skate journal: Filmer Glen (Jan 6, 2013)
Posted in Skate Journal on January 7th, 2013 by corpoWent to this spot with Dean, Bernie and Derek. I was feeling really run down. My skating included a slow noseslide, a slow boardslide and a slow firecracker down the three. Yippee. Then I filmed for three hours straight. We hit one other spot where I rode down some long stairs and ollied a long two. That was it. Tough day of filming then I ended up getting sick later on. Ugh. Called in sick from work today and everything. So that’s why my arthritis flared up a little. Ugh.
skate journal: random loading dock bank spot with carleigh and ollie (Jan 5, 2013)
Posted in New Shoes, Skate Journal on January 7th, 2013 by corpoI was home with Ollie as Liz and India were out doing stuff. We had already played basketball for awhile and I wanted to skate. Rather then wait for the girls to get home to watch Ollie I talked him into going skating. We drove around for a bit trying to find something, but lots of spots were snowy. We found this near Ball Aerospace and it ended up being fun enough for the next hour or so. Ollie and I played around before Carleigh showed. There was a little two stairish drop behind where I took that photo and I would ollie off it to start some runs. Ollie did a couple body varials on the bank and almost a 360 body varial. That was about it for him. Other then that he just kinda followed me around or finger painted with the dirt on the car. Carleigh showed up, super hyped on the spot (not) and went to work on pop shoves to fakie, then front shove fakie, then kickflip fakie. I got a really bad one of those side rock kickflips, kickflip fakie, fakie flip. Carleigh then tried a bunch of varial flips and landed a couple. I tried a line of front 180 the little drop (weirder then it should have been due to puddles in the landing), fakie flip on flat then fakie treflip on the bank. Never got close to the fakie tre. Tried another line with ollie the drop, treflip on flat and then it doesn’t matter because I never got the treflip until later when I tried it on it’s own. Last up for me was a few ollies off the drop over a patch of snow. Not big at all. So my arthritis wasn’t too bad. I originally thought it was acting up due to the wind, but it never really got windy. Hmm.
Oh yeah, I had new shoes. Fuzz gave me permission to not skate those Hufs anymore as he agreed they felt like the worst shoes ever. These Supra Amigo’s don’t seem like the best shoes ever, but they are certainly leagues above those piece of crap Hufs.
skate journal: Filmer Glen (Jan 4, 2013)
Posted in Skate Journal on January 5th, 2013 by corpo
Connor Rips
Headed to Denver kinda early. Picked up Jack, Connor and Derek. We stopped at a spot in Denver them moved towards Aurora where we skated the spot that Chad filmed an epic line a year ago, I did my tallest ollie ever and we had a blast. This time my skating would suck though. Out of the blue my arthritis was back. Not painful, but making things really awkward and ollieing up a curb was hard. Luckily Jack was done to film a line and I can film without lucking as dumb. After that point I was basically Filmer Glen all day. I had dorked around a little, but there you see me above filming Connor get a really good quick feet line. Jack and Derek came through with some good stuff too. All in all a fun day. I love those dudes. Time to lay into the turmeric for arthritis again.
skate journal: Sol ramp after work for a bit (Jan 3, 2013)
Posted in Skate Journal on January 5th, 2013 by corpoWent to SOL after work to pick up a check. I brought my board and joined a couple young kids skating on the flat bottom. I wanted to actually skate the ramp and when I started doing so the kids started playing hacky sack and it would land on the ramp sometimes. Ugh. They skated the ramp a little, but it made it weird. I of course sucked. That ramp is so hard to me. I only did some back 50s basically. Then I skated flat with those dudes for a bit. Had a good first try treflip that kind of surprised me, but then I never landed another one. Had a good heelflip and a couple other basics when a couple other dudes showed up that wanted to actually skate the ramp. Rad. They were good skaters. The kids left and we had a fun session. We all slipped, slammed, complained about how hard the ramp is, etc. But had fun. I wussed out of a front d, but had some fakie 50 and fakie back smith stalls that made me kinda happy at least. I need to skate that ramp more.
skate journal: ledge spot on campus with jack and carleigh (Jan 1, 2013)
Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on January 2nd, 2013 by corpoNot quite as cold. 34 degrees and sunny. Not bad! In the afternoon I drove around looking for a dry spot and found this spot. I skated for awhile before Jack and Carleigh showed up. I haven’t street skated in a long time and it showed. I was lowering the bar on horrible skating. There is a little 3 stair nearby with a weird approach, but still just a 3 stair and it took me at least 10 tries to ollie it. Ugh. I almost rolled my ankle on a fakie flip so I once again had to tighten up the Hufs as they are the loosest fitting shoes ever. Eventually I did start to skate ok. Had a run with a front 180 a little pile of snow, halfcab noseslide a ledge, kickflip, back 180 off a curb. Super basic, but it got my juices flowing. Jack and Carleigh showed up. Jack was on a beat up cruiser board and riding through snow a lot having a blast. Peep the sketchy manual in the snow above. So crazy. Carleigh hadn’t really skated in a long long time, but got some noseslides quick. Everyone seemed to be having fun and skating decent. Carleigh added a few front tails. I had a line of kickflip over the snow pile, crooks, heelflip. Jack was killing treflips all over the place and also did a dolphin flip (photo above). I got a line of slappy front tail, ollie up a ledge then front 180 off the last one. Jack was killing it with ollies up tall ones, treflips off, ollieing past the stairs, etc etc. Towards the end Carleigh did front 180 up the small one and almost halfcab the hard way off the next one. Jack did another ollie up then treflip off and I wanted in on it and eventually landed it. I know at the time it didn’t seem like a very clean make and I almost didn’t count it, but in my head now it seemed pretty good. Ha. Good thing no filming was going down. Super fun session. Hopefully it warms up so we can do it again.
skate journal: solo rampy for a bit (Dec 31, 2012)
Posted in Skate Journal on January 1st, 2013 by corpoSince there was absolutely no one calling in with printing problems I got out of work early. Took a little nap then went out to Rampy for an hourish before the family got back from Omaha. I mostly did did basics for awhile. Back axle, front axle, rock fakie, fakie axle fakie, etc. Some front disasters. In between bails I would try a treflip on flat. It’s so hard with that little of space and speed. I eventually would get a couple. After awhile I started just doing new tricks on Rampy. Frontside boneless/lien thing to tail. Came close to a lot of them, but only landed one. Also tried a bunch of kickflip axle stalls. Didn’t really get too close to that either. I lose a lot of motivation on Rampy these days. That coping sucks.