skate journal: short valmont bank with rob then creekside with rob and dave (april 21, 2019)

On a nice sunny morning where clouds rolled in quick I met Rob at the mellow Valmont bank. We started with some carvy 360s, no complies, nollie shoves, nosestalls on the side curb. I got a second try kickflip to fakie. Rob had a pretty epic primo slam a couple tries later. Rob had no comply bigspin. I did a few of my basic flippers. Rob did a sick front tail to fakie on the side curb, wallie nollie turn around on the side wall. I got a sketch axle stall on the side and then we left to go back to my house to meet Dave at the school. He had waxed up the main top section. He was doing super long slappy noseslides and lining out 180s off the curb cuts and cabs on flat. I was able to get the backside slappy up onto the curb pretty quick this time. It felt nice. Rob had some struggles going, but still managed some great back 50s. One with a no comply out. I couldn’t get up on a frontside slappy for the longest time. Dave had several slappy crook shoves and almost lined one out with a switch crook shove. I was doing a lot of kickflips. This time got the line of kickflip off curb, kickflip up curb, kickflip into the curb cut, backside slappy. Felt fun. Dave was doing 180s out of the curb cuts the hard way. Rob had focused his board and was chilling. I got a few slappy front crooks. They didn’t grind far and I didn’t ride out of them well, but I managed to follow one with a little treflip out of the curb cut. That was the highlight for me, felt good to be trying hard.

(setup 8.5″ null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside) no boardside washer, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 brown/gum size 12, nb# westgate insoles)
(pain level 2/10)