skate journal: dog park and saul’s on a really nice day (dec 16, 2018)
Posted in Skate Journal on December 17th, 2018 by corpo
After resting from an early morning work call and then basketball with Ollie I met Dave and Eric at the dog park. Dave seemed to be well into the warm up process and Eric was just getting started. But Eric did a heelflip right away that looked good. We all had some lines going. The flatbar is surprisingly hard to skate as it’s cheap aluminum and sticks often. We would ollie it to start lines or boardslides. Dave would get a bunch of feebles too. I had some luck with flip tricks early on, fakie flip, halfcab flip, b/s flip. Struggled with heelflip, but kind of got an over 40 rick flip make. We pulled out Eric’s little ledge too and that thing is a good ol’ wobbly time. Eric had some nice crooks. I had a few fun front 50s and backed one of them with a slow treflip with a hand down. I was also having fun trying lines like ollieing the crack gap, boardslide the flat bar then front 50. Dave was working on a long line to switch ollie the flat bar. Feeble, back 50, kickflip, nollie front 180, switch ollie. I thought I filmed the one he did, but it turns out I was reverse filming from when he fell the time before. Ha ha, the screen shot is above. The switch ollie was so good though. Eric did front 50 180 out first try, almost crooks shove. I had started trying halfcab crooks and was actually getting into them for the first time ever. I may have landed a couple little jibs before, but I was really locking into them this time and grinding. It felt awesome. I got a couple that didn’t grind far and still felt good. Man I hope I can continue to get close to that trick, because it’s a dream trick for sure!
Then we went to Saul’s. There was already a crew there. Saul, Uriel, Josh, Cole, and another dude. Uriel was doing crazy good grinds. Feebles, smiths, both fs and bs. So good. Saul was shredding around. Cole had some moves. Dave is always a treat to watch there and didn’t disappoint. Eric had some good heelflip slams, long back 50s. I had fun doing scratch grinds and bailing axle stalls.
(setup null 8.25 lazer deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, bones bushings (medium big bottom one, hard small top one), no washers inside each axle, bones 51mm stf v1 pj wheels, new balance numeric 345 black/white size 12, thin adidas insoles)
(pain level 3/10 some foot pain)