Skate journal: Sol ramp then spring canyon (July 31, 2014)


Picked up Derek on the way  to the meeting spot Sol.  We were there first so we skated the ramp for awhile.  My first few runs were terrifying.  That ramp hates me.  I would go on to have some mediocre runs with a couple basic tricks in them and got stuck on front ds.  Skated flat and did several treflips with my hands touching the ground.  That seems to be how I do them now.  Derek laughed and giggled his way through lots of tricks.  Front 5-0 to fakie, switch front 5-0, kickflip to fakie and much more.  Carleigh showed and skated a bit too.  She wanted to carve over middle section, but didn’t commit. Riley showed and we left for fort Collins.


Spring Canyon was empty when we got there and I was immediately blown away by how insanely good Derek and Riley were skating.  They were ollieing the kicker to kicker gap so easy in lines.  Dana and his friend Hayden showed as well as a few more dudes.  Seeing Dana skate in person finally was pretty awesome.  He killed it.  Him and Riley fed off each other and Dana got Riley hyped for a big boneless over the door.  Riley pretty much killed everything.  Flatground, ledges, the door.  It was crazy.  Halfcab noseslide nollie heelflip out, pop shove nosegrind, hc noseslide bigspin out.  Derek 180 nose manualed the potato chip which was insane.  Back smith the ledge and a lot more.  Carleigh boardslid the rail, noseslid the ledge, took some photos, loaned me her flash (ha).  I didn’t skate great, but it was fun.  Landed a lot more treflips, some without putting my hands down.  Tried front 5-0 kickflip out for awhile, got kind of close.  Did a line with manual then kickflip on the end of the wide qp.  My new wheels still feel huge and my shoes are too bright.  Oh well.  Fun time, good weather, good crew, good park.