skate journal: wilville tinkering on indys (june 20, 2024)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on June 21st, 2024 by corpo

In between rain storms I managed to get out before dinner nearby to Wilville. Didn’t want to go far as it looked like it would rain any second. It would, but not enough to matter. Anyway, I had put some Indys on my 8.5 setup and thought in my head I would like it. I started out way down at the little round ledge. Would get a run a couple times of kickflip then back 50. I liked the setup for grinds, but it felt really hefty on flips even with the hollow trucks. I also did some nose and crook stalls on the taller rocks nearby and a few completely failed attempts at ollieing up the 3 stair. Then I went up to the main area, got my 8.25, hated it more, went back for the 8.5. I could have just left, but decided I’d huck the dream trick of switch noseslide kickflip out. I got really close a few tries in so setup the phone and much to my surprise I landed on a few tries later. You can tell by my reaction I was completely surprised when I was riding away. I know I need to learn it while sliding, but man it felt cool. I have done this trick once before, but it was much worse. I left after that feeling pretty happy.

(setup 3/10 8.5/14.25 null 20 year, null grip, indy forged hollow 149 bones medium bushings, 52mm spitfire f4 99a tablets, new balance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 4/10)

skate journal: blue skies after work with dave and rob (june 19, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on June 21st, 2024 by corpo

After work I went to Blue Skies and met up with Dave and Rob. I had gotten there first and was really struggling to motivate and feeling very tired after work. Ended up kind of just hucking some flip tricks to get warmed up like nollie back heel with no chance of actually landing. Eventually we settled into some things. I did a line of switch front nose a flat bar, fakie flip on flat, switch front shove on the bank. Don’t worry, it was all way worse than it sounds. Also tried a line of noseslide to fakie, front halfcab heel on flat, kickflip to fakie on the bank. I think I ended up settling on the kickflip to fakie without the line. Rob had done a style crail block, nollie bigs, backside ollies, no comply bigspins. Dave had a lot of lines too that I don’t fully remember but included hippy jumps over the rail, boardslides, front boards, fakie flip on the bank, sex change on the bank, fakie sex change on the bank! Inspired me to get a fakie varial flip (with lots of toe drag) on the bank. Then we went up to the hockey rink for a game of SKATE that was cut short by some heavy rain. Rob had gotten his first kickflip in a while, I got really lucky with a first try heelflip, Dave tried to halfcab flip as the rain set in. Fun session with the bros.

(setup 2/10 8.25 null all you need, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow light 148 with royal bushings, spitfire f4 99a yellow classic shape 52mm, new balance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 4/10)

skate journal: little campus battles (june 18, 2024)

Posted in New Deck, Skate Journal on June 21st, 2024 by corpo

Went to campus after dinner feeling like I weighed 500 pounds. Did a couple nollie tail combos on the metal lurb for a bit then ended up at the downhill ledge hallway spot. Took a while to get a slow noseslide. Then basically struggled so bad with fakie flips trying to line it out. Like to the point I almost left. Luckily I am very stubborn. I would eventually get a line of fakie flip, halfcab flip into the bank, noeslide the ledge. It was really bad though. I tried a few treflips and came up empty. I was also messing around with nollie front tails on the rail above the round ledge. I made myself ollie up to axle stall which took forever, then got the slowest tiniest nollie tail ever on the bar then managed to ride off the ledge too. It was really bad, but challenging, so it felt cool and I went home after that feeling remotely satisfied.

(setup 3/10 8.25 null all you need, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow light 148 with royal bushings, spitfire f4 99a yellow classic shape 52mm, new balance numeric 440v2 white size 11.5 half insoles and currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 4/10)