skate journal: squeekside and rino sculpture park with a really fun crew (may 18, 2024)

On a nice day I picked up Nolan and we met up with Kevin, Jake, Cass, Kyle, Hayden, Rob, Garrett and Joe. My calf was killing me. I basically only skated the curb, but I did get a kickflip 50 so that counts as a win. Jake had a good line 5-0 the qp then sugarcane the bank to curb. Hayden’s manuals are so casual. Garrett popped maybe the best kickflip I’ve ever seen. Kevin put together a nice line with a front blunt in it. Joe did a back noseblunt the one time the camera wasn’t on him. Nolan filmed like 5 clips, all of which were awesome. He even gave into the peer pressure to do the huge hip over door transfer. At one point my knee gave out filming. Ugh. Thanks for having my back Garrett.

After that we went to sculpture park. My calf was toast so I didn’t even try to skate. I was hyped to see Jake charging, easily the longest I’ve seen him skate in a while. Kevin put together some cool combos and flowed it really well. Joe did hardflip to fakie first try. Nolan loved the spot, put together a lot of clips and had a blast. Hayden had a really cool manual combo. Garrett made things look really easy and did kickflip pivot the one time I wasn’t filming. Then a nice dinner meeting up with Cass and Kyle again. Fun times, rad dudes.

(setup 8/10 null 20 year 8.5/14.25, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow 149 royal bushings, spitfire 52mm 99a tablet, new balance numeric 440v2 wide size 11.5 with currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 8/10 calf/knee)