Sean Flaherty Nose Bonk. Photo by Dean Barnes.

Chadman front 180 up switch heel over. Photo by Dean Barnes.
Man I was so tired. I drove down from my mom’s place early. The drive wasn’t bad, but 3 hours is a bit regardless. A big crew had sounded interested, but when it came meeting time it quickly fell apart. We still went to Denver though. It was Bernie, Chad and I in my car. Dean, Max, Sean and Jack in Dean’s car. First spot was overrun with Broncos traffic so we went way out to Centennial to one of the sickest spots ever. I didn’t even warm up before the filming started. Some really cool stuff went down and some not so cool stuff. After the kids were ready to move on for food I wanted to skate. Chad stuck around and we skated a bit more. I had troubles ollie’ing up the two stair due to a crack that messed with my head, but ended up getting it. Ollieing off a little two stair that had another two right away was tough for me too. I was sucking. Chad was doing 100mph kickflip manuals up the two. There is a somewhat tall ledge off the two stair and I wanted to noseslide it. I got a kickflip out of the handicap bump then got the noseslide. Sweet.
After some food we went to the Centennial park. It was crowded when we got there and I was still feeling stiff and awkward. Max was destroying the place. Sean too. Chad skates so rad. Just kinda doing random stuff then will do such a crazy trick perfect. Dean ollied a rail on the bank. I was trying to ollie into the bank over the rail, but took forever to do it. I got it though. Max treflipped over it and ollied over it out of a manual. Yeah, I suck. I also did a tailslide on the bank, front shove off a little kicker and almost got treflip flyout for the brohs. One of the front shove misses hurt my foot. These little Lakais are gonna be done real quick. They already hurt too much. Pretty weird day. Too much driving.