skate journal: quick one at the buena vista park (June 3, 2011)

Posted in Skate Journal on June 6th, 2011 by corpo

Had about one hour of free time so I bolted solo to the skatepark. It was warm and sunny, but super windy. My legs didn’t feel all that great. I cruised around feeling a few things out when all the teenagers in town showed up. I was thinking it would be cool to see some local dudes actually skate. Nope. Most just sat in cars. The bmx’ers actually biked around a bit, but mostly just annoyed me. I tried to ollie over the 3 stair rail again, but was over it when one dude sat on it two times in a row. I could not land a single flatground trick. The only cool thing I did was a backside flip on the 4 foot quarter pipe. Yes, well below coping.

skate journal: solo buena vista park (may 31, 2011)

Posted in Skate Journal on June 2nd, 2011 by corpo

Definitely having a tough day. Had a couple hours before Liz and the kids would arrive so I went to the park. I had to clear some tumbleweeds out from under the ledge to be able to skate it. My body felt sore, but mostly I could not get the sound of my mom crying out of my head. I started out doing laps from the qp and flyout. I’d start by ollie’ing the flat bar, axle stall the tall qp, try to do sucked up ollies out of the flyout, frontside smith on the small qp, then manual the ledge. Didn’t get them all. After awhile I tried just manual followed by nose manual on the ledge. It took me awhile just to get manual and I hung up on a few nose manny attempts. Ugh. I was feeling really old. Not just old physically, but old. I kept at it though. Finally got back 50 on the little ledge. I tried to ollie the 3 stair handrail for awhile. There is a big crack right before it so it’s kind of weird. I got some ollies over it, but kicked it away. I would like to do that sometime, but my head definitely wasn’t in it. Eventually the family showed up and Ollie rolled around with me for awhile. It cheered me up, but we had to go.