Posted in Skate Journal on December 6th, 2019 by corpo
Went into the garage after work since it was already dark. Messed around for a bit, tried some other shoes, then settled on the PJs. Made a goal of 10 different flip tricks before I could have a cider. Took about 40 minutes. Kickflip, fakie flip, varial flip, heelflip, backside flip, halfcab flip, treflip, frontside flip, fakie varial flip, fakie heelflip. They weren’t pretty, but then again it’s my tiny garage with no room.
(setup 8.5″ null curby deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 titanium trucks with regular cast baseplate, bones medium bushings, 3 speed washers inside each axle, 52mm spitfire classic green swirl f4 99a, new balance numeric 533v2 pj grey size 13 stock insoles) (pain level 3/10)
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Went to Curbside with Carleigh. We got there around 7:30 and it was less crowded than the one other time I’ve been there. But still crowded and still felt crazy to try and warm up. We started on the mini. I felt alright, but pretty rusty as I haven’t skated a ramp in a super long time. I got some fakie smiths to fakie, front 50, kinda front smith, axle to fakie, but I was really inconsistent. Carleigh almost got back d on the first run. She ended up getting 3 or 4 of them along with front disasters and close to back blunt. Then we did our noseslides on the a-frame. They came pretty easy for both of us. Carleigh also quickly got pop shove over the a-frame. Then we hit the euro for a bit. Well, I hit it for a bit, Carleigh was there for longer. I got kickflip up pretty quickly, gave b/s flip a few tries before I moved on to the ledge area. Carleigh was trying kickflip up, but couldn’t get it. She was also trying kickflips over the hip and got one or two, but I missed them. So they didn’t happen. Ha. I was inconsistent with crooks, but man that ledge rules. You can really lock in to it. To my surprise front 50s came pretty easy too. I didn’t have them as fast as I’d like, but I only missed getting onto it a couple times. I got crooks, switch front nose, halfcab noseslide, front 50, front 50 shove, accidental front 5-0, close to switch nose 270 shove. My flatground game wasn’t all that. My bank game not so great either, I missed several kickflips to fakie before getting the one Carleigh filmed. In the end I took about 15 tries to get a backside flip over the hip. It was a fun way to end it, wish I would have got the treflip too.
(setup 8.5″ null curby deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 titanium trucks with regular cast baseplate, bones medium bushings, 3 speed washers inside each axle, 52mm spitfire classic green swirl f4 99a, new balance numeric 533v2 pj grey size 13 stock insoles) (pain level 4/10 sharp knee pain by the end)
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