skate journal: some afternoon hucking at the school (dec 27, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 27th, 2024 by corpo

After work went across the street and messed around for a while as work had really annoyed me. I ended up skating kind of hard, but didn’t land much. I had some good feeling slappies of all my variations. Adding in some regular backside slappies which I haven’t been good at for a while, also front crooks felt good. Attempted some front pivot kickflips out, but never got close. Hucked some tres over the bump to manhole after switch slappy crooks, but wasn’t very close. Managed to finally get a kickflip over it at least, but it was way harder than it should be. Went to the front and did a few kickflips into a curb cut, but couldn’t commit to treflip out of the next one. Glad I skated.

(setup 5/10 null 20 year 8.5/14.25, null grip, thunder hollow lights 149 bones medium bushings, 52mm bones stf v1, new balance numeric with currex runpro insoles and half 574 vulc insoles in the front)
(pain level 5/10)

skate journal: fun willville ledges with dave (dec 26, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 27th, 2024 by corpo

After work and shortly before sunset I met up with Dave who was at Willville waxing the little ledge under the manny pads. Which would be our spot for the next hour or so. Dave had done boardslide to fakie then was going in on halfcab boardslide to fakie which took a bit. I rattled off some low effort warm up tricks like slappy crooks, nollie tails, switch front nose before trying a million fakie nosegrinds. It was so annoying, it would not grind for me. Finally got one that was more just a fakie bonk. Oh well. Dave got the halfcab board, halfcab noseslide, halfcab noseslide shove, front 50, front 50 180, back 50, back 180 fakie 50 and an amazing front crook after my phone had ran out of space. I went in on halfcab crooks and was getting into quite a few and we think I did one or maybe two. Since my phone had run out of space we’ll just say they were makes. Ha. The one in the clip is just to show it was close. After it got dark we went up top and messed around on the 3 block area. Dave tried some drop downs to manual and got pretty close. I did a couple ollies onto the low level. Dave did the cool switch deck check to nose bonk and would go on to get a Mangoesque manual you will see in Stubborns 2 coming in 2050. Fun night, got pretty cold quick though.

(setup 6/10 null 20 year 8.5/14.25, null grip, thunder hollow lights 149 bones medium bushings, 52mm bones stf v1, new balance numeric with currex runpro insoles and half 574 vulc insoles in the front)
(pain level 5/10)