skate journal: dog food park and bank to ledge with jeff cass kyle joe garrett (aug 11, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 12th, 2024 by corpo

Not feeling too well I met up with Cass, Jeff, Joe, Garrett and Kyle at York St skatepark. I kind of chilled and talked to Jeff for most of the session. Cass and Kyle were skating the curb and Cass did his first every front blunt shove that was so amazing. Kyle did some bluntslide to back lips. Joe did some good back tails. I did some bad rock ‘n rolls. Then we went to the nearby bank to ledge. I tried to ollie it and couldn’t commit or even really pose it, also posed some front smiths. Then I filmed Cass do a front board transfer, Jeff do kickflip, cab, boardslide 270 shove, Kyle do b/s flip and no comply after bashing his shin and Joe try switch front crooks or fakie hardflip. I should have skated more, but I really wasn’t feeling good.

(setup 3/10 8.5/14.25 null 20 year, null grip, thunder hollow light 149 royal bushings, 52mm spifire f4 99a classic yellow, new balance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 6/10)

skate journal: big older crew at broomfield early saturday (aug 10, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on August 12th, 2024 by corpo

Earlyish Saturday a large contingent of the old dude crew showed up. And one younger dude that didn’t get the memo and was totally charging haha. The crew was Bratcher, Rob, Paul, Tim, Eric. I had Thunders this time around, like them more the Ventures, but not a whole lot. I was still feeling somewhat run down and didn’t have a lot of energy. There was a lot going on so it was hard to pay attention to others. Like Rob’s front 50 back 180 I missed which I wish I would have seen. Also saw him nose manual around the blue bank, some front noseslides, manuals after some frustrations. Paul’s back 5-0s front 180s are great. He also did some front nosegrinds on the black ledge and back 50s on the bank to ledge. Eric and I eventually mustered the courage to front 50 the ledge into the bank. I only got it once, but it was rewarding. I took way too long to get a line of crooks the black ledge then noseslide to fakie the bank to ledge. Jack was stacking clips. Switch boardslide to 50 is one of my fav moves of his. Eric added some front tails and quartapotty moves. Paul and I finished with a game of SKATE that took a while because he was being nice. He got me on nollie flip to end it.

(setup 4/10 8.5/14.25 null 20 year, null grip, thunder hollow light 149 royal bushings, 52mm spifire f4 99a classic yellow, new balance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 5/10)

skate journal: friday campus struggles with dave (aug 9, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on August 12th, 2024 by corpo

On a cool afternoon I met Dave at the meet up curb. The session started off alright with some good dorking and hucking. Dave had done a pop shove front 50 on the curb, gotten into switch crook stalls and was trying back tailslides off the uphill curb cut. Then we kind of settled in on trying kickflip tails. Mine was f/s, Dave’s b/s. I had set the phone down, but it ran out of space before capturing anything. Not that it really had much to capture. Dave did a few like the video above. I didn’t get any f/s ones but was close. We moved one building to the north and ollied up a curb to 3 stair ollie which was fun. Then to the ride on ledge / ledge area where the real struggled started to mount. The ride on grind is not as smooth as it used to be, we both hung up the first few times. I had put Ventures on and disliked almost every second of it. I would get a couple front axle stalls that I tried kickflips out of since I was just standing there. Might have gotten one little grind. Managed an alright fakie 50, some noseslides, couldn’t flip my board. Dave had some good ride on front 50s some with front 180 out, switch front nose the ledge. Then went in on the front 50 up to switch crook down which he kind of did, but mostly would stick or fall off. My eyes had been weird because of some sickness (my eyes get messed up when my body fights something and I also get arthritis it’s really fun) and I had a setup change making everything so hard. Oh well, we skated, we ollied a 3 stair, we did some grinds. It was frustrating, but we did it.

(setup 1/10 8.5/14.25 null 20 year, null grip, venture v-cast 5.8 royal bushings, 52mm spifire f4 99a classic yellow, new balance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 6/10)