembering all of what happened next is going to be impossible a week later as I write this. I think we ended up here next. It was slightly drizzling which made it scary at first. So I just dropped in and did cali grinds off of it. Then an early grab cali grind off it. That’s what the photo of me is. Not even close to what you thought eh? It was fun. It dried up and we skated the ledge. Nate killed some fast back 50s and maybe back 5-0 too. I got crooks. We both did front 50s.


This was right up the block and was one of my favorite spots of the trip some how. We both did nose manual into the bank then manual the 2 stair section. Sounds basic. It was. And surprisingly fun.


We ended up here for awhile. Nate manual’d and nose mannyd the thread the needle pad quick. I took a long time to manual it. Nate got a no comply flip over the parking block. I fell on a few. We had fun surfing the little reflectors.


This was fun for a minute. Had a fun noseslide to fakie then switch 180 off the curb. It was scary though because of so much traffic. There was also a little ledge drop that I rode off of that was kinda tall. Then we ended up at the crazy mossy area that Silas destroys in a Portland video. It was a really humbling spot that was so much harder to skate then I would have imagined. Nate did some super rad nose mannies the hard way (backside) and manualled another ledge before trying to 180 nose manual a 3rd. I could not ollie onto the ledge backside. All I did was some front 180’s up and switch front 180s off. Might have done kickflilp up/off. Then as the rain started up again I manual’d a box that Nate manual’d ever try and then sloppily ollied onto a tall ledge and slowly dropped off it. Pretty fun. We were beat so the rain was probably somewhat of a blessing.

(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers null wheels)