skate journal: dog park lines with dave (dec 16, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 19th, 2024 by corpo

Met Dave as the cold darkness settled in at dog park. There were some youth charging it and filming. Dave was already there trying a switch nose jib revert on the bank to curb. This became a trick we tried for a while with various lines. I’ve skated dog park since so it’s confusing what went down this day. But I know Dave had some good 50’s and 5-0s on his parking block, kickflips and a fakie flip on flat, manuals the weird pad and nose picks to fakie on the bank to curb both ways I think. I had done a few little front boards on the concrete wallie bar things and changed a line around until finally getting slappy front crook, ugly b/s flip, switch nose jib revert. Also a front smith stall then front 50 the green ledge. Dave left as had everyone else. I skated the main ledge area for a bit, really struggled with front 50s on the main bench and got depressed about it. Had several manuals on the little pad though which is rare for me.

(setup 2/10 null 8.25 keyhole 2, null grip, venture v8 5.6 with hollow axle and bones medium bushings, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic shape orange/black, new balance numeric 574 vulc 11.5 gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 4/10)

skate journal: windy day garage flatground 10 flippers (dec 15, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 15th, 2024 by corpo

On a windy sunny day I went to the garage in the late afternoon. I had put Venture V8s on my new 8.25 and man it felt better. After a warmup I started flipping and kickflips took a bit. I wanted to try all the straight 8, but didn’t want to spend a lot of time on it. So I tried 5 tries on the ones I can’t do, but heelflip and especially fakie heelflip took forever. Treflip took me quite a while too but I did land on one and slam in the first couple tries. I rotated in a lot of hucking but still managed to land 10 flippers.

Fakie flip
fakie heelflip
b/s flip
halfcab flip
halfcab heelflip
f/s halfcab flip
varial flip

I was happy I was 3/5 on backside flips, got a couple halfcab flips in a row, f/s halfcab flip was really hard with the weird angle I have in my garage (well I guess all tricks are hard in that little space) and ended with 3 varial flops in a row.

(setup 7/10 null 8.25 keyhole 2, null grip, ace 44 af1 hollow spanky, 52mm spitfire f4 99a, new balance numeric 440v2 wide blue size 12 half old 440 insole and gamechanger light insole)
(pain level 2/10 seriously no idea how I felt fine but I did and it’s even weirder because I had a few drinks the night before)

skate journal: thornton carpenter park saturday with a fun crew (dec 14, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 15th, 2024 by corpo

Paul, Eric, Jack B and I rolled to the fun mellow Thornton park where we met Jesse and Gordon. The park was not crowded at any point and the temp was really nice. Paul and Gordon were popping way too quickly, but they are in their 30s so I guess it’s allowed. We skated for a few hours. I did not skate well, but a few things went alright. I had a couple fakie bigflips, one into a tiny bank, lots of crooks on the tall ledge, one very slow front 50 on the tall ledge but I was still happy about it, ended on a nollie tail the mini hubba off the curb followed by a b/s flop over the mini hump. Jack charged it, some noseslides, slappies, boardslides. Eric ripping, front 50 and front 50 180 out the mellow mini hubba, front tails the concrete ledge. Paul front smith over the manny pad, ollied the two stair, 50s everywhere, manuals, had some good slams, ollied up the bank to bank gap. Gordon aka Mr Pop ollied the bank to bank gap, 50d the tall edge with speed, also got a front smith over the manny pad, front tail the bank to curb. Good seeing Jesse he had some noseslides on the tall ledge, ollied the bank to bank gap, some good shoves. I’m missing a ton, we skated a long time, it was pretty fun.

(setup 3/10 null 8.25 keyhole 2, null grip, ace 44 af1 hollow spanky, 52mm spitfire f4 99a, new balance numeric 574 vulc blue 11.5 footprint gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 5/10 some weird foot pain)

Perros colorado skate video

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos on December 13th, 2024 by corpo

Absolutely great video making CO proud.

skate journal: boulder park breezy lunch break (dec 13, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 13th, 2024 by corpo

Went to Boulder park on a sunny and breezy Friday for a quick lunch session. Warming up was tough, man them new wheels and bearings are so fast it’s hard to get used to. I would have an alright little session and basically had it all to myself. One line was front 50 the qp, nose stall the hubba, front 50 shove out the bench. Took a bit to get used to the ace pinch on crooks. Struggled with flippers. Hucked a few nollie big heels on the hump which seemed doable. Got one front d on the qp. Glad I skated.

(setup 5/10 null 8.25 keyhole 2, null grip, ace 44 af1 hollow spanky, 52mm spitfire f4 99a, new balance numeric 440v2 wide navy size 12 with old 440 half insole and currex runpro)
(pain level 5/10)

skate journal: broomfield night struggles (dec 12, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 13th, 2024 by corpo

After dinner on a cool night I took my new christmas complete to Broomfield. One dude was there when I got there but left. Then it was just Will and I for a while, another dude and Justin showed. So it was really nice how chill it was. Now if it only translated to good skateboarding for me. I was really sore, maybe overdid my workout earlier in the day. Anyway, I had zero pop. Only thing I was happy with were some slappy crooks, one front 50 180 on the blue lurb, front slashes on the bank to curb. I had a warm up run of front 50 the blue ledge, rock fakie, switch front nose, halfcab noseslide the black ledge, couldn’t do a simple noseslide to fakie on the bank to ledge. Doh. Struggled with front 50s on the black ledge even though I normally had the pop. Makes sense since I had a new setup. I had worn vulcs again, but changed them to 440s later on. Will rips them ledges. Front tails, back nosegrinds and some really good nollie noseslides. We closed on a game of SKATE in which he got me on fakie flip, halfcab flip and b/s flip. My freakin’ tricks! We played two games and we gave up on the second, I was in too much pain. I was really close to some nollie tres at least.

(setup 5/10 null 8.25 keyhole 2, null grip, ace 44 af1 hollow spanky, 52mm spitfire f4 99a, new balance numeric 574 vulc then 440v2 wide half insoles)
(pain level 7/10)

skate journal: garage flat on a christmas complete (dec 10, 2024)

Posted in New Deck, New Trucks, New Wheels, setup change, Skate Journal on December 13th, 2024 by corpo

On a cold night I went out to the garage on a new setup. I’ve done a bunch of journal researching and this really seems like a good setup for me to stick with. I’m sure I wont, but I hope I do. The Spanky Ace’s are slightly lighter. I hope that helps. Anyway, my body wasn’t feeling too good. I did some warming up with 180s and stuff, took a bit to get a shove I was happy with then did a few kickflips which felt good. Switch flips after were not close. Halfcab heels were somewhat close. I took about 35 tries to get a treflip, but I had landed on several of them. Hucked nollie varial heel unsuccessfully then ended on some really bad frontside flip attempts with a could kickflips I skirted around 180.

(setup 5/10 null 8.25 keyhole 2, null grip, ace 44 af1 hollow spanky, 52mm spitfire f4 99a, new balance numeric 574 vulc blue 11.5 half insoles)
(pain level 4/10)

skate journal: sunday too big of gap and failed kickflip axle stalls (dec 8, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 9th, 2024 by corpo

After a nice morning with the wife I went out with very little motivation to find something different. And I did, I found this “little” gap that I thought would be fun to ollie. I skated an 8.3 with Indys. It had great pop, that is it. I had a warm up line of kickflip, ollie up a curb, ollie a very tiny gap. Then I tried this gap and didn’t have the guts to commit.

Went to this nearby ‘sorry excuse for a bank to curb’. Not shown are the ruts and worse asphalt you get to ride through. Anyway, I took a little bit to get a front tail. Talked to a snow bro that works at the cannibas place about snowboarding a nearby rail. Then went hucked a couple kickflip axle stalls I thought would work. A million tries later I focused my board like a baby. I was in disbelief I couldn’t land it. Guess it shows why I won Stubborn Of The Year a few years back.

(setup 2/10 8.3 null smoke valley, jessup ultragrip, indy 149 forged hollows with bones medium bushings, 53mm bones stf v1 103a pj, new balance numeric 574 vulc 11.5 half insoles)
(pain level 4/10)

skate journal: diy qp and curb spot then york st park (dec 7, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 9th, 2024 by corpo

On a really nice day I rolled to Denver and met up with Cass, Kyle and Ryan at a newish DIY spot. It’s got some qps and a curb that are pretty fantastic. Well, the qps are a little gnar for me, but I’m a wuss. Kyle had just done his trick and hurt his back so he was out. Cass was on the slappies right away. Says he just learned them because of this spot. Took me a bit to get the confidence to skate it like a qp like Cass was, but they were really fun. Had an early line of slappy front crook then rock ‘n roll the qp. The glorified f/s kickturn then regular slappy was really fun. I had a b/s flip after too. Ryan had really good slappy feebles and almost got bluntslide to fakie 50. Then we went to York St. It was a pretty fun session although I took too long to do a front slash on the tiny bank to pool coping section followed by front 50 the little slappy curb. I ended up mostly trying to skate the ledge on the outside. Never quite got a front 50, my pop was lacking. A first try crooks made up for it. Ryan had a nice nollie noseblunt on the parking block. I think Cass did halfcab blunt. Fun session.

(setup 3/10 null 8.5/14.25 20 year deck, null jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow lite 149 bones medium bushings, 52mm bones stf v1 103a, new balance numeric 574 vulc blue size 11.5 with half insoles)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: mellow dog park lunch break (dec 6, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 9th, 2024 by corpo

On an absolutely gorgeous Friday I took a little lunch break and met up with Paul and Will at dog park. I started in Xero’s, disliked them and put on some really old and worn down 272s. It was a pretty mellow and weird session. There were a couple of rippers there training. Paul had back 5-0 front 180, 50s, etc. I had a couple crooks I liked, maybe a back 50 on the curb. Will was later. We all hucked switch backside flip for a bit. Alton showed and he did one in like 3 tries. Mine weren’t even remotely close. Paul left and Will and I played a game of SKATE that I think I somehow won on backside flip even though I did the full under rotated tic tac thing. It wasn’t the best session, but it sure was nice to get outside on such a nice day.

(setup 3/10 8.25 null flaherty, jessup ultragrip, thunder 148 hollow lites with bones medium bushings, 53mm bones v1 stf 103a pj, new balance numeric 272 size 12 teal with half insoles)
(pain level 4/10)