skate journal: dog park after work cut short by rain (aug 15, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 15th, 2024 by corpo

Met Paul and Rob after work at dog park. It was very nice out. Rob seemed to have some extra juice right out of the gates. Saw halfcab nose on the tall bench, front 50 the lurb, noseslides, first try nose manual, back smiths the curb, manuals, no comply shove off the lurb. Paul couldn’t quite get the 180 into the grate bank which was twice as steep as normal. He was trying nose manual shoves, but didn’t get too close. I tried some harder stuff for me, but didn’t land much of it. Somewhat close to nollie tre, noseslide 270 shove, kickflip 50 and noseslide over the manny pad, but nope, got none of those. I also couldn’t get a halfcab flip still. I just can’t figure out to do them on aces. Then out of nowhere it started to rain, like to the point of saturation and getting soaked so we left.

(setup 5/10 8.5 nullosaur, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 hollow 55, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic, 440v2 wide white size 11.5 with half 574 vulc insole and currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 6/10)

skate journal: dry skies with dave after work (aug 13, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 15th, 2024 by corpo

It had rained while I was at work and dog park was clearly out, but I drove north and it was dry at Blue Skies. Dave would come meet up. My warm up was pretty brutal, I was really sore. But it turned into a pretty good session, we tried some new stuff. I struggled with flippers though, like really bad. Tried to line out halfcab flips and could not get one to save my life either way. I would get a heelflip, but couldn’t get treflip or really any other trick. We did some switch front noses on the flat bar. Dave boardslid the dragon rail. We both got two switch front boards on the flat bar. Daves were better. Dave had quite a few long lines starting with solid front 50 180s on the ledge, halfcab boardslide the flatbar, but took a long time to get the varial flip to fakie. Which is odd after he did kickflip and fakie flip both first try. I had a few slow front 50s on the the ledge, struggled with kickflip to fakie after on the bank. But did manage a line of switch noseslide down the little escalator on the ledge, kickflip to fakie the bank, switch front nose the ledge. Got one switch noseslide 270 shove, but missed the kickflip after. I got quite sore so I gave Dave some kodak courage and he got the varial flip to fakie. And he did it really good.

(setup 5/10 8.5 nullosaur, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 hollow 55, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic, 440v2 wide white size 11.5 with half 574 vulc insole and currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 6/10)

skate journal: solo campus trying to pop (aug 12, 2024)

Posted in New Deck, New Shoes, setup change, Skate Journal on August 15th, 2024 by corpo

On a really nice night I had thought of slacking, but decided to take advantage of students still being gone and went to campus. I had no intention of ending up at the flagstone ledge to warm up, but the way traffic and bikes were I just stuck on the fun downhill bike path and it spit me out at the ledge. I had a new board/ setup change that I hope to stick to. 8.5 with the bigger 14.5 wheelbase and aces. Anyone reading this knows the chances of me sticking with a setup are zero. But I did have a fun first session at least. I mostly skated the ledge and didn’t try a lot of flippers. I couldn’t get crooks. Front axle took a while to get. I was happy to get a front 50 and an accidental 5-0. Seemed like I gained a little confidence and could maybe do them moving next time. Then I went nearby and did a line of ollie up a 2 stair, kickflip, front 180 down the two stair. Then over to the business building as it was getting dark. Got a couple lines I liked. Boardslide the tall ledge, kickflip, noseslide to fakie the wood bench, fakie flip. Then noseslide the tall ledge followed by a crooks on the wood ledge, then a bailed backside flip. Lastly I tried to ollie up the 3 stair. I got myself to commit mentally, but my back leg wasn’t having it and I hung up. Then I walked back to the car. Fun session, tried hard.

(setup 5/10 8.5 nullosaur, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 hollow 55, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic, 440v2 wide white size 11.5 with half 574 vulc insole and currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 5/10)