skate journal: weird broomfield meh (june 30, 2024)

Arrived to a busy and weird scene. There were these older teens skating that were so incredibly clueless. Like no spacial awareness whatsoever. Before I had set my water bottle down one had run into me and gotten run into when cutting someone off mid tailslide. It didn’t really get better for me. I had one flyout kickflip and some fun noseslides. Dennis, Garrett, Joe and Darin was there. Garrett had some amazing back tails into the bank, Joe some amazing front crooks to fakie. Joe had a really long line and some solid f/s flips. A treflip session kicked off. Everyone but Dennis and I landed them. I went like 0-50. Some were close, most were not. Jameson did a line of all 4 treflips, double treflip, lazer flip, geez.

(setup 2/10 8.25 pmg, jessup ultragrip, ace 55 af1 hollows, 52mm spitfire f4 classic 99a yellow, new balance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 currex runpro insole)
(pain level 4/10)