skate journal: stubborns dog park then arapahoe ridge (nov 16, 2019)

Kevin and I rolled to the dog park to meet Dave L and Seattle Will. I took out the vert board again. I didn’t do much, but I got another halfcab crook. Well, Kevin said it counted anyway. It wasn’t locked in like the other one I had done. I also got a first try f/s halfcab flip. Kevin was ripping even though he’ll say he wasn’t. 5-0s, nosegrind, smiths, etc. He was trying nollie 180 switch crooks. He was locking in, but never got it. Dave was shredding. Slappies, 5-0s on the ledges, shoves over the parking block. Andrew and the No Love dudes showed. It was cool seeing them.

We ended up here. I was skating terribly for awhile and felt incredibly sore. Dave was going up the long stairs like it wasn’t even hard. Ha. Seriously popping up so easily. Kevin and Will went in on the manual. Well, Kevin probably did it first try. I think he got nose manual too. Then 50. Then 5-0. The nosegrind proved he is human after all. Fuzz showed up and sat in his car for awhile before joining us. He had never been to this spot before and was frustrated like the rest of us with how hard it is to skate. But he did get the manual pretty quickly. After doing nothing but the little pivot above (nowhere near as cool as this old line there) I filmed Dave get a pretty incredibly line. 3 tricks up and a boardslide. Will had filmed awhile too. He got a couple manuals and almost a kickflip then manual. Fuzz got a fun boneless 180 bonk. Kevin was in on the 3 tricks up thing too and tried to finish with nollie flip. He ended up switching to nollie b/s flip and gave up on that. I’ll make an excuse for him – the wind. I started dorking around with 360 spinner like Sean does here. Ended up doing a little line of kickflip then it down the curb. I like it. Decent day. I wish I could ollie better.

(setup null 8.75 even horizon deck, venture 6.1 trucks with stock bushings, 54mm bones stf v5, new balance numeric 306 black/gum size 12, footprints gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 4/10)