Went to Redder Curbs around 8pm after a really busy day at work. I was somewhat sore and started by just kind of mini-ramping it with stalls going back and forth on the parking blocks. I had a bail on a feeble that shot some crazy pain through my knee. I almost stopped at that point, but instead I decided to skate it out. I was rewarded with a motivated session. I didn’t land a whole lot, but I did skate hard. A lot of the motivation came from this clip of PJ Ladd. His skating is the best. I got some slappy crooks going on the kinked red curb, started ollieing and trying flip tricks. There was one point where I tried a halfcab flip and didn’t think I would get it at all, but landed it. It made me happy about the smaller setup I’m on these days. Same thing happened on a couple of heelflips. I can’t say the same for trying to ollie over a cone though. I made myself do a back 50 on the median over a parking block. That took awhile, didn’t get over both of the blocks, but it’s scary. Tried a line for awhile of kickflip a parking block, treflip on flat, front 50 the downhill part of the kinked curb. I may have done it once, but basically none of the tricks were under 50 year old makes. Especially the two hands down treflip landing. I never got a clean treflip. Doh. I tried to heelflip the parking block for awhile which I’ve never done before, didn’t ever commit, but it felt doable. Ended in a flurry of trying kick back tails on a curb, treflips on flat or switch crooks on the curb. Got none of them, came the closest to kick back tail. Focused my board so it would force me to setup a new one that is in decent shape.
(setup null riley persing 8.125 deck, venture 5.2 v-hollow lows, thunder bushings, 3 washers inside each wheel, 51mm STF V1, new balance numeric pj 533 steel/gum)