The best clip on the internet
Posted in Amazing skate clips on December 22nd, 2014 by corpo85 minutes of PJ footage. It does not get better then this.
85 minutes of PJ footage. It does not get better then this.
In what looked like a nice morning I made plans for Jake and I to meet John at the long ledge on campus. I skated Rampy briefly to get warmed up. I felt really disoriented from my cold. Argh. Then right as Jake showed up the wind kicked up something fierce. I was really bummed on the wind and almost wanted to cancel skating. With my cold the wind would suck. But we still went for it. Initially at the ledge it was hard to skate due to leafs, branches and twigs flying by from the wind. But it ended up not being too bad all the time and we actually had some brief periods of calm. John may not know the difference between east and south, but when he found the ledge he immediately began ripping. At one point he did a marathon run ollieing the rounded 5 stair, a few flat ground basics, ollied off the ledge and ended with front 50. Him and Jake were ollieing up the ledge as high as they good. Jake managed to ollie up it at the highest point. So sick. John had some really good front 50s too. I was going through a weird streak. Some tricks were working great like varial flip off a curb first try, nose manuals, almost switch 180 manual, but tricks like ollies and front 50 were not going well.
John left and Jake and I went to the slappy ledge. I slammed super hard trying to do a ‘fast’ no comply 180 and messed up my wrist a little. It’s aight. I had a few not-much-grindage slappy back 50s. Jake did slappy bluntslides. Then we headed over to the bank to fence spot. On the way there I had a blast. Wallie up the red ledge, ollie off, quick ollie up the curb, ollie the kicker over curb. At the bank to fence we mostly skated the bank. I did most of my basic flippers within a try or two. I tried f/s halfcab flips for awhile and kind of landed one. Jake rattled off several tricks too and came super close to fakie treflip. Then we went to the newish fitness center. Jake killed it by manualling a tall edge then ollieing over a cone off the two stair. I took a long time to ollie a little rock, but man it was fun. Then we finished with a game of SKATE that took awhile for us to land anything. Jake said that one of us needed to land a 360 flip and after several fails I landed one that felt great. Jake got me on a heelflip. I forget the rest, but I won it on a b/s flip. Fun day. I felt like crap after from being out in the cold wind though. Doh.
I was still feeling pretty sick from a cold that kept me off the board for two whole days! I waited for Chadman to show up rather then be out skating already. We went to Valmont to start on the mellow warm up pads. We did a warm up game of SKATE that Chad one easily. We did a lot of basics to begin it though. Chad ollied the curb cut gap. I came close to 180 nose manual. Chad did a 180 nose manual body varial. It was tight!
Then we went to campus and started at the one stair ledge spot. Chad was hyped on it and nose manualled it and tried to do slappy front nose to fakie off it like I did. We hit the slappy ledge for a bit. Chad had some mean front 5-0s. I had some back 50s and maybe a crook. Then we went to the newer long ledge. Had some fun there doing a few basics. Chad was trying manual to kickflip out, but didn’t quite get it. Then Will and a few of the younger Boulder kids showed up. They all sat except for Will who was ripping. Chinese nollie flip, front, back tails on the tall part of the ledge, Ripping. Then Chad and I headed back to the car via a pretty fun downhill cruise.
Was actually kind of busy at work. Had to hustle at the park as it would be a short one. I started with what has become my normal first trick, an ollie to fakie on the main bank. This one went well. On the way to the park I felt like skating the bank and that’s mostly what I did for awhile. I was sore from skating so much so ollies over the flat bar didn’t work, but everything else seemed good. Kickflip fakie, fakie flip, b/s flip, boneless and a half cab on the bank. The halfcab was scary because of how narrow the bank is. After awhile someone else showed. I kept cruising around the park. Got a good b/s flip on flat. A few other basics like front 50 on the ledge and boardslide to fakie the flat bar. Then two more people showed. Geez. 4 people skating at that park is way crowded. So I mostly just tried fakie treflips on the bank. Got close. On the way back I would try 360 flips until I finally landed one. Got a crooks on the ledge and bounced back to work.
Blue Skies park after lunch on another cloudy and cool day in the low 30s. Since I know it’s going to be really cold at night I’m trying to skate during the day. I was feeling better then yesterday. I went through the warm up rounds somewhat quick and settled into some new stuff. Was trying a line of front 50 up half the escalator ledge (above), b/s flip on the bank, crooks the low ledge, then hippy jump a flat bar. The front 50s started off good and I was going faster then I normally do, but the b/s flip was being tough (it’s a narrow bank making it harder for me). Somehow I eventually managed all 4 and the hippy jump was the first one I’ve done there. It was scary as that trick terrifies me for some reason. I was hyped on that. I tried to ollie onto the main ledge when I didn’t get the line. I got close, but no cigar. For a bit I tried front 180 off the ledge then fakie treflip on flat. Got close. Then I settled in to trying front shoves off the ledge. It’s hard because there isn’t much setup time and even for me I’m going slower then I want to be. About 20 minutes later I finally landed it. Whew! Two new tricks at the park in one day.
Around 9pm after helping India study for her math final a little, dishes, etc I went out to Rampy. I was really sore, but I didn’t care. I didn’t skate for too long, but did a few things I’d like to remember. Did a couple hurricanes. Did some fakie pivots where I went in to fakie without first pivoting on my front truck. Also did one of those f/s bean plants to tail. That trick is fun.
On a sunny, but cool Monday in the low 40s I headed to Blue Skies after lunch. There were a few puddles throughout the park and some ice left over from the little snow shower, but things were mostly skateable. It became apparent quickly that I would not be skating well. I managed a few things I enjoyed. Fs ollies on the little qp, boardslides to fakie on a flat bar, fast for me front 50s on the low ledge, back 180 the low part of the snake rail, cab kickturn on one of the weird banks. Finally got the backside 180 off the main ledge. But man it was really bad. Tried to ollie the low part of an escalator ledge and failed miserably. Seriously, not even close. Bummed me out.
My first hangover in awhile (from the 303 Landrace premiere) and I’m skating with Riley and Nolan? It was a good excuse to mostly film, but I did actually skate alright all things considered. Nolan though geez, Rampy might have a new champ (sorry Gordon). His first run ever on Rampy had a blunt to fakie in it. Pretty mind blowing to me. He went on to do so many tricks it would be easier to list the tricks he didn’t do. Some of the highlights include back noseblunt, back blunt bigspin first try, back blunt bigflip out, fsa, madonna?, so much it’s crazy. Riley ripped it too. Switch blunt nollie heel out, front noseblunt, 5-0s to fakie so steezy, so many tricks. I’m seriously blowing it here, they landed so many tricks I can’t remember more then a few. For me I wasn’t expecting much, but managed a fakie 5-0 to fakie, front feeble, front tail. So some of my better basics.
i can’t ollie
Slept in a bit for once on a cloudy saturday. Ollie actually wanted to skate. I had to meet up with Rob in Niwot so after that we ended up at this random bank behind Case Logic. I was sore from so much skating recently and hiking. Ollie had some nice fly out 180s both ways. Manuals down it. Some other stuff before getting distracted by a pile of tar to reshape. I went through a few basic flippers on the bank then started trying to ollie the trash can. I originally placed it the lowest way possible and was able to ollie that pretty easily. But I couldn’t get it the ‘taller’ way. Not even with Ollie shooting a sequence and cheering me on. Just look at how my back foot isn’t even close to the board. What the heck? Ugh.
Ollie had enough skating so I dropped him off and ate some food before going to Southern Hills. This spot is tougher to skate then it looks and I didn’t have much pop. I started linking some basics together. Noseslide, heelflip, crooks. But then some kids came to play basketball which kind kills half the spot. It was ok though because then I could just go back and forth and not line out as much with how tired I was. But I had to skate the old ledge (front left in the photo) which doesn’t grind all that good. I was only able to do the basics. My front 50s were really slow and full of struggle. I kept trying though. Got one front 50 shove out. Couldn’t do back 50. Couldn’t do halfcab noseslide. I put a little rock between the crack and 2 stair so I had to ollie over it. I only managed that a few times. Also kickflipped into the handicap ramp a bunch and a halfcab flip that felt great. Ollieing up the 2 was hard. Flip tricks weren’t going well, so I mostly hucked ones I can’t land anyway. After awhile the basketball kids left. I forced myself to ollie up onto the bench (right front in the photo). I was going pretty slow but I figured I should do it with a kickflip off the bench. After only a few tries I rode away from the first kickflip I committed to. I was so tired until that point and it totally hyped me up and gave me a second wind. I got a treflip, hucked a bunch of fakie tres, tried to slide front noseslides longer. Did a bunch of crooks on the good ledge (back right of the photo). Then forced myself to get into crooks at the start of the ledge in hopes of crooking the whole ledge. I didn’t get close to crooking the whole thing, but I was hyped to get on early and grind it awhile. Then it got dark.
I was planning to meet up at Crisis, but it was only 5pm so I went to Broomfield park which was mostly vacant. I mostly dorked around on the blue box and quartapotty. Did a switch boardslide on the blue box and a back 50 front 180 out. Front 50 back 180 out, lots of slappy tailslides. Tried to do fakie nosegrind sw 180 out, but couldn’t quite do it. Man, what a long day of skating. Later that night Fuzz kept telling me I skate too much. Ha.
Woke up around 4:30 am and could not go back to sleep. So I got up and did a few things around the house. Since it was my day off and I was planning an all day date with Liz I decided to skip out and skate flatground for an hour or two. It felt really cold when I started (mid 30s), but as the sun came up it warmed up quickly. I was really sore and stiff when I started and it took me several minutes and tries to get kickflips working. But I did. I ended up rattling off quite a bit of my bag before settling in on ‘new’ tricks since I still have to land 3 new flip tricks this month. I was getting desperate and realized that varial flip rewind was a new one I did a few months ago, but I didn’t want to count it. Well, now I don’t care anymore because I need numbers! I did several of them. None perfect. Then I tried switch f/s flip and nollie bigflips. I would eventually get the nollie bigflip. I have landed that one before too, but only twice or so. So yeah, two new tricks for the numbers. Now I have over two weeks to land one more new one. I started trying other tricks like f/s halfcab heel, the incredibly elusive treflip, fakie treflip. I finally landed another treflip, but landed in the middle and made the crack in my board way worse. A few tries later I tried a fakie tre and the board cracked beyond use. Doh! Stoked I went out skating and got a couple ‘new’ tricks though. Of all the flip tricks I’ve learned this year I’d really like the nollie bigflip to become a staple.
Took the day off work because it was supposed to be 60 degrees. Met up with Fuzz then went to one of our favorite parks. We got there around noon and it was already super nice out. No wind, just amazing. We warmed up on the little manny pad ledge. Fuzz had some sketchy back 50s to begin, but turned it up quick. I had thought of how I wanted to do a backside nosegrind on the little thing while driving there. Some 20 tries later I landed a couple. Rad. It’s been years since I’ve done that one. We started doing some 3 trick lines, but Fuzz would normally land 5 tricks at least. Some lofty b/s ollies on the steep bank hip, hippy jump the flat bar into the bank, ollie it into the bank. Then the cool fs ollie above. He started initially by doing manual on the ledge to the right of his photo then ollie to fakie. I had a back 50 on the manny pad, kickflip on flat then boardslide down a little rail. Then we did some lines starting with wallriding (ok technically bank riding) over the two stair. Fuzz was lining to the manual / hip ollie above. I was lining to a boardlide transfer up the long ledge. It took me a long time and by the time I finally landed it Dave had arrived. I must admit rolling away from it felt really neat though. My legs were pretty much shot by then. They haven’t felt that bad in awhile. Doh. With the exception of a few ledge basics, kickflip on a bank and a great feeling flatground nollie treflip I was done. Dave went on to kill it. Him and Fuzz were doing long lines that involved boardslide to fakie a flat bar and fakie ollie on the bank (in Fuzz’s photo). Blaine arrived too which was sick. He had a bunch of steezy ollies and back 180s. And some gnarly no comply 180’s in to fakie off a ledge into a bank. Dave shut it down with this manual a few times as the skatepark filled up with the after school program so we bounced. Fun times.