skate journal: tired skating around pearl/30th (march 16, 2015 day 74)
Posted in Skate Journal on March 18th, 2015 by corpoWas supposed to meet John at the newish Pearl & 30th ledges with the little brick gaps under them. He said he’d be late so I went across the street to a tiny manny pad instead. I was feeling super sore and didn’t really want to ollie. I did a couple manuals then tried to do manual kickflip out for awhile. I had a few that felt possible, but mostly I just felt like an old uncoordinated fool.
Then I went over to the ledge and John still wasn’t there so I went down the sidewalk to the bikepath ledge and weird hip. I did a few rock ‘n rolls then started trying a line of noseslide to fakie and cab over the hip. Initially the noseslides to fakie felt great and I was landing them all. Then I went through a period of not landing any at all. Then I got them again and managed to put down two of the worst cabs in history. What a weird trick.
Went over to the ledge and John still wasn’t there so I left to pickup India from ballet.
(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones medium bushings no washers 52mm null wheels)