skate journal: garage blah (march 4, 2021)

Not feeling much like skating on a cold wet night I went to the garage to get a fakie bigflip since I couldn’t land one the day before. I was feeling bloated from dinner and struggled to jump at first. Got to fakie flip, halfcab flip, 2-2 on fakie varial flips then got the fakie bigflip. I tried switch flips for a bit and was not close at all. Then on to treflip. I got one 4th try! I was desperately trying to get 3 within 10 tries, but that didn’t happen. In fact I went about 30 more tries before I put an end to my old chipped board. Ugh. I can take away some positive in that I landed on several and was super close to most of them.

(setup 8.25 303 deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow, bones medium bushings, spitfire f4 50mm classic shape 99a, new balance numeric foy 306 navy size 12, thin es insoles)
(pain level 3/10)