skate journal: Ledges and manny pad fun with Jake (April 24, 2013)

downhill ledges is scary

kickflip a truck

Finally a kind of warm day in the 50s. After work I went to Target to get Liz an anniversary card (15 years of awesome tomorrow!) and saw a cheap candle begging to be used on ledges instead of burned slowly. And since I was right there I went to this ledge. John was thinking of meeting up and I figured he could grab Jake. So I skated for awhile and it was fun. Waxing it was a good call, wow it was slick. Had some fun front 50s, front 50 shove. Lots of noseslides and a few crooks. Followed them with attempts over the hip (from steep to mellow). Got a couple b/s flips over it and maybe a kickflip over the f/s hip. John bailed so I needed to go get Jake. That fool should get a car. Ha. Before I left though I did a fun run of switch front 180 off the very start of the ledge, ollie a corner of curb along the bike path, b/s flip on the hip then fakie flip on flat. Neat.

Then I drove to Jake’s and we came back. I almost got the crooks then f/s flip line again. Kept stepping off the flipper. Tried noseslide then front bigspin, came close. Jake killed the ledge with back 50s, crooks, crooks fakie, noseslide, front 50, front tailslide. The light wasn’t turning on so it got tough to see the ledge after awhile. I got a couple bad back 50s and one front tail that slid. We did some bonelesses over the hip. I got a no comply bigspin. I tried a few 3 flips over the hip before we left for the next spot.


Jake suggested a manny pad spot so this seemed like the perfect fit. I was on the phone with my mom for awhile while Jake rolled around working on some stuff. He got a line with manual, ollie onto the sidewalk, kickflip off. I couldn’t manual one of the pads initially so instead I just manualled the long one first try. Ha. Tried to nose manny it too to relive my Blame The Filmer part, but couldn’t quite get it. We put a little plastic bucket out to do tricks over. Jake worked on a line of front 180 over it then halfcab manual. He had never done hc manual before, but he got a couple. Sick! I tried a few things then settled into a line attempt of kickflip manual, ollie onto the sidewalk and then 360 flip off. Never quite got the manual part or the 3 flips. Switched it up to nose manny instead and got closer, but still never rode away from the tre. Doh. At one point the funniest thing happened. Jake nollie front 180’d the little bucket and I tried to get his back with a kickflip and I landed right on it and it shattered. Disgusting wet cigarette butts and old banana peels went flying. Ha. We laughed for awhile. Even though I didn’t land much it was a really fun session.