skate journal: frederick fun warm up and painful struggles (dec 3, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 6th, 2024 by corpo

After work I met Dave at Frederick after the sun had set and temps had dropped. We somehow ended up on the weird lump of a qp that neither of us liked and skated it for a while. I think Dave had started with the alley up 50 and then did it 5-0 as I tried to learn 50. It was fun though we did a bunch of different variations. The alley oop fakie back 50 was my fav feeling of them. But Dave had done it switch too which I got as well, but he added 5-0 to every variation, also had crooks. I liked the frontside versions too. Then we moved 20 feet away to the bank to curb area. Dave did some 5-0 transfers down into the bank that were gnar. Also some Tiago lines with nollies and switch ollies on the banks and hips and back tails on the bank to curb. I spent a really long time doing a line of fakie flip on the bank, noseslide a hubba, alley oop fakie back 50. Slammed hard on a crooks after that, but the line hyped me up. I spent an hour trying axle stall then treflip flyout and finally got one about 50 tries in. After that I was basically too sore to do anything other than putz around and do some basics. Dave was doing nose stall on the bank to curb then switch 180 slide around to nose manual over the pyramid and getting really close. I tried to skate the ledge to end the session. It didn’t go very well, I could barely ollie as my soreness had taken over.

(setup 5/10 8.25 null flaherty, jessup ultragrip, thunder 148 hollow lites with bones medium bushings, 53mm bones v1 stf 103a pj, new balance numeric 440v2 wide navy size 12 half insoles)
(pain level 7/10)

skate journal: broomfield sunday (dec 1, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 5th, 2024 by corpo

On a nice Friday got out with a big old guy crew and Sean at Broomfield earlyish in the day. I’m writing this several days later so I don’t remember a whole lot unfortunately. I know I was first one out in a game of SKATE against Paul and Cass. Cass had a good line of halfcab over the parking block to back 180 nosegrind the blue ledge. I think everyone seemed like they were skating decent. Gordon crooks was sick and all the pop on his tricks. Eric front tails and front lips were cool. Bratcher with the nollie tricks on the blue curb. Cass did like a million kickflips. Paul back 50 front 180 out on the bank to ledge was cool. Sean nollie back nosegrind first try. I don’t recall anything from me really, the front 50 into the bank was once again more difficult than it should be.

(setup 5/10 null 8.5/14.25 20 year deck, null jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow lite 149 bones medium bushings, 52mm bones stf v1 103a, new balance numeric 440v2 navy size 12 with half insoles and currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 4/10)