skate journal: early hh then warm tough dog park after work with rob, ed, paul (aug 27, 2024)

Before work I went by Howard Hueston for a 10 minute roll. It was kind of whatever, but fun and I did a few axle stalls and rock ‘n rolls.

After work on a warm sunny day I went to dog park. Rob, Ed, Paul would show after a while. I had around 30 minutes before they showed. It was a tough warm up coming right from work being so tired. Kind of early on I made myself jump on the bench. I thought of a new combo for me and would somehow get it kind of quickly. Front 50 front 180 out the bench then fakie nosegrind the lurb. The front 50 180 out was incredibly slow and garbage, but I haven’t done that trick there in a long time. I also haven’t done a fake nosegrind in forever and got it first try so that was cool. I had a good slam on a halfcab noseslide on the bench. Rob showed with his christmas complete and seemed to like it. He had manuals, boardslides, noseslides and a poppy first try kickflip. Paul was a little less poppy and a bit more slappy than normal. Ed came! We were all kind of playing with no comply flips and couldn’t seem to get one. Paul and Rob played with switch no complies. They all talked bikes for a while and I flailed around trying nollie tres unsuccessfully, got the smallest crooks on the medium flat bar, boardslid it a few times. I couldn’t commit to kickflip over the parking block until Paul said if I didn’t do it I owed him a board. And of course I’m cheap so I landed it, and it felt really good and I left on a good note.

(setup 6/10 null 8.5/14.25 20 year deck, null grip, thunder team hollow 149 with bones medium bushings, bones 51mm stf v1 pj 103a wheels, new balance numeric 440v2 wide white size 11.5 footprint gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 6/10)