skate journal: holey banks then valmont with dave (aug 21, 2015 day 225)
Dave and I went skating around 6:30. We went to go to Stonehenge, but there were moving trucks and people moving into the building. DOH! So we went to the bank spot with the 4 holes in it and the ledge. There was some serious struggling going on for both of us. I tried a line of halfcab flip, back slash on the bank, front 50 the ledge for like an hour before getting the worst 50 ever. I slammed on the halfcab flip a lot due to wheelbite. Dave got frustrated trying to ollie a hole. I had a couple brief crooks on the ledge as did Dave. Dave put down several front crooks! Seriously. So sick. I put down a hurricane that grinded at least an inch and had a long lunch break. Add in a horrible tic tac landing and you have the makings of one awesome trick. Dave had some good front 50s too and near the end did a really good boneless over a hole.
Then we went to Valmont. For a brief period I skated great. And by that I mean I got super close to two new tricks, but didn’t actually land them. Nollie inward heel and kickflip crooks on the ledge. Both very close. Got a few other basics like back 50 first try, crooks, but couldn’t front 50 the middle part, couldn’t get front crooks. Did a couple other tricks, flatground was ok. Dave got into crooks both ways and a nice front 50. Then we goofed around off the drop doing various street plant tricks. That was fun. I need to tweak more to hang with Dave. That boneless bonk was fun though.
(setup 8.1 null venture lows thunder bushings 52mm stf v3 nb# pj stratford 533 brown/gum)