skate journal: boulder park creeping, manny pad and flatground and more boulder park creepy (oct 18, 2015 day 279)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 19th, 2015 by corpo

Not feeling so great I went to Boulder park in hopes of doing a Creeper for the old man game of SKATE. There was hardly anyone there. Some scooter kids and Travis from Longmont who was ripping. I basically only tried Creepers and managed a couple bad ones.

manual dream spot

I sent one off to the judge and went to this spot. For awhile I skated flatground and after landing a trick would manual from the curb off the two stair. Tried nose manny too, but the cracks were too big. I didn’t get so many flip tricks because my shoulder was hurting worse. Then I started trying a hard line for me. From the right, ollie up the curb, ollie up the two, kickflip off the curb, kickflip up the curb, front 180 off the little drop. I was going way faster then normal and the first ollie up the curb was scary. I wanted to to the whole thing without pushing. It took a long time, but I would get it and I was very hyped. I did have to push after the kickflip up the curb, but it was only because I was kind of going the wrong way and had to slow down to turn around a bike rack. I was hyped though.

Then I met Nolan at the Brohlder park again. This time there were several people there. Nolan was bumming on it. Some dude kept trying similar tricks. It was funny. Then I tried Creepers forever until I got the one above. Nolan did front pivot to back pivot to fakie.

streets > boulder park

Then we went to the old folks home bank to curb/fence. It was immediately more fun. I got back axle, back pivot, front tail and no comply to tail all pretty quick. Nolan did a couple funny back tails, front pivot to fakie and a fence bash ollie out.

skate journal: flatground, southern hills curbs for the volleyball crowd (oct 17, 2015 day 278)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 19th, 2015 by corpo

My shoulder was feeling a little better. Birthday girl India was at ballet and I couldn’t resist the urge to skate any longer so I went in front of the house. I actually felt decent. Some tricks like halfcab flip hurt my shoulder too much so I avoided them. I ended up trying nollie heels for about an hour straight. I got super close to several of them and feel like I made some sort of progress towards actually landing that trick.


Then I went to Southern Hills for a bit because I wanted a change of scenery. The stair was waxed up pretty good so I mostly skated that. I did some 50s both ways, front 5-0s then pretty much settled into a routine. Back 50, nollie heel attempt. Going frontside I was trying nosegrind shove out. I got close once or twice. Then I would try 360 flips. As I was skating a crew of parents and their middle school girls showed up waiting to get into the gym for a volleyball meet. It was super weird. I just kept skating anyway as they all watched me. And of course right as the guy came to unlock the gym door I decided to head home.

(setup 8.1 null venture lows with 1/16 riser 50mm 99a ojs emerica westgate cc grey)