skate journal: losing battles at square state (jan 30, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 31st, 2025 by corpo

After an incredibly stressful day of work I ate food quickly and went to Square State for an open session. The parking looked full so I debated going in. Will told me it was chill so I went in and it ended up being pretty chill and fun. For some reason I started in the big kids section and did a couple basic slides and crooks. Will did back nosegrind all good like. I played in the little kid section and couldn’t seem to land anything. This would continue as we skated the ramp. Darin, Tom, Clayton, Justin and some others. I couldn’t get a back 50 to fakie or front disaster. Tom ripped it though looking like a mix of Allan and Gish. Darin rattled off his tricks like he’s still running version 3.2. Justin rips. After a while I just gave up and went back to the main section. Jameson was there shredding doing like 20 tricks up the euro. Will was going for kickflip back 5-0 and would get one. I had gotten kickflip and b/s flip up the euro then went in on treflip. Then kept trying treflips. Treflip treflip treflip. Never landed a darn treflip. Got close, committed, just didn’t ride away. Par for this week. Glad I went though.

(setup 3/10 null 8.3 keyhole, jessup ultra grip, slappy lights 8.5 indy 92 bushings, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 574 vulc 11.5 grey/orange half insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: a couple garage flippers (jan 29, 2025)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on January 29th, 2025 by corpo

Went into the garage late in the evening feeling bummed on being so tired from work, but angry enough I wanted to skate a little. I warmed up with some silly fakie front 3 shove attempts after watching Lamont in CFS 2. Then a few kickflips that felt bad, a bs flip in a couple tries, a bad treflip in 12 tries, couldn’t get a halfcab heel in 20 tries. Called it a night. Oh I guess this counts as a setup change as it’s the slightest bit larger setup.

(setup 4/10 null 8.3 keyhole, jessup ultra grip, slappy lights 8.5 indy 92 bushings, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 440v2 wide brown size 12 half 574 vulc insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: short no pop garage (jan 28, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 29th, 2025 by corpo

Went into the garage and did some ride on grinds of various sorts on the plastic ledge. Some ollies, some shoves, but not much.

skate journal: short and sweet flatbar session in Sterling (jan 27, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 29th, 2025 by corpo

After a late night of partying for the fiftyfifty release we were on our way home and stopped in sunny and warm Sterling to check out some flatbars. It ended up being pretty cool. Cass almost died on a front blunt. I did a bunch of no pop or slide noseslides and a bad boardslide or two. Garrett managed to sack it somehow which was epic. Jack boardslid through a corner and then bluntslid pop out through snow.

(setup 4/10 null 8.25 keyhole, null grip, slappy lights 8.25 hard top bushings, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 574 vulc grey/orange size 11.5 with half insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 6/10)

skate journal: brief bay, steep bike path bank spot (jan 26, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 29th, 2025 by corpo

On a bit of a warmer day we went to Lincoln, hit Precision, then off to The Bay. But it was super crowded so we bounced to a nearby bike path bank spot in which half of the people at the Bay came to anyway. Ha. At the Bay I saw Joe do a boardslide 270 on the bank to ledge and Cass back big the hip. I had done a couple little qp tricks and then a nollie tail on a tiny ledge.

The bikepath spot was a crazy steep hip that I didn’t even bother to skate. Joe would front shove it and slam trying to kickflip it. Jack came close to a crazy rock wallride. Garrett did the sickest nollie back heel. Damon did a hardflip. I had a silly tail stall shove and nollie wallie on a pillar on the mellow section that no one skated. We were there for quite some time even though it doesn’t sound like it. Everything on the hip took a long time. Boards went down into the water. It was nice while the sun was out, but when it went down it got so cold. It was cool seeing this spot and seeing Garrett’s trick.

(setup 3/10 null 8.25 keyhole, null grip, slappy lights 8.25, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 574 vulc grey/orange size 11.5 with half insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 5/10)

skate journal: frigid cold 20th st diy, steep bank and airport ditch spots in omaha (jan 25, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 29th, 2025 by corpo

Got to Omaha on a sunny day with a little breeze. It felt pretty good out actually. For about 20 minutes. Then the wind kicked in and the clouds rolled in and it was brutal. We met Joe and Doni there, others would come eventually. Jack didn’t have the best session, was feeling off because of the wind. Garrett had some good back tails, I think smiths on the qp, tails on the bank to ledge, halfcab crooks to fakie the ledge, a lot more greatness. It was great seeing Joe skate and he treated us with an abundance of front 50 shoves. In fact, he did two in a row to start a line to front shove the hip. Kind of amazing. “I figured the two shoves would set me up to land the shove over the hip better”. He also had some 50s to front board, back 50s, fakie front 50s, kickflips on the bank, he was ripping. Cass was ripping too, he had some good 50s on the ledges, ollies over the hip, bluntslide the curb. I skated pretty bad, but had brief spurts of landing okay stuff for me. Crooks on the tall ledge, rock ‘n roll the tight qp on the mound, noseslide to fakie the bank to ledge (but I couldn’t crook it). I hucked some kickflip noseslides, but couldn’t get myself to committ.

Then we went to this bank spot with a couple little transitions that is infinitely harder to skate than it looks. Mainly because the ground is super rough around it. Jack did the 4 down. Joe and I took too long to just do little bank rides. Doni and Coby got close to tricks. Garrett did an amazing crooks to fakie.

Next we went to a crazy ditch spot out by the airport. At this point it was soooooo freakin’ cold and the wind was brutal. My board was a useless noodle so I didn’t skate. Joe got a shove over the hip. Jack went gnar with a varial heel into the bank and rode away in the ice.

(setup 2/10 null 8.25 keyhole, null grip, slappy lights 8.25, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 574 vulc grey/orange size 11.5 with half insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 4/10)

skate journal: cold brush skatepark with jack, garrett and cass (jan 24, 2025)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on January 29th, 2025 by corpo

On the way to Nebraska for the fiftyfifty premiere we stopped at the Brush park because it looked kind of interesting in the photos. There was a lot of snow, but we still had fun. Jack hadn’t skated in a while and said “I’m not going to do this” as he treflipped out of the snowboard jump 3rd try. Man he good. He did the manual and steep ride in grind right away too. Garrett was ripping everything with style. He did a bunch of the nollie back tails, first try kickflip to fakie then through the snow, a lot of good looking skateboarding. Cass was able to hang with the snowboard jump and got back 180s. I couldn’t make myself ride off it. My board was having serious issues though as the bushings had broken. My board was a wobbly mess. I had a couple of kickflips, flat bar boardslides and did the noseslide a couple of times. It was quite scary when I’d bail into the snow. Jack skated the flat bar, almost got bigspin front blunt shove out. Would love to go back to that park again. It was so fun being there, being on a road trip again, exploring something new.

(setup 2/10 null 8.25 keyhole, null grip, slappy lights 8.25, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 440v2 wide brown size 12 half 574 vulc insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: a couple carpet flips (jan 23, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 24th, 2025 by corpo

Another evening where I chilled and rested then decided at the last minute to at least do a kickflip. So I tried some on my foam pad and it wasn’t working then got two in a row on the rug.

skate journal: the freaking garage again (jan 22, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 22nd, 2025 by corpo

This winter blows. After a long day of work I went into the garage with only a small desire to try and do little nosebonk jibs on the SWAB plastic. So after some brief shove warm ups that’s what I did. Did some regular manuals and 180s out. Then nose bonk and nosebonk 180s without ollies. Then I set it upright and ollied over it which wasn’t easy in such little space. Okay, it wouldn’t be easy for me with ample space. Then I went on to flippers. Kickflip, fakie flip, b/s flip all real quick. Halfcab flip and heelflip took an annoyingly long time. Got a few sloppy treflips. Hucked nollie flips after that, a few of which I committed to, but none were close.

(setup 6/10 null 8.25 keyhole, null grip, slappy lights 8.25, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 440v2 wide brown size 12 half 574 vulc insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: garage swab (jan 21, 2025)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 22nd, 2025 by corpo

In the garage yet again. Didn’t feel like trying flippers so pulled out the old SWAB plastic. Started with some 50s on it, some 5-0s, front nosegrind 180, tried front nosegrind shove. Failed at fakie 5-0. Went in on kickflip 50 which took a long time. Got a couple sloppy ones. Went back inside.

(setup 4/10 null 8.25 keyhole, null grip, slappy lights 8.25, spitfire f4 99a classic orange/black, new balance numeric 574 vulc grey/orange size 11.5 with half insole and currex runpro insole)
(pain level 4/10)