Skate journal: Madison campus solo session (Aug 3, 2014)


Went to campus after hanging with the families all day.  Was tired and felt weird being solo on a nearly vacant campus.  I started by the student center where I saw this amazing view. 


I walked up a hill and was surprised to find this.  I warmed up with a line of ollie down a three stair, kickflip on flat, noseslide the ledge.  Fun.  I was still feeling weird, no one was around.  I sucked at front 50s and the ledge didn’t grind as good as it looks.  For a few crooks.  Tried a line of front 50 then, treflip on flat the ollie up the three.  But never got the tre.  Thought I saw a cop coming so I skated off.




Found this next.  I seem to remember skating this about 10 years ago when my brother first moved back to Wisconsin.  There is a huge crack and weird gutter in front of it so I couldn’t just get on it. So I tried from the second stair going sideways.  Took awhile but I eventually got a front 50 coming out before the stair on the last stair.  Grinding granite is so fun. Then I went for back 50.  Even though I normally take a huge angle into back 50s this was weird.  Kinda got a back 50 and moved on to one of the spots I knew I would skate.


Pretty darn dark.


Looks bright with the flash on.

This bench has been there since the first time I skated in Madison.  It’s not lit well.  The drop on the other side is kinda weird.  Again, no one was around so it was weird.  I skated it for awhile and got some basic.  Boardslide, noseslide, noseslide fakie, crooks, front 50, front 50 180, front 50 shove, front 5-0, halfcab noseslide, tried back 50, but gave up on it. 




I walked by my car and was super tired and almost left.  But I was near this spot and wanted to skate it.  Messed around for a bit then settled on a line that took awhile.  Ollie up the curb, ollie up the two (going fast for me), treflip on flat then ollie the three.  Treflips weren’t working but when I finally got it it felt great.  Then I ollied the rock off the two stair, got booted and left.


Glad I got out.  Could have gone without running into spiderwebs everywhere I went, but if well.