skate journal: longmont park at lunch break (may 12, 2016 day 133)

longmont skatepark

Had to come in early for work and had to stay late so I had a long lunch break. I went to Longmont park as I am so sick of Blue Skies. When I got there there was one other skater. A mongo pushing basketball shorts without a shirt wearing dude. He was pretty good and he made sure I knew it. We had a funny ledge session. I would do a trick, he would do it better. This would have been annoying, but he was somehow pretty cool about it. I got a few of my basics. Then kinda moved on trying a flatground trick and then noseslide the ledge on the pyramid. That other dude left, Aki showed. We mostly skated flatground, he did back 50 back 180 out on the bump to ledge. I took a long time to land a treflip and could not get the speed to do a bad flyout over cones. Doh.

(setup 8.25 null awkward vector, venture lows, venom 91a bushings, 3 washers on inside of axles, 51mm stf v2, New Balance Numeric PJ Stratford 533 burgandy/gum)