As I sit here injured with a calf tear here’s my list from 2022. Nick Mathews gets part of the year. Amazing pop, style, tech spot selection and Ventures.
Runner up #1: Ishod. Watch this part again and ask how Ishod wasn’t in the finalist for SOTY. This part is amazing, Ishod may be the best to ever do it.
Runner up #2: Louie! Louie makes everything about skateboarding look amazing. He had my vote for SOTY.
Rookie of the year: Kai Kishi. Smooth fast tech! It’s like Peacock meets PJ.
Best full length video: Primitive Define. The team is so STACKED.
Album of the year: Danger Mouse & Black Thought – Cheat Codes. Not only do I think this is the best album of the year, but it should be considered a hip hop classic. It’s very rare to find a hip hop album where every single song is a banger, but Cheat Codes is amazing all the way through.
Here’s my playlist of 2022 favorite parts. Nick Mathews was the first on the list as he had the first part of the year I liked, but there are 60 videos there!
Runner up album of the year: Built To Spill – When The Wind Forgets Your Name. Classic BTS, great album.
Best night ever! Seriously though, this video premiere was one of the highlights of my life. Love the Nullers, love the CO skate scene, love Something.
2023 goals: Get healthy! Never wear skate shoes again (that’s what caused my calf injury). Put out a part for my 50th. Get shown up 50 times. Drink very little. Halfcab heel noseslide 270 shove out. Film a line with a treflip and a nollie treflip in it.
This entry was posted on Saturday, January 14th, 2023 at 11:47 am and is filed under Best of Lists.
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