Bert Wooten in Sequel

Posted in Amazing skate clips on January 23rd, 2014 by corpo

This is one of those really good parts. Editing, filming, music and most importantly the skating. And you can actually own on DVD (at Crisis soon or at On top of that I’m trading DVDs with the guy that made it. Goodness all around.

skate journal: Real brief Rampy (Jan 23, 2014)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 23rd, 2014 by corpo

Went out to Rampy lacking a little motivation having skated 6 days in a row already. Things were actually feeling pretty good. I did a couple front disasters that felt good and some kickflips. Went up for an axle stall, ate shit and called it a night. Guess I need a break.

skate journal: fakie tricks on rampy (Jan 22, 2014)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 23rd, 2014 by corpo

A chilly night so I went out to Rampy for a short solo session. I ended up mostly just trying some fakie tricks I hadn’t done in awhile. I started cab rock ‘n roll. Easy. Then fakie rock to back smith. That took awhile. Fakie hurricane, that took awhile too. Lastly was a trick that I can’t remember if I’ve done before. I don’t think so. But a fakie front axle stall then whip the board around to back axle stall. Scary trick. Jason influenced. Fun.