Mark Suciu – Verso

Posted in Amazing skate clips, Best video part of the week on October 4th, 2019 by corpo

Is this the best part since PJ WHL? Maybe. The fact that I’m even considering it shows how monumental this part is.

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skate journal: arvada hip spot with the dave’s (oct 4, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 4th, 2019 by corpo

On a warm Friday I had the day off work and the Dave’s and I rolled to this spot. Not really on a specific mission, Fuller was just asking about hip spots and this came to mind. We got there around 10:30 and it was already getting warm. Warming up was not easy for any of us. At first just rolling off the curb was scary because of the crack. Dave L went and got some food. Fuller and I started in on the hip. The number of tricks are pretty low so it may appear we were only there for a bit, but no, we were there for over 3 hours. Ha ha. I got a wallie nollie pretty quick and a rocket flip somewhat quick. But that would literally be all the tricks I landed. I hucked front heels for quite awhile and got somewhat close, but never got me feet on it. Dave F though, man he put down a lot of stuff. Backside flip, back 360, lofty bean plant, cab bigspin (seriously!), halfcab flip and probably a couple more I’m forgetting. I failed at boneless 270 and no comply 270 shove. Dave L had some steezy casual frontside ollies on the mini bump and the hip. He went in on backside bigflip and got pretty close, but couldn’t really commit. He would go on to manual a large portion of the bank. Right at the end Fuller and I skated a different part of the spot, a weird hipish thing into the bank. Dave got a helipop and I battled f/s halfcab flip before giving up defeated again. I was remotely close, but the approach was really throwing me off. All in all a fun day street skating wtih the Dave’s. I need to work on my front heels and go back for that one. Maybe the f/s halfcab flip too.

(setup 8.25 null abstract 6 deck, Venture 5.6 trucks, venom 91a bushings , sml 53mm og wide wheels, 3 washers inside each axle, new balance numeric 379 b/w size 12, footprints gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 5/10 just really sore)

Some great Colorado Skateboarding parts dropped this week

Posted in Amazing skate clips, Colorado Skate Videos on October 4th, 2019 by corpo

What a great week for Colorado shredders. Glad to see Jaeson getting some shine. Nolan is one of my all time favorites. Also glad to see Mike get some shine. The Okay video has so many lines, I love it.


skate journal: post verso dog park finally landed a halfcab crook (oct 3, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 4th, 2019 by corpo

After watching Suciu’s new part a couple time and trying to keep my legs moving at work I went to the dog park on a super nice day. It was rad there was only a few people there. Rob came for a bit, but left not feeling the stoke. Warming up went better than normal for me. I guess keeping my legs fresh and the Suciu part had me hyped. I stuck with boardslides for awhile. Had some fun long lines with totally basic tricks. I had made a trick list for the day, but forgot to put halfcab crook on it. I tried one on a concrete bench and it locked in really good. I should have landed it first try. Instead I took about 50 tries, but man, I finally got one. It felt so good and I even got a fist bump from another dude skating the bench. That would be the highlight for me. I lost some juice after that for awhile, but eventually found it again and posed some more tricks. I wanted to do a nosegrind shove, but I never even committed to front nosegrind. At one point I told myself “if I do this wallie I’ll commit next try” and I slammed so hard because of wheelbite. So that was a real turn off. I have no idea how people skate big wheels. I putzed around some more. Did a couple little ollies. Tried to quick feet the 2 step with ollie up then boardslide or ollie up then 50, but never could. Then I left. Kinda bummed on how I skated overall, but quite hyped on finally landing a halfcab crook.

(setup 8.25 null abstract 6 deck, Venture 5.6 trucks, venom 91a bushings , sml 53mm og wide wheels, 3 washers inside each axle, new balance numeric 379 b/w size 12, footprints gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: crowded broomfield park (oct 2, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 4th, 2019 by corpo

On a cool night Matt H picked me up. Yes, he still skates. When he arrived he was in a hoodie and I didn’t think it was that cold initially, but decided to wear one anyway. It ended up being the right call as it was pretty chilly. We arrived to a very crowded park with a lot going on. Flyouts, scooters, bikes, ledge lines. It was crazy and hard to get warmed up. The crew was Kevin, Rob, Matt, Sean, Carleigh, Eric and me. Kevin always has nollie flips right out of the gate and looked extra stylee on his Null Curby board. Carleigh had a good fall ollieing up onto the blue ledge right away. Rob got into demo mode pretty quick. I saw Matt back nosegrind the black ledge first try. At least there was a tiny bit of sketch to it. Eric had nice crooks early on. I took awhile to ollie. Had fun with a deck check to manual on the side of the brown angled ledge. There was so much going on it was really hard to notice what others were doing. Rob had managed to line things out through the masses although I don’t remember the tricks right now. I know they ended with fakie bigspin then almost 360 shove. I was struggling with halfcab flips on flat and posing kick back tails on the blue ledge. Sean was mirroring out his black ledge lines and making flatground look really good and easy. His backside flips and heels are so good. Kevin did a switch manual 180 and I got his back with a little back 50 on the blue curb. At one point I ollied to deck check on the back of the blue bank. That was probably the highlight for me. I had thought about how I used to ollie into that and it felt really scary. Gonna try and keep that in the rotation. Eric had a bad slam and hurt his back and had to take off. Doh. Carleigh got back and front d on the brick qp. She also pops her ollies extra high when she ollies into the bank to start her run. Matt was trying fakie 5-0’s and had to give up so he focused his 2 year old board. Kevin worked on back nosegrinds which I haven’t really seen him do before. Decent night, I didn’t feel comfortable though and didn’t get into my bag enough to feel happy.

(setup 8.25 null abstract 6 deck, Venture 5.6 trucks, venom 91a bushings , sml 53mm og wide wheels, 3 washers inside each axle, new balance numeric 379 b/w size 12, footprints gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 4/10)