skate journal: broomfield park on a gorgeous night with a great crew (may 8, 2018)

After a nap, dinner, some chatting with Liz I went to Broomfield park running late to meet up for the first Tuesday night session in awhile. Rob, Ed, Donnie, Garrett, John, Darin were already there ripping. Rob especially. He was silently stacking tricks like bigspin front nose, back 50 shove, back 50 back 180, close to halfcab boardslide shove. It ruled seeing John skate as it’s been a long time. He was ripping too! He was sliding his patented switch noseslides, front shove revert, close to nollie flip. Garrett and Donnie were on one together racing to back nosegrind on the sad ledge. John and I were trying some lines like front 50 and back 50 on the little ledge, but when we tried to add 180’s to the mix we just kind of lost interest and did our own thing. We did flatground versions of some footplant trick Dave can do casually on transitions. It was kinda fun. There was a lot going on so it remembering all of it is impossible. Darin and his crew were mostly just skating the quartapotty. I was 5-5 on halfcab noseslides for the night. It was awesome. They weren’t great, but at least I wasn’t bailing. I really think the pop training Rob and I did the day before over the cone helped. Gotta ollie stuff more. John put down a long line with front 50 on the black ledge, ollie the little rail, noseslide the black ledge, and almost switch noseslide 270 shove the black ledge.
I had some decent lines too. Front 50, boneless over the rail, best crooks I’ve done in awhile. Donnie was charging the bank spot and it was inspiring. So I tried to push as fast as him (I couldn’t) and just boardslide the flat bar. That felt cool and I tried to ollie the 6 after. Well, kind of. I posed it, but didn’t really have enough speed or commitment. Most people had left. The park was just 3 other dudes, Donnie, Garrett and me. Garrett and Donnie never got kick back tails on the black ledge. They were amazed at how tech I was getting with front 50 shove though. Ha. I did get one and it felt cool and I almost lined it out with a halfcab flip on the mellow bank and fakie nosegrind on the black ledge. Last thing for me was to take 30 tries to scratch grind the bank. I was inspired by Donnie charging it so hard. It felt cool. Garrett’s bigspin onto it was sick. Donnie had done b/s flip onto it too and like 20 tricks grinding like 5-0 up it over the steep bank, switch front crook, switch back 50 (serious wtf), front 50 and the tricks in the video. What a fun night. Skating with friends is great.

So now for the shoe change reasoning. I just couldn’t put the NB# 288s on again. The heel is so high I was too scared of rolling my ankle. So I put some old Es Swifts on and they felt really good. I had put some gamechangers in for a bit of the session, but they didn’t feel good.

(setup 8.38 null atomic cowboy deck, venture black icon 5.8 trucks, bones medium bushings, 51mm bones stf v1 wheels, 3 washers outside each axle, es swift 1.5 grey shoes size 11.5 with stock insoles)