skate journal: square state for squeeks birthday party (aug 25, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on August 25th, 2024 by corpo

Not feeling very motivated I hoped being around some friends would get me skating a little. I kind of hid in the “impact section” (joke by one of Squeek’s friend) where I saw Dan do a manual to front rock back to manual and then a first try switch front board. The switch front board inspired me to try one there. It took me so long, but I got it and followed it with a first switch front nose. There was a dude (Dave?) that was rattling off really cool pivot variations on the little qp which was inspiring. I did a couple tricks then joined Garrett, Donnie and Dan on the miniramp. I would go on to skate it okay considering it’s been a long time since I’ve really skated transition. Only got one front 50, a few non-decked front rocks, fakie smiths to fakie, but it was fun. Dan almost had amazing front bigspins. Donnie destroyed. Garrett was trying not to fall on his wrist and still looked really good and the kickflip pivot was rad. After that I chilled. Squeeks’ 40 bday part is rad.

(setup 5/10 null 8.5/14.25 20 year deck, null grip, thunder team hollow 149 with bones medium bushings, bones 51mm stf v1 pj 103a wheels, strike mvmnt transit street trainer shoes size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 7/10)

skate journal: broomfield struggles for me but others were ripping (aug 24, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 25th, 2024 by corpo

Up kind of early. Paul, Bratcher and I rolled to Broomfield park. It was pretty warm. We would meet Tim, Darin, Eric and eventually Dave. I had a good start, was getting through the warmups pretty quickly. But I would really fizzle out and not have a very good session. Honestly don’t remember much from me other than some good feeling crooks, first try the bump to bar boardslide, a hurricane on the bank to curb. Flippers started okay for me, I got Paul to SKAT but he would win on switch front 360. I got a letter on treflip doh. Paul had some full pulls and was able to get nosegrinds this session. Also a million crooks shove on the blue ledge which are new for him. Tim front 50s and lots of slappys. Jack’s slappy the bank to ledge was really good as were his boardslides on everything. Darin was ripping, front crook the blue ledge and back tail to fakie. Also treflip pretty quickly. Dave was destroying. He would get a run of ollie to tail drop the bank to curb, kickflip into the bank (yes kickglip into the bank!), backside boneless the brick qp, front 50 nollie back 180 out the bank to ledge. Seriously insane. He also had nose manuals, nose grind I think, really slappy crooks and switch slappy crooks on the little bank to curb. Eric was ripping too, he got like 50 heelflips over the parking block. Three in a row at one point. First try front 50 the ledge into the bank, axle stall to fakie the quartapotty and a lot more. Sorry if I was a downer dudes, I was struggling but it was fun.

(setup 2/10 8.25 null is all you need, jessup ultragrip, 825 slace lows with ace hard bushings, 52mm 99a f4 yellow classic, strike mvmnt transit street trainers black/gum size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 6/10 quite a bit of knee pain even though the shoes seem to lower it at times – maybe I’ll get used to them)

skate journal: flatground friday kinda fun (aug 23, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on August 25th, 2024 by corpo

After work and a nap I went over to the side of the school with sore knees, thick shoes and a smaller setup. 8.25, slace lows, strike mvmnt shoes. I didn’t have a 10×10 list and after some slappys I just kinda winged it and would end up getting 11 flippers in an hour. Kickflip, fakie flip, b/s flip, halfcab flip, fakie bigflip. It was a long time before I landed anything else, but then they started to flow as I calibrated to the smaller setup/ bigger shoes. F/s halfcab flip, f/s halfcab heelflip, a frontside flip that felt really cool, heelflip, halfcab heel, varial flip. Was very close to treflip, fakie heel and nollie varial flip. Not as close to nollie bigflip and front heel.

(setup 5/10 8.25 null is all you need, jessup ultragrip, 825 slace lows with ace hard bushings, 52mm 99a f4 tablet, strike mvmnt transit street trainers black/gum size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 4/10)