skate journal: Ollie learns front rocks and front slashes on Rampy (1/10/2011)

Posted in Colorado area skate photos, Colorado Skate Videos, Skate Journal on January 11th, 2011 by corpo

Ollie and I went out to Rampy after dinner on a really cold evening. Cold enough that the garage was even pretty cold. For some reason I was really hyped to skate Rampy again. I had thought about trying more kickflip pivots and wanting to try backside blunts all day. Did I land either of them? No. Did I even try them? No. I got stuck in a fakie hurricane rut, did more front smiths than normal (of course they still look like crap as documented in the clip above although I’m pretty sure some of them looked better), struggled at front ds again, had some horrible attempts at ollies, argh. I was thinking it would be funny to take a photo of one of my ollies and put it next to the photo of Fuzz’s ollie and say that it’s my goal by the end of the year. I wouldn’t write a love letter about it like Chad though. That’s just plain weird. Ha. Ollie on the other hand was doing backside scratch grinds which I haven’t seen in awhile then started trying frontside kickturns faster and faster and started getting close to little frontside slashes. He eventually got a few. So sick. Then at one point he did a front rock. He’s never done it before, just did it first try like it was nothing. So sick. After awhile we started getting tired and since I want Ollie to get sponsored by Mountain Dew soon I knew we should documents his new tricks. We filmed/shot photos for a bit more and laughed a bunch. Ollie rules.Front slash captured a tad too late.Front rock.Ollie has a knack for taking photos of me at awkward moments of tricks. Maybe he’s trying to show his style is already better than mine or I perhaps maybe I just look that awkward on a skateboard. Nah, that can’t be it.

Trick Factory 10 year meta anniversary commercial

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos on November 27th, 2010 by corpo

Not as funny without the blown out audio, but still, totally awesome. Brian, you rule.

META Party Nov 17

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos on November 2nd, 2010 by corpo

Getting hyped for this

ft collins rippers

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Skate Video Teasers on October 19th, 2010 by corpo

Ft Collins dudes love the tranny.

skate journal: The First Null Demo! Whew (Aug 29, 2010)

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Skate Journal on August 31st, 2010 by corpo

Woke up in a good mood, early on a Sunday.  This not drinking beers thing rules.  After getting stuff organized Bernie, Jack and I headed to Broomfield where we met up with Brian, Neil, Fuzz, Matt, Jam, Rich, Jim.  I was kinda mellow for some reason.  I didn’t skate all that good, but I’ll blame it on all the hoopla that was about to happen and a new setup I’m not used to yet.  The only good things I did were a 360 flip on flat and front feebs on the little qpipe.  Jack killed as usual.  Front 5-0 back shove out, ollie the wallride hip, lots of stuff I missed.  Bernie came close to manualling up the weird pad to b/s flip out.  Matt slayed everthing.  Brian did first try alley oop back d from low to high on the qpipe to hubba.  Neil put down his moves.After some grocery shopping for hot dogs/buns we arrived to a very crowded Arvada park.  Everyone was there.  There is no way I can come remotely close to documenting what went down so I’ll just go the sentimental route.  I was totally blown away that so many people came to the bbq/demo.  It was such a fun time with such a great vibe.  I’d really like to thank all the Nullers for everything they do and TF for being such good friends and so supportive.  I feel like the luckiest guy on earth.  Even the wife and kids showed up.  Seriously everyone, thank you for everything, you all rule.Above is a little clip put together by Rich at John Doe.  Pretty awesome.  He even put Dinosaur Jr to it.  Ha.

Granulla Factory!

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Colorado Skateboarding News, null skateboards on August 27th, 2010 by corpo

The video clip is finally done.  Sorry I slacked for so long and sorry it’s not as funny as I promised with all the “cha ching” and score totals.  Oh well.


Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Colorado Skateboarding News, null skateboards, Random skate news on July 31st, 2010 by corpo

It’s been a few years since Rich has done this. Email John Doe Zine if you want to enter. It’s seriously a blast. Below is the Null clip from the 2004 contest. It’s the first clip I ever edited. You can tell I filmed it too because it’s super shaky. Awesome.

303 team at the Broomfield park

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Colorado Skateparks on July 15th, 2010 by corpo

With a cameo from Fuzz!!!

Spring Fling

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Colorado Skateboarding News, Colorado Skateparks on May 7th, 2010 by corpo

I went to the Spring Fling Boulder park contest last weekend. I didn’t really feel too compelled to write about it since I was unable to skate. But Brian made fun of me for only writing about myself so I decided post this image of myself I found and the the best trick video that Sam put together.I ended up judging the advanced and best trick contests.  In the ‘advanced’ contest I was judging based on ‘Fun’.  So people like Francis get rated pretty high for beaming the judges while attempting tricks or missing treflips in the flat.  And on the flipside people get docked when their dad yells at them which tricks they should do.  Fun day.


skate journal: All day skate fest with video!! (April 11, 2010)

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos, Skate Journal on April 13th, 2010 by corpo

Here’s a little montage that basically sums up the whole day.  All spots represented, everyone in the crew represented, my bad ollies represented, some humor in there, my son’s first shove it, much more and some good music too.  This day was the skate part of my birthday.  The other part was a mellow dinner with the family.  Hey, I’m old, I don’t want to party it up anymore.Some things to mention for the journal that aren’t in the clip ..Brian beat me in a game of bank SKATE on the little bank at the rollerblade park.  I did some lame kickflip variations while he did awesome one foot blunt tricks.Matt Warner filmed a wallie melon that was too good to be used in this clip.Shaun/Shawn/Sean also switch back heeled up the 3 stair.Watching Ollie land his first shove it was pretty neat.My camera ate the end of a tape that had a much better crooks on that escalator ledge.  Honestly, it’s true.