skate journal: dog park meh with rob, will, paul after work (sept 18, 2024)

After work went to dog park around 5. It was kind of hot out. I started with Will at the skatepark, but wasn’t really into it and went over to the plaza. But it turns out I wasn’t really feeling that either. Partly because I hadn’t had a chance to put together a new setup I really liked, partly because I was exhausted from a busy day at work, also from sitting so much and not getting exercises done at work. Rob was ripping though, he did a really good front nosegrind on the curb. Paul, Rob and I played a game of SKATE that was pretty fun and had some weird tricks in it like Flamingo. I couldn’t get a no comply finger flip. Ha. Paul ultimately won the game. I think that was about it.

(setup 2/10 null 8.5/14.25 20 year, null grip, thunder 149 team hollow with royal bushings, 51mm bones stf v1 pj 103a, new balance numeric 1010 black size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 5/10)