skate journal: some garage dorking on the putter (dec 31, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 31st, 2018 by corpo

On a cold and snowy afternoon I went into the garage with the intention of trying a new trick. I had though of no comply back shove body varial. My feet were hurting so I started with some old cupsoles that I haven’t skated to completion yet. Some old PJ shoes that are too tight/stiff. They worked for awhile, but started to hurt. Sometime after the slam that hurt more than it should I switched back to the Busenitz vulcs. I got the no comply trick and was delighted to follow it up with a treflip (well, mostly a treflip). I also did a bad heelflip, posed switch flips and fakie hardflips and went off to get dinner.

(setup 7.5″ putter)

skate journal: slappy morning then broomfield park (dec 30, 2018)

Posted in New Trucks, New Wheels, Skate Journal on December 31st, 2018 by corpo

On a really nice morning I showed up at the newly repaved EBRC parking lot where Dave, Ed and Saul were already slapping them grinds. There were a few different sections. I was getting used to new trucks and wheels. Well, the only part of the truck that were new were the hangers so it wasn’t really that different. I had some new Spitfire 52mm classics too, they felt big too. Argh. We went over to the banked area. It was fun to carve, try to tailslide, etc. Saul did the crazy slappy over the death box which was crazy. He was slappying all over the place. Some manuals around the bank were had, Dave almost got front tailslide shove, Ed was popping backside ollies. There was a fun little gap there too. You just had to dodge goose crap. I had a fun kickflip up then ollie the gap. Dave ollied it too, he also hung up on it and took a good slam I guess. Dave kickflipped off the curb then him and Saul bounced. I was stoked how casual Dave’s kickflips were. Ed and I skated awhile longer. I did the kickflip on the bank. Then we went back to the longer slappy curb. Man it’s good. Ed has the best frontside slappys. I got a couple real backside ones, I’m normally not up on it enough.

Then I went to a crowded Broomfield park to meet Sean and eventually Carleigh. There were quite a few older skaters there. Dudes I’ve seen around for years, but never knew. They had tiny setups and it stoked me out. After doing a brief warm up on the quartapotty and blue ledge Sean and I played a game of SKATE. It didn’t go so good for me, I might have gotten one letter on Sean. Since it was over so quick we went for another one, no repeats. This game was awesome! Sean was a gentleman and didn’t get me with tricks I’ve never done. I got letters on tricks I can do though like both halfcab heels, backside flip and something else. I was really surprised to answer back with a first try fakie heel. Especially considering how regular heelflips weren’t working. I was able to get some letters on Sean though. Fakie bigflip, fakie varial flip, 360 flip and nollie tre! I was hyped to get those tricks. We both took awhile to get last tricks. I was going for fakie tre, he was going for Rick flip. Both of us were constantly close, but he got his first and I came close to the Rick flip, but didn’t get it. Super fun game. We mostly skated the blue lurb after that. I didn’t get much. I got a mirror line. Nollie front tail, axle to fakie on the qp, halfcab noseslide. Sean did his front 180 nose manual switch back 180 out so good. Then he tried to mirror out a switch front 50 with a switch back front 50. It took him a long time because he couldn’t switch back 50. But he did get a couple good ones after Carleigh showed up. Carleigh did some good front 50s, kickflips, ollies. I gave up on hard stuff and tried to line out in a way I haven’t before. I did nollie front tail on the blue ledge, boardslide transfer the brown ledge, axle to fakie the qp, fakie 50 the blue ledge. I had done a few flip tricks too. I was really tired and sore when it was all over.

(setup null 8.25 lazer deck, 5.8 venture FTC trucks with forged baseplate, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel bottom one, yellow 92a small top one), no washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 99a classic 52mm green/yellow swirl wheels, adidas busenitz vulc b/w size 12 with stock insoles)
(pain level 4/10 started okay, but by the end I was really hurting)

skate journal: fossil creek in the cold (dec 29, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 31st, 2018 by corpo

It was super cold in the morning so I sold boards to Skate Ratz and MRKT, got some food and eventually made it to Fossil. There were a couple beginners up top when I got there, but they left. I started really slow, it was still quite cold out. After awhile I had some fun trying the line above with ollie up then front 50. It came kinda quick so I went for the shove out which didn’t come quick. Since it was so cold out the phone almost died after filming for only 10 minutes. Next I forced myself to ollie up the 3 stair. It took awhile. After that I mostly hit the main ledge. I was bumming on my wide wheels because I couldn’t lock in to crooks to save my life. It was so annoying, that ledge is normally my favorite ledge to crook. Good bye wide wheels, I don’t really like you anyway. I got a first try back 50, but it was more of just an axle stall. Still, I was happy about it. I had halfcab noseslide, front 50s too. Man, I really didn’t do much. Seemed like I was trying pretty hard and having fun though.

(setup null 8.25 lazer deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel bottom one, yellow 92a small top one), no washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 99a radial 52mm blue/yellow swirl wheels, adidas busenitz vulc b/w size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 4/10)