skate journal: Niwot High with TF (July 29, 2011)

Posted in Skate Journal on July 31st, 2011 by corpo

Kind of a late start and lots of driving around to pick everyone up, but Rob, Carleigh, Jake and I met up with Fuzz at Niwot High around the time the sun was setting. We all did our own thing cruising around warming up for awhile. I did some back noseslides, kickflips, short crooks, back back 50s, a bad treflip and some other randomness. Fuzz killed some back 50s regardless of how many times he shook his head after. He was trying some to back boardslide and I think he got a couple. Jake keeps getting better. Back 50s, front lips, back noseslides, front 50s, front 50 to front board. Carleigh was recovering from happy hour party mode and ripped her hand open again. Ugh, that blows. Rob was ripping, but having troubles with one of his staples, front tailslides. I forget what trick he did, but Fuzz and I were super hyped. Oh yeah the funniest thing that happened was when we were all lined up by the door at the bottom and Carleigh goes to push off and got about one push before hitting a rock and going down. So funny. It got kinda dark so we skated one of the taller ledges that was lit well. Rob did a bunch of front board pop outs he wasn’t happy with, but were still sick. Fuzz tried ollie up front 360 off, got close, but almost tweeked his knee so sat down. Jake and I went for ollie up kickflip off. It took us a bit. I landed on a bunch of them, but only rode away from two initially and they were both super bad. Jake got a good one. I added a couple poorly landed front shoves. It would seem that every trick I land now is landed with both hands down. Ugh. At the end I redeemed myself in my head though. I got ollie up, kickflip on top of the ledge (so scary!), then kickflip off (this one was landed clean). Super hyped on that. Then I ended up playing a game of SKATE with Rob and Jake. I rode Fuzz’s board since he’s on the 8.25 program now too and I might want to join that club. Oh, did you hear Fuzz is riding Thunder’s now? Yeah. Totally broh. And he’s digging them. So yeah, I had a good excuse with the big board. It was a pretty long game with some good tricks and we had fun. In the end Jake took it with a fakie front bigspin. “Totally lame trick!” Ha. Fun night even though i couldn’t seem to ollie up to frontside grind at all.

skate journal: valmont with carleigh (July 28, 2011)

Posted in Skate Journal on July 31st, 2011 by corpo

Was super tired after my first day back at work then some tough conversations with my mom. Ugh. I feel so bad for her. I did manage to go skating for a bit though and Carleigh joined. We played a warm up game of SKATE where I started off really bad then came back and made sure a girl didn’t beat me. Ha, just kidding of course. Carleigh, you gotta get those fakie bigspins or your gonna get a letter every game! I landed a few crooks on the ledge and some back 50s. Backed up a couple with treflips. Tried front tails for a long time and got a super lame one. Carleigh mostly skated flat for awhile. We tried lines of ollie a crack gap then trick on the ledge. She got noseslide. I didn’t get front 50. Doh. I put some 2x4s on the cracks to make the crack gap feel bigger. It felt a lot bigger. We both ended up getting it though. I was so tired on the drive home I almost fell asleep. Doh.